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Entries from Mexico

Mexico’s Volcanoes: Dale & Team At Orizaba’s High Camp

This is Christina with the RMI Volcano Mexico team, and we are currently eating tacos, chicken tacos, in a hut at 14,000 feet on the side of Pico de Orizaba. The weather is in and the peak above us has a new blanket of snow that reaches all the way down to our camp for the night. After our extreme weather on Ixta, we're hoping for calmer winds and clear skies. We'd even settle for clouds at this point. The two-hour jeep ride up here to our high camp today was the perfect illustration of our group this week. We found ourselves laughing at David's stories and turning to Rob for his pop culture references. Craig was there with his ever joyful spirit and always had M&M's to offer around. Lorenzo made sure everyone was comfortable and happy. Steve constantly amazes us with his strength inconsistency. Then there's Patty who rocks at everything she does and always enjoys a good laugh. Somehow this group was able to make a bumpy dirt road fun. JT and I feel so lucky to have spent this week with these wonderful people and climbing in the high mountains of Mexico. Orizaba tomorrow. Hope for good weather. Thank you. RMI Guide Christina Dale

RMI Guide Christina Dale calls in from Pico de Orizaba High camp.

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Mexico’s Volcanoes: Dale & Team Spend the Day Sightseeing in Puebla

Our team spent the rest day wandering around the beautiful streets and churches of Puebla today. We saw some beautiful churches, community parks, ceramic studios, and street musicians. Everyone feels tired after our Ixta climb but in great spirits to go climb Pico de Orizaba on Saturday. We all talked over a delicious dinner about what we learned climbing Ixta and are excited for the next challenge. We are enjoying our time in the mountains and towns of Mexico. Fingers crossed for clear sky's on Orizaba! RMI Guide Christina Dale
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Mexico’s Volcanoes: Dale & Team Check in with a Summit Recap

We lay in our tents listening to the sounds of heavy rain, snow, hail, then lighting and thunder at High Camp in Ixta. Miraculous, at 1 am the weather cleared and we packed up to head for the summit. We climbed through the dark night into a dense cloud. Everyone made it to the summit with a layer of rime ice surrounding their faces. We had quick hugs on the summit then hustled back down. The weather progressively worsened on our descent to a point where the winds were so strong we couldn't stand against them. It was a true blizzard and everyone on the team did so well getting down safely. We definitely had a full value climb with lots of excitement. RMI Guide Christina Dale
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Mexico’s Volcanoes: Dale & Entire Team Reach Summit of Ixtaccihuatl

Hey, this is Christina calling in with the Mexico climb at 7:45 in the morning, and we are standing on the summit. It is howling wind sideways and blowing snow so everyone's covered in a layer of rime. Everyone did so well climbing and we are all up here in good spirits taking a very quick photo, and then we're going to be out of here quick because the weather is coming in. Tomorrow is our rest day and we are all looking forward to it. Congratulations to our team, we are 100% on the summit of Ixta. RMI Guide Christina Dale

RMI Guide Christina Dale calls from the summit of Ixtaccihuatl.

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Mexico’s Volcanoes: Dale & Team Ready for Summit Bid

Hi, this is Christina with the RMI Mexico Volcanoes team. We're currently perched high at 15,000 feet at our high Camp on Ixta. Everyone is doing super well. Today we got into camp an hour and a half before we thought we would so we are walking incredibly strong. It's a beautiful day out on the mountain today. We're going to wake up at midnight tonight, and give the summit our best shot. Everyone's feeling great- had a hot meal, and then some hot drinks and some nice time to hang out and enjoy the changing cloud patterns of the Mexico landscape below. We hope to give you our next call from the summit! Wish us well. RMI Guide Christina Dale

RMI Guide Christina Dale calls in from Ixtaccihuatl's high camp.

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Mexico’s Volcanoes: Team Ascends to the Climbers Hut on Ixtaccihuatl

Hola amigos! We are checking in from 13,100 on Ixta, reporting light rain and overcast skies, but with loads of optimism for clear skies tomorrow for our hike to high camp at 15,000 feet! Today was spent in preparation for our ascent of Ixta, which included a stop in the town of Amecameca, which was devoid of tourism and gave us a wonderful insight into authentic Mexican culture. After stocking up on water and last minuet supplies we drove to the park entrance where we stretched our legs with a walk to our abode for the evening. The rest of the evening was spent packing and eating a delicious meal prepared by our wonderful host Rogelio. The meal was a delicious concoction of beef, rice, guacamole and beans. We will wake tomorrow and start our way up the trail to Ixta high camp! Buenas noches from RMI Guides Christina, JT and the rest of the Mexican volcanoes team!

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Mexico Volcanoes: Team Takes Acclimatization Hike on La Malinche

Sunday, October 8, 2017 Hey this is Christina in Mexico with a blog post: Some of our team, our world champion boxer, Patty, summited La Malinche today! The rest of us had a truly great day and got in a big acclimatization hike up to 13,400 feet. The best part of the day was that everyone felt great and was so happy to be hiking up way above the Mexican countryside. The climb took us up through the green forests and to the summit ridge where we watched thunderheads roll across the land below. We can back down in a whirlwind of conversations and laughter to hot showers and a sizzling dinner. Everyone is looking forward to Ixtaccihuatl. RMI Guide Christina Dale

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Mexico’s Volcanoes: Day 1 - Team Meets in Mexico City

Hola! The team convened this evening at the lovely Hotel Geneve in the Zona Rosa region of Mexico City. To everyone's relief the earthquake damage proved to be minimal in this area of the city, and hopefully that continues to be the trend for the entirety of the trip. The team met each other for the first time in the lobby of the hotel, whilst seated in high backed lounge chairs, surrounded by paintings and towering bookshelves which made for a rather regal setting to begin our Mexican adventure. After meeting the team and going over a brief synopsis of the days to come, we took a short walk through the Zona Rosa to a lively establishment that served authentic Mexican food, tasty margaritas, as well as a full mariachi band. Although we were not able to sing along to the tunes with the rest of the patrons, I am sure we enjoyed the food just as much as the locals sharing the restaurant with us. Tomorrow we depart Mexico City and head for the former training site of the Mexican Olympic team, La Malinche, and begin our acclimatization with a trip up the extinct volcanoe. Buenas noches, RMI Guides Christina Dale, JT Schmitt and the rest of the RMI Mexican Volcanoes team!
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Good luck I’m praying for good weather for you! Be safe.
Team leader- team gramma neenee

Posted by: Ellen Smith Eaton on 10/9/2017 at 7:26 am

Yeah team! Good luck with weather, enjoy the challenge and have fun! Xtina and JT top notch! Special regards to Craig FLKHGN.

Posted by: Elias on 10/8/2017 at 6:06 pm

Mexico’s Volcanoes: RMI Guides Frank, Konway & Team Summit Orizaba!

Summit! All team members with RMI Guides Eric Frank and Jenny Konway reached el Pico de Orizaba's summit today. Unfortunately the team was not able to call from the summit but they are back in Tlachichuca safe and sound. Congratulations team!

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congratulations Andrew!!!

Posted by: Duncan Mckinnon on 3/12/2017 at 4:56 am

Mexico’s Volcanoes: Frank & Team Prepare for Orizaba Summit

Hello, this is Eric Frank and the Mexican Volcanoes team. We are at the Refugio at the base of Orizaba. We left Puebla this morning and make a quick stop at Tlachichuca, the small town next to Orizaba, where we had enchiladas for lunch. Got packed up, and then got in the back of some big 4x4 trucks and road up here to the Refugio. The weather is clearing up and hopefully things will turn out for us in the morning. Everyone's in good spirits. We just had a big dinner of spaghetti and getting ready to bed down so that we can get up in just a few hours to launch for our climb in the middle of the night. Wish us luck on our last big objective, and we'll be back in the states with family before too long. RMi Guide Eric Frank

RMI Guide Eric Frank calls in from Orizaba's high camp.

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