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Entries from Mexico

Mexico’s Volcanoes: Nelson & Team Enjoy an Acclimating Hike

Here we are at the Altzimoni hut, checking in after another good day in Mexico. We rose this morning and hit the road from La Malintzi to the town of Amecameca where we picked up some last minute fresh food items for our climb on Ixta. The bus then took us up to the Paso de Cortez, and continued up to the hut here at 13,000 feet. Upon arriving we grabbed our day packs and went up tomorrow’s trail, towards Ixta high camp, for another acclimatization hike. It’s been a bit cloudy here at the moment but otherwise it’s as beautiful as ever up here in the mountains. The whole team seems to be handling the altitude thus far exceedingly well and I think we’re looking really strong for our trip up to high camp tomorrow. We fueled up with a nice dinner of carne asada, rice, and fresh tortillas so now it’s time to get some sleep for a day of heavy packs and uphill travel! RMI Guide Chase Nelson

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Mexico’s Volcanoes: Nelson & Team Arrive in Mexico City, Begin First Hike

Hola from Mexico! The team met yesterday evening following our flights to Mexico City, and had a nice dinner a short walk from Hotel Geneve. Little did I know that shortly after we sat a mariachi band complete with a singing luchador began to play... what a trip! This morning we boarded our bus and took the journey to La Malintzi at the foot of a dormant volcano, La Malinche, and spent the day hiking up to nearly 13,500 ft to acclimatize. Our goal today was less summit oriented and more for preparing our bodies for the climbs ahead so we opted out of going all the way to it’s 14,500 ft summit. That being said, the team was strong from start to finish and capped off the hike with a bit of earned relaxation before dinner. Tonight we’ll be sleeping in the cabañas here at La Malintzi at 10,000 feet to keep acclimatizing, all in prep for the next several days on Ixta! I’ll check in as our climb progresses, RMI Guide Chase Nelson

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Looking forward to following you on this adventure dad (Richard), can’t wait to hear all about it! Stay safe!

Posted by: Abbie Aspinall on 2/19/2018 at 7:30 pm

Enjoy the climb everyone. What a wonderful experience. Looking forward to hearing all about it Brandon.

Posted by: Terri Travis on 2/19/2018 at 6:45 pm

Mexico’s Volcanoes: Hailes & Team Recap Summit Day

After a 1 am sharp departure, climbers topped out on the Roof of Mexico just after 8:30am, the ascent lit by alpenglow and spiced up by loose rock near the summit. After half an hour admiring the steep summit crater and a quick descent in deep sandy “polvo” (dust/dirt), we all reunited at camp for our long descent back down and reflections over dinner at Dr.Reyes’ in Tlachichuca. What a circuitously adventurous week, and what a phenomenally engaged team of climbers. RMI Guides Walter Hailes, Jessie Poquerusse & the fantastic Mexico volcanoes team
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Mexico Volcanoes: Hailes & Team Call from Summit of Orizaba

Hi friends and family this is Walter Hailes from the summit of Orizaba. We had a really, really tough time this morning, but we have beautiful weather. We're standing on top, enjoying the sunshine, getting pictures, having a great day. We will call or send you an email as soon as you get back down to camp. We will talk to you soon and see everyone we love very soon. From the summit of Orizaba - will talk to you later. Bye. RMI Guide Walter Hailes

RMI Guide Walter Hailes calls from the summit of Pico de Orizaba.

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Mexico Volcanoes: Hailes & Team Ready for Pico de Orizaba Summit in the Morning

Today we departed from the warm showers and soft beds of our Puebla hotel to rough it one last night up high. After a luxurious breakfast at our host Dr. Reyes’ re-purposed home (from an ancient soap factory) followed by a three-hour stomach-churning ride through local farms and a long windy road up to Pico de Orizaba National Park, we settled straight into our camp site for the night, sitting well above the clouds at 14,900ft. Everybody has been working well, setting up camp and prepping meals, but we’re also very grateful for the efforts and support of our local porters and guide, who have been fantastic resources and friends. Burritos and more laughter on the dinner menu, then an early bedtime for us in order to be fully charged to tackle our final objective tomorrow, the roof of Mexico, the Pico de Orizaba. RMI Guide Jessie Poquerusse & the crew
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Mexico Volcanoes: Hailes & Team Spend the Day in Puebla

Hola from our well deserved rest day in the historic city, and UNESCO world heritage site, of Puebla. While most folks would spend the day meandering the streets and enjoying the local pleasures, this diligent group was practicing their mountain efficiency skills until the very last minute... effectively pressure breathing and rest stepping their way, single file, the way into our local evening dinner venue (photo attached). What a team. RMI Guide Jessie Poquerusse & the team
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Mexico’s Volcanoes: Hailes & Team Summit Ixtaccihuatl

Wednesday, January 24, 2018 Todos han cumbreado (everybody summited)! The group was a bit apprehensive last night as the clouds were dancing in and around camp, but we woke up at 1am to mostly clear skies and made our bid for the top of Ixtaccihuatl in 6mph, -4C weather - doesn’t get much better than that. The sun rose right as we began our final ascent stretch, shedding dramatic light on the Martian like landscape with Popocateptl puffing volcanic smoke in the background. We all celebrated on top under the sun and above a thick undercast. Upon return to high camp we swiftly packed up and made our way back down in a graupel storm before reaching our van, celebrating (again) over beers and sandwiches, and making the drive to our hot showers and warm food in Puebla. Tired and happy, RMI Guides Jessie, Walter & the team

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Mexico’s Volcanoes: Hailes & Team Ascend to High Camp on Ixta

Hola, we are checking in from above the marine layer here at about 15,000ft, just below the Refugio de los Cien on the Southern flank of Ixta. We woke up early this morning and after a breakfast of champions slowly but steadily logged the vertical feet from our Altzomoni hut up to here. The day started hot, sunny, and steep, but everyone just kept their nose to the grindstone. Light clouds rolled in around noon though and cooled the air and our efforts, until we reached our final steep ascent to the base of the very aptly named Arista del Sol ridge. We set up camp which now looks like our little village above the clouds, chatted summit day over a spicy alpine dinner, and are back in our sleeping bags ready for our early start tomorrow. Folks are feeling good and excited to get up high! RMI Guides Walter Hailes, Jessie Poquerusse and the team

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Love reading these updates! This adventure sounds amazing! Keep up the hard work!

Posted by: Mende Potkay on 1/24/2018 at 1:44 pm

Mexico’s Volcanoes: Hailes & Team Check in from Altzimoni Hut

Checking in here from about 12,000ft at the Altzimoni hut. Today we traveled from La Malinche via the windy Paso de Cortez up to our new hut, stopping on the way for a big egg-based brunch with an interesting mix of exotic local ingredients and our home staples. We met our local Mexican guide and porters in Paso de Cortez and are happy to have their local knowledge and support. Tonight we’ll start reviewing camp set up procedures and check gear on the sunny terrace of our hut, then enjoy a large dinner before we head to our high camp tomorrow. The sun has been shining all day, with only sparse clouds starting to form a crown on Popocapetl and Ixta. Our high camp is barely visible among the clouds forming at the start of the Arista del Sol ridge. Everyone is doing very well with the altitude, looking strong, and in very good spirits! RMI Guide Jessie Poquerusse

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Looking great! Good luck tomorrow!!!

Posted by: Mende Potkay on 1/22/2018 at 2:44 pm

Mexico’s Volcanoes: Hailes & Team Enjoy Views on First Hike

Sunday, January 21, 2018 - 7:03 pm PT Hello from day two on the slopes of our first volcano, La Malinche! Today we made our way to the Malintzi resort at a little over 10,000ft. We wasted no time and immediately headed uphill and hiked up to the ridge heading to the top, at about 13,700ft - not bad for our first day. We were rewarded with a panoramic view of our upcoming objectives, Ixta and Pico de Orizaba, poking up through a layer of clouds. We all returned dusty and ready to shower and eat. RMI Guides Jessie Poquerusse, Walter Hailes & the team

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