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Entries from Mexico

Mexico’s Volcanoes: King & Team Summit Ixtaccihuatl on a Clear and Windy Day

RMI Guide Mike King and the Mexico's Volcanoes team reached the summit of Ixtaccihuatl (17,340') early this morning.  Mike reported a clear and windy day with many climbers on the route.  The team left early from their High Camp and their reward was enjoying the sunrise from the summit.  We will get a full report from Mike once the team has descended.

Congratulations team!

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Awesome Mike! Congrats to You and the Team!

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 11/11/2021 at 2:47 am

Mexico’s Volcanoes: King & Team Ascend to High Camp on Ixta, Ready for Summit Attempt

We had a casual start to the day. Our hike took us to 15,400’ on Ixta where we have camp set up for the night. Our plan is to rest a little bit after the hard effort of carrying heavy packs and still adjusting to these higher elevations. This evening we will do some gear and skills refreshers. There are some ravens squawking over head and the sun feels good on the tents. Tonight we will ascend the “knees” of Ixta and gain the long and circuitous ridge line and hopefully be on the summit around sunrise. Spirits are high and everyone is healthy and enjoying having the heavy packs off their backs.

RMI Guide Mike King

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All the Best to you and your Team Mike!!
Farmer Dave

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 11/10/2021 at 2:53 am

Mexico’s Volcanoes: King and Team Stretch Legs, Arrive at La Jolla

We got an early start after breakfast today. Eventually we made a short stop in Amecameca for some last minute provisions and a light lunch before riding up to Paso de Cortez where the park entrance for Ixta resides. We opted for a five mile hike instead of riding the bus on the bumpy road. While the hike was mostly on a gated dirt road we enjoyed the rolling grassy hills and scattered pine trees. Afternoon clouds had built up and we were able to see the lower portion of our climbing route. 

We’ll spend the remainder of the afternoon setting up tents and getting our gear sorted for the move up to our high camp tomorrow. The Team is doing well and hoping for Popo to put off some ash plumes for some good photos. We will check in tomorrow from high camp.

RMI Guide Mike King

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Mexico Volcanoes: King & Team Arrive in Mexico City, head to La Malinche

The  Mexico Volcanoes Team arrived yesterday with all their equipment. Today we left Mexico City for a two and a half hour drive through the scenic country side on our way to La Malinche. Along the way we got great views of Orizaba, Ixta and Popo. In my eight trips I’ve not seen the air quality this clear for such long distances. Which makes having our hike cut short around 12,000’ due to the park police turning hikers around all the more disappointing. This area is known for afternoon thunderstorms and apparently the park is instituting a strict turn around time now. 

We decided to listen to the tactically dressed officer with the gun and not end up in a Mexican jail. The group got a chance to stretch their lungs and legs some, we all would have hoped for a longer hike. The remainder of the day will be spent in the former Olympic training center that now hosts tourists and locals. We will look forward to heading to Ixta tomorrow for a hike and gear check. 

Thanks for following along,

RMI Guide Mike King

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Great job dad, keep going. Moms says hi.

Love, Daniel

Posted by: Daniel Kovatich on 11/10/2021 at 6:10 pm

Mexico’s Volcanoes: Swingle & Team Summit Orizaba on a Windy Morning

This morning at 8:45am everyone on the team was standing on the highest point in Mexico! We didn’t have a chance to hang out long on top because of strong winds that were bitter cold at 18,491ft. But we were able to enjoy the view before the clouds rolled in and followed us down the mountain. 

It was a difficult climb due to the strong winds, but everyone did a great job pushing through to the summit! 

We are back down in the town of Tlachichuca where we will celebrate our final night together before we fly home tomorrow. 

RMI Guide Grayson Swingle

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I am beyond impressed with this accomplishment, Matthew!! And I am so relieved you are back down

Posted by: Constance Roth on 10/17/2021 at 8:36 am

What an amazing accomplishment! Congrats to my brother, Matthew, and the entire team!

Posted by: Ashley on 10/17/2021 at 6:57 am

Mexico Volcanoes: Team Ready for Pico de Orizaba

Hello from 14,000ft on Pico de Orizaba! Today we left the comfort of Puebla behind for our final objective. A two hour bumpy 4x4 ride in the back of a pickup truck took us up to our basecamp on Orizaba. The team is feeling well rested for one more climb tonight.

We have clear skies at the moment and the forecast is calling for a clear summit bid tonight. We are looking forward to watching the sunrise from the side of an 18,491ft volcano. For some folks this will be a new altitude record previously broken on Ixta earlier this week.

Wish us luck for a beautiful morning of climbing. We will check in again tomorrow!

RMI Guide Grayson Swingle

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Mexico Volcanoes: The Teams Enjoys Puebla

Greetings from Puebla! Today was a great day for the team to rest and explore the beautiful city of Puebla. This city is full of history, delicious food, colorful markets and a perfect place to recover for our next climb.

After a day to explore the incredible Catholic Churches built in the 1500s, the team ate dinner together at El Mural de los Poblanos, a fantastic restaurant full of classic local dishes. Puebla is known as the home of Mole. 

Our next objective begins tomorrow as we head up to 14,000ft to the high camp on Pico de Orizaba!

RMI Guide Grayson Swingle

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Mexico’s Volcanoes: Swingle and Entire Team Summit Ixta

The whole team is standing on the summit of Ixta at 8:10 am central time! It was a chilly climb but the sun is shining now and it is warming up a bit. The team did an awesome job getting up here. Now we will shift our focus to a smooth descent. That's all for now. We will check in again from thicker air!

RMI Guide Grayson Swingle

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Mexico: Team Prepares for Ixta Summit Attempt

Hello from 15,500ft on Ixta! The team did an impressive job carrying heavy loads up to our high camp today. Sunny skies and upbeat attitudes made for a great day in the mountains.

Our camp is above the clouds for now with only a light breeze. We have spectacular views of the Volcano Popocatepetl (17,800ft) to our south. Popo is an active volcano that spits out plumes of Ash from time to time which is fun to watch.

Tonight we will eat an early dinner and crawl into bed to get some shut eye before an early start to our summit attempt tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing the massive sprawl of city lights from both Mexico City and Puebla thousands of feet below.

RMI Guide Grayson Swingle

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Love reading the updates.  Hope tomorrow is a successful summit day!

Posted by: Katie Allanson on 10/12/2021 at 1:25 pm

Mexico: Team Settles in at the Base of Ixtaccihuatl

Checking in from 13,000ft on Ixta. Today the team is preparing our equipment for our trip up to high camp (15,500ft) on Ixta. We are enjoying a beautiful sunset to the west with glorious views of Ixta to the North. The mountain has fresh snow above 15,500ft.

Tomorrow will be a challenging day with heavier packs, but our team is looking strong.  As we watch the sunset, we are eating a delicious meal prepared by our wonderful local staff!

Wish us luck for continuing good weather and hopefully a successful summit of Ixta 17,100ft!

We will check in from our high camp tomorrow. 

RMI Guide Grayson Swingle

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