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Entries By stephen inman

North Cascades Seminar Has an Extraordinary Week

The Expedition Skills Seminar, led by RMI Guide Andy Bond, spent six days in the North Cascades.  They had a tremendous time learning mountaineering skills and to top it off, reached the summits of Mt. Shuksan and Mt. Baker!  The team is currently on their descent to the trailhead where they will celebrate together before departing for home.

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Congratulations to the team! Two successful summits!!

Posted by: Tracey Inman on 8/29/2021 at 9:25 pm

Mt. Shuksan: Parrinello & Team Reach Summit via Sulphide Glacier

RMI Guide Avery Parrinello and the Mt. Shuksan Sulphide Glacier August 16 - 19 team reached the summit of Mt. Shuksan yesterday.  Avery reported they had a beautiful summit day and had safely returned to camp for the evening.  Today the team will break camp and continue down to the trail head concluding their program.

Congratulations to all the climbers!

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Mt. Rainier: Kautz Seminar Reaches 12,500’

The Kautz Seminar, led by RMI Guide James Bealer, was stopped by route conditions this morning.  They reached 12,500' before making the call to abort their ascent.  The team is currently working their way back to high camp.  They have had a full week of training and will spend one more night on the mountain before concluding their program tomorrow.

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Mt. Rainier: Kautz Seminar Team Reaches Point Success

RMI Guide Andy Bond and the Kautz Seminar July 30 - 4 August team reached Point Success today!  The second highest of Mt. Rainier's three named summits, Point Success at 14,158'.  The Kautz route was challenging for the team today with large penitentes and route finding, but they reached the summit with all of their team members, 100% success!  The team will return to camp for their final night on the mountain.  Tomorrow they will return to the trailhead and celebrate their week of training and climbing accomplishment.

Way to go team!  Congratulations!

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100% Success! Congratulations to all the team members!

Posted by: Tracey Inman on 8/4/2021 at 3:46 am

Mt. Rainier: Grom, Wilkinson & Teams Reach Summit!

Congratulations to the Four Day Climb July 22 - 25 on reaching the summit of Mt. Rainier today!  Clear skies accompanied these teams led by RMI Guides Casey Grom and Devin Wilkinson, to the summit early this morning.  After enjoying some time on top they begain their descent from the crater rim aroun 6:15 am.  These climbers will continue their descent to Paradise today and conclude their adventure with a celebration at Rainier BaseCamp.

Nice work team!

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We fairly flew up the mountain, thanks to expert leadership by our guides.  We topped out on the rim of the summit crater in darkness, crossed it in first light, and arrived at the Columbia Crest into the new day.  Was the sensation delight, madness, glee, relief, or some combination, to watch our great ball of fire emerge out of the noblest peak in the ring of fire?  Rainier’s perfect trapezoid shadow formed in the morning haze to the west, just north of a nearly perfect lunar orb, while summiteers snapped selfies. Casey had brought a new register book, which we had the honor to be among the first to sign (the full one he brought down to return to the NPS rangers).  At “Register Rock” we huddled to inscribe our names, though really it was the mountain inscribing itself on us!

Posted by: Lisa Fernandez on 7/26/2021 at 9:37 pm

Congratulations! I cannot wait to hear about the awesome effort and adventure.

Posted by: Joy Moretti on 7/25/2021 at 8:46 am

Mt. Baker: RMI Team Reaches Summit via the Coleman-Deming Route

The Mt. Baker Coleman-Deming Climb team June 21 - 23 reached the summit of Mt. Baker this morning around 7:30 am.  RMI Guide Henry Coppolillo checked in to let us know the team has returned to camp and will pack up their tents and gear and continue their descent to the trail head, completing their program later this afternoon.

Congratulations to all the climbers!

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Woohoo, it was a great day on the mountain! Plenty of sun and clear views - thanks team!

Posted by: Matt Byrne on 6/24/2021 at 2:46 pm

Congratulations to everyone on reaching the summit!

Posted by: Tracey Inman on 6/24/2021 at 12:49 am

Mt. Rainier: Teams Reach Summit!

After several days of high winds and unstable snow conditions, the RMI Teams were greeted with light winds, clear skies and good route conditions.  RMI Guides Pete Van Deventer, Dan Windham and their Four Day Climb teams reached the summit of Mt. Rainier shortly after 7 am today.  The teams enjoyed some time in the crater getting all the photo ops before descending from the crater rim.

Congratulations to today's teams!

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Go Lindsay Kibler and team congratulations!

Posted by: James Newman on 6/18/2021 at 8:29 am

Congrats!  Say hi to Lindsay Boo Kibler

Posted by: Steve Kibler on 6/17/2021 at 1:35 pm

Mt. Rainier: Five Day Teams Turned Back by New Snow & Avalanche Danger

The Five Day Climb June 5 - 9 ascended to Camp Muir on Monday after their inital orientation and Mountaineering School days.  Yesterday they enjoyed some additional time working as a rope team and walking in crampons as they traveled above Camp Muir to Ingraham Flats.  They were able to explore more of the mountain and see a bit of the route.  Today they left Camp Muir hoping to reach the summit.  They traveled up to Ingraham Flats and then started to ascend the Disappointment Cleaver.  Unfortunately new snow and potential avalanche danger forced them to turn back at around 12,400'.  The teams will return to Camp Muir and then continue to Paradise.  They will conclude their program in Ashford later this afternoon.

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the same thing happened to me in 1969 !!!! That was a long time ago. But over the years, I was successful 4 more times. I will never ever forget those great experiences, so do not give up. Book another climb as soon as possible. bill bussey

Posted by: bill bussey on 8/18/2021 at 11:59 am

Mt. Rainier: Five Day Climb Teams Reach Summit

RMI Teams reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning!  The Five Day Climb, May 29 - 2 June, made their summit attempt this morning led by RMI Guides Jenny Konway and Taylor Bickford.  The teams were walking into the crater rim around 7:15 am.  Taylor reported an exceptional day on the mountain with very little wind, good route conditions and warm temperatures.  The teams enjoyed some time on the summit before starting their descent.  They will return to Camp Muir for their second and final night on the mountain. 

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Congratulations to the teams for reaching the summit!!

Posted by: Tracey Inman on 6/3/2021 at 8:38 am

Mt. Rainier: Hahn, Wittmier & Muir Seminar Teams Reach Summit

The Expedition Skills Seminar - Muir led by RMI Guides Dave Hahn and Dustin Wittmier began on Sunday May 9th with the team meeting at Rainier BaseCamp for a full day orientation.  With gear checked, sorted and packed they departed Paradise on Monday morning en route to Camp Muir.  For the last two days they have based out of Camp Muir working on mountaineering techniques to prepare them for a summit climb of Mt. Rainier and more.  Today they got their chance to test their skills climbing to the summit of Mt. Rainier.   Just before 8 am PT, RMI Guide Dave Hahn radioed that the teams were ten minutes from the crater rim.  He reported perfect conditions with light and variable winds, and an overall nice and sunny day.  After they enjoy some time in the crater and get all the photo ops, the group will start their descent and return to Camp Muir for their final night on the mountain.  Tomorrow the teams will descend to Paradise and return to Rainier BaseCamp.  The weather has been great all week and we hope they enjoyed their time on the mountain.

Congratulations to today Seminar teams!

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Congratulations!! Well Done! Sooooo happy and excited for each one of you!

Posted by: Kendra Madrid on 5/14/2021 at 12:27 am

Congratulations! So happy for you all!!

Posted by: Tracey Inman on 5/13/2021 at 2:22 pm

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