Hello, we have reached Machame Camp at 10,000ft on Kilimanjaro. We left the hotel just after 7:00 am this morning. The drive to the trailhead was about two hours. That's a little bit longer than normal but the mountain was so clear this morning that we had to stop and take a few photos. The check-in process was smooth and we were on the trail just after ten. The trail is in great shape and after about six hours of hiking we made it to camp. The cooks are preparing dinner as I type this while the team is out taking photos. Our next stop is the Shira Plateau. I'll be checking in again from there.
RMI Guide Seth Waterfall
Jambo from the Dik Dik Hotel. The team for this Kilimanjaro trek is all here, packed and ready to go. We've got folks from all over the US and even a couple of Canadians.
Everyone seems to have made the long trip from North America without any problem. Although we did have a couple of missing bags, those did arrive so no real worries there.
The food and tents are packed, the crew is ready and the weather forecast is looking good. It is pretty much all systems go. I'll check in again from the mountain.
RMI Guide Seth Waterfall
Hi, this is Seth. We are all back at the Dik Dik Hotel where the team is getting set for the flight home.
We woke up this morning way out in the bush at Kikoti camp. After a great breakfast we split the group in two. Half the team went quickly back through Tarangire National Park and spent some time at Peace-Matunta Orphanage and school. The other half tried to find some leopards but they proved to be elusive. The elephants and giraffes were out in full force, though, so all was not lost.
We are all back together now and after an early dinner I'll be taking everyone to the airport where they will depart for the USA. As for me however; I'll be starting another trip shortly and that means another journey up Kilimanjaro and more wildlife viewing in Tanzania's beautiful national parks.
RMI Guide Seth Waterfall
Hey There this is Seth calling in from Kikoti Camp.
The internet is down here and there is no cell phone coverage, so I am calling in from the sat phone. We have had a great day on safari. Right after getting into the park we just happened upon three lions one male and two females. Literally within 30 seconds of being inside the National Park. We've seen about 150 to 200 elephants today and a bunch of giraffe. We got so close to an elephant, I could almost reach out and touch it! It was a great way to wrap up the trip. Out here at Kikoti camp it is nice and secluded. We've got the whole place to ourselves. They have accommodated us nicely, great folks out here. We looking forward to catching the sunset at the fire pit and saying goodbye to this trip. Everybody is going to be flying out tomorrow. We have a little bit of safari going on in the morning and then it is off the the hotel in Arusha, the Dik Dik. Everybody will get cleaned up, have some dinner and then all catch our flights home.
Great trip, good times! I'll check in again tomorrow.
RMI Guide Seth Waterfall
Thank you Seth for keeping us at home with all your blogs and pictures. You made it most enjoyable for us back home. Glad the climb was a success. Your are a great blogger and send great information. Say hi to Chris and we will be glad to see him and hear all his experiences and see all the pictures.
Posted by: Diane Sadler on 1/22/2015 at 9:34 pm
I’ve enjoyed each and every update and appreciate the effort to keep those of us at home informed about some of the things our family member is seeing and doing while on this grand adventure. The whole team rocks and congrats to all for a successful trip.
What a great day on safari! The crew all rallied for an early start to Ngorongoro Crater. The weather started out a little cool but we didn't have any of the rain like yesterday. After stopping at a Masaai Village we dropped down to the crater floor. We hit the jackpot pretty quick when a huge pride of lions popped up out of a creek bed right by us. After that we got really close to some hippos and even caught a glimpse of the elusive black rhinoceros. All in all a really fantastic day.
RMI Guide Seth Waterfall
Seth here, checking in on our first day of safari. We left the Dik Dik this morning in a total downpour and we were all a bit nervous that our luck with good weather had run out. By the time we reached Lake Manyara, however, the rain had stopped. The moisture has actually kept the dust down so riding with the top of the vehicle open has been no problem. The game viewing has been pretty solid for our 'warm up' day. I would say the hippos were the most impressive animals we saw but we got the closest to some zebras. Tonight we will stay at the Plantation Lodge and tomorrow we'll visit Ngorongoro Crater.
RMI Guide Seth Waterfall
Jambo! The team is off the mountain, safe and sound. Summit day, yesterday, was really great but it sure was nice to reach the end of the trail today. The weather has continued to hold up great for us. We had a little rain last night but it didn't hit until we had all finished in dinner and retreated to our tents. This morning we had an early breakfast and got on the trail by 8 am. This team descends very well and we all made it down by 11 am. We are headed back to the Dik Dik Hotel for some very needed showers before safari starts tomorrow.
On a family note, Jason C's wife and children met us at the park gate, he was literally running down to meet them and they would like to wish Esther a happy birthday.
One more shout out to Mrs. Sadler's class at Midlothian High.
Here's a pic from the summit!
That's all for now.
RMI Guide Seth Waterfall
January 17, 2015 - 8:25 pm PT
Hey, this is Seth checking in from the summit of Kilimanjaro! We are on the Roof of Africa. We had a great day, just clear skies and no wind was the story. A little bit chilly. Also, not very people on the route, so we actually were on top by ourselves for a solid 10 or 15 minutes before the next group came up, which is a total treat and a first for me. Everybody is feeling great, feels like we want to get back down to some thicker air. We are gonna head on down right now. Actually everyone has ditched me and I'm going to go catch up. That's it. We'll check in from high camp when we get back down. All is well in Africa.
11:32 pm PT
Hey, this is Seth checking in again. We have all returned back to high camp, safe and sound, although all are a little bit tired. We are going spend some time packing up, get some food on board and then we're going to head to our last camp for this Kili climb. Should be down there sometime mid-afternoon and then tomorrow we'll be walking off the mountain. That's it for us. We'll check in again tomorrow.
RMI Guide Seth Waterfall
RMI Guide Seth Waterfall calling in from the Kilimanjaro summit.
Seth checking in once the team is at high camp after Kilimanjaro summit.
Congratulations to the whole team, especially to my awesome daughter, Ryan!! I have no doubt that new friendships have resulted from the teamwork needed for everyone to summit. I am in awe of each one of you. Great job everyone. You guys definitely rock!
Posted by: Shirley on 1/18/2015 at 2:24 pm
Congratulations to the team!! You did it! Looks beautiful. What an accomplishment. Matt hope you took lots of pictures!! Stay safe.
Posted by: Barb McAllister on 1/18/2015 at 12:52 pm
It has been another great day on Kilimanjaro. The weather has been fantastic and the crew has been getting stronger as we have climbed higher. I've been telling the team that this mountain can be cold but I don't think they believe me any more.
We are at high camp now which gives us about 12 hours to rest and fuel up for the summit push. Our crew has selected a great camp site with nice tent sites and that will really help us relax before the climb.
I will check in again from the summit if all goes well!
RMI Guide Seth Waterfall
I hope your summit day is all that you wish for!! Anxiously anticipating the summit update!!
Posted by: Shirley on 1/18/2015 at 7:54 am
We are sitting in Amsterdam waiting to board our flight to Kilimanjaro - sending best wishes for a successful climb - can’t wait to see you soon! Go SPS!!! Go Daddy!!
Angela, Nicholas and Madison
Posted by: Angela Chapman on 1/18/2015 at 12:37 am
Hello from Kilimanjaro! Today was just one of those nice and pleasant days in the mountains. We started out with our normal morning routine of breakfast and packing. But instead of getting right on the trail we hung back and watched the whole camp get packed up. Our big objective of the day was to climb the Barranco Wall and if we set right out for it, we would be in a big traffic jam on the steep rocky wall. By letting literally everyone get out of camp before us we were able to climb the route by ourselves. It was great.
After topping out on the 900-foot wall we had another two hours on the trail before camp. We arrived here at 1:30 and have had a nice relaxing afternoon. Soon it will be time for dinner and off to bed. Tomorrow we are headed to high camp!
RMI Guide Seth Waterfall
Patty, you are in my thoughts and prayers everyday. Wishing you a safe and EPIC journey. I can’t wait to see and hear all about it!
Posted by: Regina on 1/28/2015 at 6:57 am
Wishing all of you a great adventure! Go Patty!
Xoxo The Derkens
Posted by: Lisa Derken on 1/27/2015 at 4:05 pm
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