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Entries By seth waterfall

Mt. McKinley: Hahn & Team Move to 14,000 Camp

July 4, 2015 1:11 am PST This was the day. The weather was a whole lot better than the last few days, but it wasn't perfect. A little blustery. We needed to take advantage though to get out of 11,000' and up to 14,000' Camp. Even having had a handful of teams break trail on the route before we made our effort today, we still anticipated a tough haul with knee deep snow on such steep hills. Motorcycle took longer than normal, Squirrel took longer, the Polo Fields went on forever, Windy Corner was windy (and it took longer). It was all pretty tough going until we got around the corner and reached our cache location from the other day. Finally there was less new snow, less wind and a decent track to follow. It was still uphill though. It took us 8.5 hours to cover what should have taken 6 hours, but what a wonderful feeling to roll into 14 Camp after thinking of it so much when we were stuck down below. We've got different and magnificent views now, of Denali, but also of Mount Foraker and Mount Hunter and about a thousand other peaks when the clouds allow. We did a late dinner after camp was built and then hurried in to the tents for the night. It is colder up here, and colder still when the sun goes behind the mountain. Everybody deserves good rest after such a big day. Best Regards RMI Guide Dave Hahn

On The Map

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Gary Ross, You really are going to great lengths to prove that happiness is found in being “cold, wet, tired and hungry”.  I am following the RMI blog everyday and from the sound of things, you must be positively joyful!
Here at 465’ I am thinking of you and wishing you plenty of happiness along your journey up and down that magnificent mountain. 

Posted by: Mary R on 7/4/2015 at 11:19 pm

We’re all rooting for you!! Happy 4th, miss you!! xoxo

Posted by: Anne Thomas on 7/4/2015 at 6:42 pm

Mt. Rainier: Four Day Summit Climb Teams on the Summit!

RMI Guides Seth Waterfall and Walter Hailes led their Four Day Summit Climb Teams to the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning. Both teams began their descent from the crater rim shortly after 7 am. Seth reported clear skies, very little wind and warm temperatures. Climbers will return to Camp Muir to rest and repack before continuing their descent down the Muir Snowfield and to Paradise later this afternoon. Congratulations to today's Summit Climbs team!
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A summit of Rainier, a mountain that seems to taunt me almost daily living in Seattle, has always been a goal. Thanks so much for safely guiding us to the top, Walter, Megan and Nick! You all are an impressive crew.


Posted by: Joshua Trujillo on 7/2/2015 at 5:05 pm

Thank you, Walter, Megan, and Nick for helping me complete my fatherly goal of riding the Seattle to Portland bike ride and climbing Mt. Rainier with each of my three kids, Brendan, Patrick, and Brigit!

Posted by: Allen Miller on 7/1/2015 at 6:59 pm

Mt. Rainier: June 26th Summit!

The Mount Rainier Four-Day Summit Climb, led by Seth Waterfall and Mike Soucy, reached the summit this morning. Seth reported a nice day and 10-15 mph winds from the North. As of 7:38 a.m. the teams began their descent from the crater rim. Congratulations to today's summit climbers!
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Congratulations to Nick and Leora. We are so proud of you both. What a great experience and accomplishment!!!!

Posted by: Concetta Youngblood on 6/28/2015 at 10:22 am

Congratulations Danielle, Roost and friends!!  So excited that you were able to summit!  Can’t wait to hear all about it - love ya’ll!
Mama Lowry

Posted by: Jane Lowry on 6/27/2015 at 7:31 am

Mt. Rainier: June 19th Summit!

The Four Day Summit Climb, led by Seth Waterfall and Ben Liken, reached the summit of Mt. Rainier today. Seth reported a fair amount of wind and cool temperatures with clouds hanging around 9,000’. Both teams began their descent at 7:25 a.m.
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We have prayed through the night that you and your team would summit this morning, June 19, 2018.

Posted by: Larry and Virgie Henry for Kari Henry on 6/19/2018 at 6:55 am

Go miki Mcadoo Kirby and Erik I will be watching for you

Posted by: Janice on 6/21/2015 at 6:28 am

Mt. Rainier: June 11th Summit!

Today's Mt. Rainier Summit Climbs, led by Seth Waterfall and Sid Pattison, reached the summit early this morning. The weather report was beautiful skies and winds about 35-40 mph from the Northeast. Both teams began their descent back to Camp Muir at 7:15 am PT. Congratulations summit teams!
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CONGRADULATIONS.  ALL!!!  Keith your training paid off!!!  Can’t wait to hear the details.

Posted by: Bill Thomas on 6/11/2015 at 11:39 am

Congratulations, Everyone.  Keith Miller . . . I’m sure you were there on the top doing the happy dance.  I hope so.  I made it to the top of Rainier in 2010 with Set and Solveig—you were in good hands my friend.  Wished I had been there with you.

Posted by: Josephine Johnson on 6/11/2015 at 11:23 am

Mt. Rainier: Muir Seminar Reaches Summit

The Expedition Skills Seminar – Muir led by RMI Guides Seth Waterfall and Mike King reached the crater rim of Mt. Rainier around 7 am PDT. Seth reported crystal clear skies and light wind. From the summit the teams can see down to 6,000’ where the cloud deck begins. The teams will spend a little time on the summit before beginning their descent back to Camp Muir for their final night on the mountain. We look forward to seeing them in Ashford tomorrow afternoon. Congratulations climbers!
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Congratulations from Katie, Claudia, and the rest of OPT!!

Posted by: Claudia Daghofer on 6/4/2015 at 1:51 pm

Congratulations, George Nimmo, for reaching the summit and glad you had a good day, despite the undercast. See you in a couple of days.

Posted by: George Nimmo on 6/4/2015 at 1:36 pm

Mt. Rainier: May 18th Teams Summit!

RMI Guides Seth Waterfall and Kel Rossiter and the Four Day Summit Climb teams stood on the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning. The teams have been in and out of clouds this morning with a trace of new snow falling and calm winds. After spending some time on the summit, the teams are making their way back to Camp Muir before beginning their descent to Paradise. Congratulations climbers!
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Congratulations.  Look forward to my summit attempt sometime in 2017 or late 2016.

Posted by: Kevin Stone on 5/20/2015 at 8:34 am

Congrats Liz!!!!!

Posted by: Sara on 5/18/2015 at 8:37 pm

Mt. Rainier: Winter Seminar Reaches 12,300’

The Expedition Skills Seminar - Winter reached 12,300 feet on Mt. Rainier before being dead-ended by a crevasse. Despite the crevasse, the team has been enjoying excellent weather on the upper mountain. The team will descend back to Camp Muir for the night where they will continue their skills training.
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good luck Doni n Pepi
gunna b wet n cold
b safe
have fun

Posted by: Donato Arguelles on 5/10/2015 at 9:55 am

Mt. Rainier: Winter Seminar Enjoying Post Storm Sun

The Expedition Skills Seminar - Winter led by RMI Guides Brent Okita and Seth Waterfall spent yesterday training on the lower slopes of Mt. Rainier. The team experienced stormy conditions with 5 - 6 inches of new snow overnight and some mild wind. Today, the team is breaking camp and making their way uphill towards Camp Muir where they will continue their technical training. While breaking camp, the team enjoyed bluebird skies and beautiful mountain views.
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I hope you guys are well and wish you the best of luck.  I hope to climb this mountain sometime in the next year or so and I am training for it right now. 

Posted by: Kevin Stone on 4/28/2015 at 7:38 am

Enjoy the climb. I was there on the same type climb with Brent and Elias in April of 2012. Lots to learn. Have fun. I am headed to the Alaska Expedition Skills Seminar next month with RMI. I hope to get to Denali in 2016.

Posted by: John Newland on 4/16/2015 at 10:35 am

Mt. Rainier: Seth & Solveig Waterfall Led the First 2015 Ski Program

Hi this is Seth. Solveig Waterfall and I just wrapped up the first RMI ski trip of the Spring season here on Rainier. We had a great five-day trip with a really fun group. We based out of the Paradise area for our days on the mountain and were treated to some of the best ski conditions of the season. this was our 'Intro to Ski Touring' course and as the name implies we spent the majority of the time focusing on the necessary skills to plan and execute several days of backcountry skiing. We had a clear day to establish our camp followed by two days of precipitation with steadily cooling temperatures. This resulted in fantastic powder-skiing conditions with really good snow stability. The final day was cool but the skies were mostly clear and we were able to get break our camp and some more good skiing. The team was great, the laughs and smiles were non-stop and the days flew by. RMI Guide Seth Waterfall
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solveig and seth are great leaders; awesome time
great snow and memories

Posted by: jmac on 4/12/2015 at 4:59 am

Seth & Solveig,
Great story about your backcountry course. Good luck with more of those and good on you both.

Cheers, Joe & Dianne

Posted by: joe Griffith on 4/4/2015 at 11:45 am

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