Entries By nicole de petris
Posted by: Walter Hailes, Nicole De Petris
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Ecuador
Elevation: 9,350'

Although some of us were a bit worn out from the late-night flights, we rallied together for a whirlwind tour of Quito. Our first stop was the Equator, where we attempted (often unsuccessfully) to balance eggs and marveled at the Coriolis effect, which shifted just 10 feet from the equator.
Next, we ventured into the historic old city, filled with presidential mansions, grand city squares, ancient churches, and bustling crowds. It was a blast taking in the sights while chatting with our teammates. Exploring and challenging ourselves in the mountains is always a highlight, but the true magic of these trips lies in the people we meet and the friendships we forge along the way. We are off to a great start on that front.
After the tour, we headed back to the hotel for a quick gear check, followed by plenty of time to nap, explore the city further, and enjoy an early dinner. The goal was to rest up and catch up on sleep before the real challenges ahead.
RMI Guide Walter Hailes
New Post Alerts:
Ecuador Seminar February 4, 2025
Posted by: Seth Burns, Mike Bennett, Nicole De Petris, Margo Kerr, Will Ambler, Calvin Jiricko
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 14,410'

The Five Day climb with Seth Burns and Mike Bennett made a sunset climb of Mt. Rainier. The team enjoyed a great route, and beautiful sunset on their way to the top. They plan to depart Camp Muir around 10am.
Congratulations Team!
Posted by: Lacie Smith, Nicole De Petris, Margo Kerr
Categories: Expedition Dispatches North Cascades
Elevation: 10,781'
RMI Guides Lacie Smith, Nicole De Petris & Margo Kerr and the Mt. Baker - Easton Climb August 10 - 12 have enjoyed a few great days in the mountain. Yesterday, the completed their glacier skills training while watching the clouds roll in. This morning at 5:50 am the team reached the summit of Mt. Baker. The climb included watching the northern lights, lightning on the eastern horizon and a meteor shower. What more could you ask for?
Nice work team!
Posted by: Joe Hoch, Pete Van Deventer, Raymond Holt, Jack Ritterson, Nicole De Petris, Tom Skoog
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 14,410'

The Four Day Climb led by RMI Guides Joe Hoch and Pete Van Deventer reached the summit of Mt. Rainier Early this morning. The team enjoyed the views and spent about an hour on the 14,410' summit before starting their descent. The team will be back in Ashford this afternoon to celebrate their success at Rainier Basecamp.
Congratulations Team!
Posted by: Dustin Wittmier, Daniel May, Nicole De Petris, Evan Redman, Layne Peters, Jack Ritterson
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 14,410'
The Four Day Climb led by Dustin Wittmier and Dan May reached the summit early this morning. Dustin reported 30 mph winds and sun on the Summit. As the team has started their descent it has gotten quite hazy and clouds are rolling in.
Congratulations Team!
Way to go Jake and Dalton!!! So proud of you!
Posted by: Carman Dice on 8/4/2024 at 7:45 pm
Yeehaw! Great work everyone.
Posted by: Benjamin G on 8/2/2024 at 2:40 pm
Posted by: Steve Gately, Walter Hailes, Lacie Smith, Layne Peters, Daniel May, Nicole De Petris, Rosie Hust
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 11,200'

The Four Day Climb led by RMI Guides Lacie Smith and Walt Hailes reached Ingraham Flats today. The team was unable to move further up on the mountain due to route conditions. The team was able to do some additional training as well as enjoy a beautiful sunrise from 11,200' on Mt. Rainier.
Posted by: Seth Burns, Nicole De Petris, Robert Whyte
Categories: Expedition Dispatches North Cascades
Elevation: 10,781'

Seth Burns and Team had a great three days on Mt. Baker. The team practiced mountaineering skills just outside of camp and climbed the Easton Glacier under bluebird skies reaching the 10,781' summit early this morning.
Congratulations Team!
Posted by: Win Whittaker, Nicole De Petris, Dylan Anderson
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 11,200'
Shifting route conditions prevented the American Lung Association's Climb for Clean Air from climbing above Ingraham Flats on Mt. Rainier this morning. The team, led by RMI Guide Win Whittaker, made the most of their morning by watching the sunrise at 11,200' before returnning to Camp Muir. We look forward to seeing the team at Rainier BaseCamp this afternoon.
Posted by: Dominic Cifelli, Seth Burns, Nicole De Petris
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Tuesday, June 25, 2024 - 10:27 pm PT
Reflection from summit day
14,000’ Camp
Staring At The Headwall. Our Team Summited Denali today! I did not. I take no credit for their achievement, having been a hindrance at best, but I’ve come to love these people and I am inspired by their triumph. Unless you’ve been here, you cannot understand the magnitude of their accomplishment. Logistical. Physical. Emotional. Each member of our team may remember when my quest came to an end on what is arguably the Crux of the West Buttress Route. My anguished cry when my knee hit the ice of the bergschrund and I instantly knew that I had denied myself the Summit. But I pushed on, climbed the fixed ropes of The Headwall, and descended with the team back to our 14,000’ camp. Then, two days later, full of optimism and with a taped up knee, I climbed The Headwall again, plus a little more, as our team pushed for the highest camp. Why? How can we hold the knowledge that something is impossible, it cannot be done, while at the same time holding the conflicting conviction that we can do anything if we just keep striving in the face of insurmountable challenges? Each of you reading this has met your own Denali and you know the answer. That’s just Life. So while I take no credit for their achievements, having been a hindrance at best, I have come to love people and I am inspired by their triumphs. Keep climbing your Headwalls, they are the only paths to your Summits.
RMI Climber Kris Reitz
Tuesday, June 25, 2024 - 11:11 pm PT
Final dispatch:
Waking up this morning, I’m filled with an intense sense of wonder.
“Did we really pull that off?”
The memories of the day before play in mind. The views, the wind, the struggle, the summit.
“Hey team, it’s time to wake up,” our guide Seth rouses us, “we’re gonna try and get out of here around 10:00am.”
I check my watch. It’s just after 8:00. I consider getting up. The ache of the day before confirms that it all wasn’t just a dream. It pulsates through my body, intensified by the lack of oxygen available to us at 17200ft.
Seth asks how we feel, my tent mate Chris replies: “I feel like I climbed a 20000ft mountain.” I laugh, still comfortably in my sleeping bag.
We begin slowly packing the randomly strewn about items that we didn’t care to pack after our 12 hour summit day.
Not much later, we’re on the move again. Our packs are heavy again, a change from the light summit packs we grew accustomed to yesterday. We say our final goodbyes to the friends we made during our brief stay and begin the walk to the narrow balance beam that is the West Buttress I carefully scramble through the granite boulders that line the upper ridge, to my left and right, 3000ft drop offs. We waltz secured by our rope and fixed protection put in long ago. The dance is lento. Each move is precise and requires our complete focus.
Clip, reclip. Clip, reclip. Check the rope isn’t getting caught in the feet of the person in front of you. Clip, reclip. Make a careful move through an awkward position. Clip, reclip. Glance at Foraker or Hunter. Clip, reclip. Finally, we make it through without incident, arriving to the 2000ft, 50° fixed lines.
We slide down carefully. The rope is wrapped around our arms like a cobra squeezing its prey. We make good progress, arriving to the bergschrund much faster than it took us to area of the route. As we continue downward, Chris and I share a laugh as we remember we’re still wearing our long underwear. We make it back to the 14200ft camp where we pause for a while, giving Chris and I the chance to free ourselves from the heat prison surrounding our legs, much to the humour of the rest of our team.
After sorting out the gear we stashed here before heading up, (struggling to figure out how on earth we’d get it into our already full packs), we start marching downward again. We pass sights we remember only in an upward sense. They take on a different feeling, knowing that for some of us, this may be the last time we see them. Windy corner, Thunder ridge, the Peters glacier. All deeply beautiful.
We arrive into the ghost town that is 11000ft camp, with most of the climbers who would populate this place either higher on the mountain, or long gone, returned to civilization Our stay here won’t be long. We plan to move again once the glacier refreezes. Even still, we make set the nylon homes that have housed us for the last 14 nights, one final time.
As we eat our last dinner on the mountain, bagels with salmon and cream cheese, a feeling of sadness begins to creep over us.
In a strange way, as we reminisce about having ate an ungodly amount of quesadillas, or how badly we smell, or funny encounters we had with other climbers en route, it begins to set in this journey is nearing its end.
Soon, all of these moments will become memories. Our mistakes, funny stories. Our hardships, that which built our character. Our triumphs, our legacies.
As we settle into our down bags one final time, the evening air beginning to become cold, an unexplainable emotion begins to emerge. The one perhaps felt when you realize you’re in a memory. Gratitude? Thankfulness? Satisfaction?
Perhaps some things in life are better left unanalyzed.
Thank you, Denali. You have been so, so kind.
RMI Climber Thomas Goossen
New Post Alerts:
Denali Expedition June 9, 2024
Congratulations again to team Cifelli! Weather was definitely on your side! Appreciation for RMI’s top notch guides - doing what u love is no easy task in your line of work - and your personal encouragement & push was so required for Thomas in the home stretch! Rest up now! You’ve earned it!
Posted by: Cheryl goossen on 6/28/2024 at 10:50 am
So sorry to hear this Kris, I know this is probably a hard way to finish off what you have worked so hard for. You still have accomplished so much and have so much to be proud of! What an adventure! You are and always have been the strongest, toughest person I know. You have always been such a great role model, and I know you gave it everything. I’m so proud of you and can’t wait to hear all of the stories when you get back down!
Posted by: Nicholas Reitz on 6/26/2024 at 8:53 am
Posted by: Dominic Cifelli, Seth Burns, Nicole De Petris
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 20,310'
Tuesday, June 25, 2024 - 1:27 pm PT
Climbing mountains is hard. Ya that’s obvious, but I’m not only talking about the effort while on the mountain. Whether or not you make it to the summit there’s countless hours spent training, researching, anxiously thinking about what might be. Time spent away from friends and family because “ I’m going to go climb a mountain” and of course the countless question that follow from there. It’s hard to explain though, to those that don’t come out to these wild places to suffer so beautifully. To be trying to do perhaps the hardest thing we’ve ever done in the most remote and beautiful places in the world. It’s so uniquely vulnerable. We do it because we have to, or else we’d be spending those hours and days daydreaming of what could be. We have to find out for ourselves what it’s like and experience a grounding that nothing else can give you.
We summitted Denali, the highest peak in North America, at around 6:20 PM June 24. It was a beautiful day with light, but bitter, winds and clouds all around us but never above us. It was amazing. It was everything we had been working and hoping for over the past 13 days on the darn thing. We rest up tonight, an easier task than most days, and start our long descent back to where it all started 14 days ago, Basecamp.
Thanks to all the friends and family that might not quite understand why, but instead understand that we have to. None of this is possible without that support.
RMI Guide Dominic Cifelli
New Post Alerts:
Denali Expedition June 9, 2024
Chris (CT one) - many congratulations On your summit and enjoy the beers back in Talkeetna!! Look forward to hearing about your adventures when you get back - well done !!
Posted by: Huw on 6/26/2024 at 6:01 am
Amazing—what an accomplishment! Can’t wait to hear all about it in-person. A big thanks to all the RMI guides for leading this expedition and being the experts they are!
Posted by: Joshua Rouse on 6/26/2024 at 6:00 am
Looks like the summit view was way better yesterday than the day before. Guess the delay was so everyone could have the awesome view! Congratulations!
Posted by: Chris Bruns on 8/19/2024 at 12:15 pm
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