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Entries By mike haugen

Mt. Rainier: Haugen & Kautz Seminar Team Reach Summit

The Expedition Skill Seminar - Kautz June 14 - 19 led by RMI Guides Mike Haugen, Jackson Breen, Mike Bennett and Calivin Jiricko, reached the summit of Mt. Rainier yesterday via the Kautz Glacier. After several days of training and climbing, this team put it all together and ascended the Kautz ice chute, to Point Success and to the summit of Mt. Rainier. It was a long day and the team returned to camp in the early evening.  This morning they have started their descent to Paradise, leaving early to enjoy the nice snow conditions on the Wilson Glacier while the temperatures as still low. The team will return to Rainier BaseCamp this afternoon to celebrate their adventure and conclude their program.

Nice work team!

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Mt. Rainier: Expedition Skills Seminar - Kautz SUMMIT!

RMI Guide Mike Haugen and the Expedition Skills Seminar - Kautz team reached the summit of Mt. Rainier via the Katuz Route early this morning. Mike reported great climbing, clear skies, and light winds. The Kautz Route is a great adventure for physically fit climbers ready for a slightly more technical adventure on Mt. Rainier, and today's team climbed strong! The team will be descending the Disappointment Cleaver Route, taking a short rest at Camp Muir before returning to Paradise.

Congratulations Team! 

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Mt. Rainier: Haugen & Kautz Seminar Team Reach Summit

The Expedition Skills Seminar - Kautz June 23 - 28, 2023 checked in this morning from the summit crater.  After two days of training at Rainier BaseCamp and Paradise the team headed onto the mountain.  With several days to train and ascend, the team launched their summit attempt this morning, reaching the crater before 7 am.  After enjoying some time on top, the team is now on their descent. RMI Guide Mike Haugen reported a beautiful day with light winds.  The team will return to Paradise later this afternoon and be transferred back to Rainier BaseCamp to complete their program.

Nice work team!

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Mt. Rainier: Four Day Climb Teams Enjoy Perfect Day, Reach Summit

RMI Guides Brent Okita & Mike Haugen reported a perfect day of climbing on Mt. Rainier today.  The Four Day Climb June 18 - 21 reached the summit around 7 am and enjoyed some time in the crater before starting their descent.  The teams started their descent from the crater rim just after 8 am and will return to Camp Muir.  After a short break the teams will continue the final 4.5 miles to Paradise and be transferred back to Rainier BaseCamp later this afternoon.

Congratulations to today's climbers!

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Mt. Rainier: Teams Brave the Cold to Come Out on Top

RMI guides Mike King and Mike Haugen called from the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning. They reported some chilly temperatures, moderate winds and beautiful weather for climbing this morning. Despite the cold temperatures, the team enjoyed a great climbing route. Congratulations climbers!

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Mt. Rainier: Expedition Skills Seminar Kautz Team Summits!

The Expedition Skills Seminar - Kautz team led by RMI Guide Mike Haugen reached the summit via the Kautz Glacier, a remote and technical climb on Mt. Rainier. The team had clear skies and 30 mph winds. 

This team participated in a week long training course designed to educate them to the mountaineering skills needed to tackle the world's greatest peaks. Successful completion of the Expedition Skill Seminar - Kautz makes these climbers eligible for many of our expeditions around the world, including Denali, and provides the team with a foundation for other major glaciated mountains. 

Congratulations Team! 

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Way to go, Team! The RMI guides made each challenging goal achievable and safe. I wanted to acquaint myself with alpine climbing, but this seminar provided much more.

Posted by: Thomaz Nestlehner Cardoso de Almeida on 7/17/2022 at 10:54 am

What an amazing and emotional journey!  Very appreciative for the experience and knowledge from all the guides. 

When you can please email all photos as I’m excited to revisit these moments.  Thank you!

Posted by: Brian Danney on 7/16/2022 at 1:24 pm

Mt. Rainier: Haugen & Kautz Seminar Team Climb and Train, Reach 11,000’

RMI Guide Mike Haugen and the Expedition Skills Seminar - Kautz team have returned from the mountain.  The team spent three nights on the mountain and were able to do a lot of great training.  The reached 11,000' before deciding to turn around due to poor route conditions and high avalanche danger. The team descended to Paradise and is back at Rainier BaseCamp to celebrate their accomplishment and close down their program.

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Mt. Rainier: Four Day Climb Unable to Climb Due to High Winds

The Four Day Climb June 5 - 8 was unable to make their summit attempt.  Strong winds overnight at Camp Muir kept the climbers safely inside the hut.  RMI Guides Mike Haugen and Josh McDowell reported sustained winds of 50 mph with gusts in the 60's.  The winds have decreased enough to allow the climbers to ascend above Camp Muir to check things out.  After their walk, they will return to Camp Muir and then make their descent to Paradise.  We look forward to seeing the climbers at Rainier BaseCamp later this afternoon.

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Mike/Jess & Team-
Great climb, thanks so much for taking us!  The views were amazing, I learned a ton, and you guys made it really fun, and safe!  Good luck with the Kautz Route Seminar later this week!

Posted by: Y on 6/8/2022 at 10:59 pm

Mt. Rainier: Haugen, Halliday & Four Day Climb Teams on Summit!

RMI Guide Mike Haugen reported sunshine, great weather and a light 5 mph breeze as his team was on the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning. The Four Day Climb July 25 - 28, 2021 led by Mike Haugen and Alex Halliday were descending from the crater rim at 7 am.

Congratulations to today's climbers!

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Amazing climb.  Expertise guidance made this ascend safe and possible.  Out of body experience for me.

Posted by: Eva Steinwald on 8/1/2021 at 7:01 am

Looks like it was one of the best weather days possible. One of the best ever photos too from the summit.
I have a cousin who lives in Kent. Have never visited. Too old to climb but would enjoy visiting Paradise for the exhilarating views. So far have been traveling there vicariously, a regular visitor to the webcam site. Amazing snowfall !!
Congrats on your success to the top.  J.B.

Posted by: JOHN BUCKETT on 7/29/2021 at 6:37 am

Mt. Rainier: Haugen & Kautz Seminar Team on Top!

RMI Guide Mike Haugen checked in via radio at 7:40 am as the Kautz Seminar July 18 - 23 team was just reaching the crater rim.  The team did well and climbed strong from their camp at the top of the Wapowety Cleaver.  After enjoying the views from the summit the team will descend via the Disappointment Cleaver route.  This group met at Rainier BaseCamp on Sunday, July 18 and after two days of off mountain training began their ascent via the Kautz Glacier Route.  Their time on the mountain included glacier travel training as well as focusing on techniques required for the current conditions on the upper mountain.  The team will conclude their program with a celebration in Ashford later today.

Congratulations to the Kautz Seminar climbers!

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Amazing accomplishment Dustin! Can’t wait to hear all about it!!

Posted by: Rose on 7/24/2021 at 12:48 pm

Way to go Dustin!  We are so proud of your accomplishments!  Can’t wait to hear about your expedition when you get back to work!  Your fans at iMemories!

Posted by: Sheila Beals on 7/23/2021 at 11:56 am

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