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Entries By mike bennett

Ecuador Seminar: Wittmier & Team Enjoy Rest and Rope Work on Day Off

The team got some much-needed rest at the hacienda Casa Ilayaku over the last two days, enjoying sunny weather and local food. Down time was spent lounging out in the sun, reading books, and doing some light yoga. The team also continued to work on their technical skills, dialing in some more rope work. The team spent time learning the fundamentals of anchor construction, rappelling, and belaying techniques. They depart to the Cotopaxi hut today with the intention of climbing tonight. 

RMI Guide Mike Bennett

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All the best for Perfect weather, strong legs and big strong lungs!! Climb Strong!

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 1/15/2025 at 10:24 am

Ecuador Seminar: Wittmier & Team Reach Summit of Cayambe

RMI Guide Dustin Wittmier checked in this morning to let us know the team reached the summit of Cayambe with 100% success.

The team will make a stop for lunch before continuing to their next hacienda, Casa Ilayku. The team will enjoy a well deserved rest day tomorrow.

Nice work team!

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That is a Spectacular picture!!! Congratulations to You and your Team!!
Farmer Dave

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 1/13/2025 at 3:16 pm

Ecuador Seminar: Wittmier & Team Visit Otavalo Market, Arrive Cayambe Hut

To catch up anyone following along with this trip, we are now at the lower hut for Cayambe. We are nearing the end of our dedicated acclimatization portion of the trip and preparing to start making attempts on big mountains. Yesterday, we did one more warmup hike circumnavigating Laguna Cuicocha. It is a beautiful lake hike, located within the Cotacachi-Cayapas Ecological Reserve. HIking around the lake, the terrain is undulating with a few long hills, but all on well-maintained tread. As you move through different elevation bands, you observe a variety of different flora, which interestingly includes the wild Taxo, a passionfruit-esque plant. In the photos, it is the bell-shaped plant with an orange-ish flower. Our lovely hike was followed up with a relaxing night at the Intiyaya Residences, where the scrappy hacienda dogs put on their best show and try to earn some people food.

Today, we left the hacienda and are now at the lower Cayambe hut, following a stop at the Otavalo market and a cafe for lunch. The market is always quite the spectacle, especially on a Saturday, which is dubbed "market day" - the day that the greatest number of vendors bring goods. The normal textiles, jewelry and art are on display and in addition, on Saturdays there are a variety of fruits, vegetables, spices and breads. It made for a nice day experiencing Ecuadorian culture before turning our focus to Cayambe. We now are reviewing some skills on the grass outside the hut and will very soon watch the sun set on the western slopes of the mountain.

Thanks for following along from wherever you are! We are all feeling ready to go climbing and having a great time so far.

RMI Guide Dustin Wittmier

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Wishing you all safety, good weather and joy as you tackle this first mountain. Don’t underestimate my old man. He travels at his own pace, but he’s a beast.

Posted by: Lisa Banov on 1/12/2025 at 5:10 am

Hey Dustin!!!
Sending you and your team best wishes for Perfect weather!!

Farmer Dave

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 1/12/2025 at 2:39 am

Ecuador Seminar: Wittmier, Bennett & Team Enjoy Hike of Rucu Pichincha

The Ecuador Seminar team got to shake off the final bit of jet leg today, with the main focus of the day being acclimatization. Many of our team broke altitude records today during our hike to the summit on Rucu Pichincha (15,354’). A moderate hike, the team gained around 2500’ through grasslands up to the rocky, scrambly summit. The rest of the day will be spent resting and relaxing, allowing our bodies to adapt now that we’re back at lower elevations. We plan to culminate the evening with a nice team dinner at a local restaurant and perhaps a soak in the hotel hot tub. Tomorrow, the team heads to Laguna Cuicocha, our next acclimatization hike before heading to the Caymbe hut. Spirits are high and the team is stoked to get on their first major objective. 

RMI Guide Mike Bennett

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Mt. Rainier: Expedition Skills Seminar - Muir Summits

After a full week of training at Camp Muir, the Expedition Skills Seminar - Muir team reached the 14,410' Summit of Mt. Rainier. Cooler fall temperatures allowed RMI Guide Mike Bennett and Team to climb during the day and they stood on top at 1pm today. They are on the descent and will be back at Camp Muir where they will spend another night. The team will return to Rainier Basecamp tomorrow afternoon.

Congratulations Team! 

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Mt. Baker: Bennett & Team Summit via the Easton Glacier

Our Mt. Baker - Easton Glacier Climb August 30 - 1 September led by RMI Guides Mike Bennett, Sam Marjerison and Bailey Servais reached the summit yesterday in beautiful conditions.  The team returned to camp an enjoyed some rest after their alpine start.  Today the team descended to the trailhead and completed their program.

Nice work team!

PC: Mike Bennett

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Mt. Rainier: Five Day Climb led by Coppolillo & Bennett reach summit

Although Paradise remains in a bit of a cloud this morning, it is sunny and clear above Camp Muir. The Five Day Climb August 21 - 25 led by RMI Guides Henry Coppolillo and Mike Bennett reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning.  The teams found a bit of new snow on the upper mountain but the route was in good shape and the weather is beautiful, so they had a great climb to top. They started their descent from the crater rim around 7:20 am. They will return to Camp Muir for a quick break and continue down to Paradise. Their program will conclude this afternoon.

Congratulations to today's climbers!

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Jeff Miller and team we are super proud of you !  What an accomplishment to achieve in your life !  Way to lead the wolf pack !  Gus has the drinks ready ! 

Posted by: Gus on 8/25/2024 at 8:34 am

Congratulations!! Way to go team!!
So proud of you Jeff ❤️

Posted by: Jaimie on 8/25/2024 at 8:33 am

Mt. Rainier: Burns, Bennett and Team Summit at Sunset

The Five Day climb with Seth Burns and Mike Bennett made a sunset climb of Mt. Rainier. The team enjoyed a great route, and beautiful sunset on their way to the top. They plan to depart Camp Muir around 10am.

Congratulations Team! 

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Looks like the summit view was way better yesterday than the day before. Guess the delay was so everyone could have the awesome view! Congratulations!

Posted by: Chris Bruns on 8/19/2024 at 12:15 pm

Glacier Peak: 100% Summit

RMI Guide Mike Bennett and the entire Glacier Peak Team Reached the 10,541' summit yesterday afternoon. After the summit they returned to high camp, packed up and moved their camp down to White Pass and plan to descend to the trailhead today.

Congratulations Team! 

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Mt. Rainier: May, Bennet & Four Day Climbs on Summit

RMI Guides Dan May and Mike Bennet led their Four Day Climb August 5 - 8 to the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning. Skies are clear with a light breeze.  The teams were able to spend some time in the crater before starting their descent from the crater rim around 7 am. They will return to Camp Muir, take a short break and then continue down to Paradise.

Nice work today teams!

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