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Entries By leon davis

Mt. Rainier: Beautiful but Chilly Day on the Upper Mountain

It's another beautiful day with clear skies and light winds on the upper flanks of Mt. Rainier. RMI Guides Casey Grom and Leon Davis led their Four Day Climb August 24 - 27 to the summit this morning. The teams enjoyed the views and took photos for almost an hour before starting their descent from the crater rim. They will conclude their adventure this afternoon with a celebration of their accomplishments. Congratulations to today's climbers!
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Congrats Suz and Donna!  What an unbelievably, beautiful sunny day to summit the mountain and what a great achievement!!! Way to Go! Kirsten & Frank

Posted by: Kirsten on 8/27/2019 at 5:26 pm

Congratulations to Donna and Suzanne and the rest of the Team ... Well done!!!

Posted by: Binotto Family on 8/27/2019 at 2:05 pm

Mt. Rainier: August 23rd Summit!

The Four Day Climb led by RMI Guides Robby Young and Leon Davis were standing on the summit of Mt. Rainier at 7 AM PT today. Robby reported a beautiful warm day of climbing with a light breeze. The team will spend some time on the Summit before starting their descent. Congratulations to today's teams!
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Great job Steve!

Posted by: Hugh Gallagher on 8/23/2019 at 2:52 pm

Awesome job guys! Love you both so much! Andy and Peter rock!

Posted by: Patricia Petersen on 8/23/2019 at 1:28 pm

Mt. Rainier: Four Day Summit Climb Turns At Top of Disappointment Cleaver

The Four Day Summit Climb Team for August 20 - 23 were unable to reach the summit of Mt. Rainier today due to route conditions. RMI Guides Dave Hahn and Leon Davis led their teams to the top of Disappointment Cleaver at 12,300' which was their high point today. The teams will descend to Camp Muir and continue to Paradise later this morning.
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Hey Team!!! Congratulations for reaching the top of Disappointment Cleaver, 12,300! That’s a wonderful accomplishment. A lot of hard work. I missed being there with you in person, I was there in spirit.

Posted by: Barbara on 8/23/2017 at 10:36 am

Mt. Rainier: Four Day Climb Reaches the Summit

Update at 7:00 a.m. - RMI Guide Leon Davis and his team are on the Mt. Rainier summit! The weather is sunny skies and winds about 20 mph with a cloud deck just below 10,000'. The team is currently on top and will check in with us when they begin their descent. Congratulations to today's summit climb team!
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Alaska Seminar: Davis & Team Return to Talkeetna

Groundhog day again. We woke to better weather but there was still enough weather in Talkeetna to keep the plane grounded. Some of us were in the tent sleeping when we got the word that K2 planes were inbound. The team rallied quickly and moved gear to the runway and by early afternoon we were back in town. Typical Alaska weather for us but a great introduction to the team. What a great group of people to share time with in the Alaska range. One of a kind collection of personalities and memories to carry with us forever. Thanks for following! RMI Guides Leon Davis, Mike King and Jessie Poquerusse
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Alaska Seminar: Davis & Team Unable to Fly Off the Glacier

May 26, 2017 So this dispatch is not coming from the green grass of town but the expansive white glacier of the Kahiltna. We thought the weather might break long enough for a flight in but alas the clouds remain limiting visibility. The team kept busy in the morning though. After breakfast we stomped down a foot of new snow on the runway so planes could land and then we waited for that faint din of turbine engines. Now it is evening and we are turning in as new snow falls. Tomorrow is another day so we will wait and see what it brings. RMI Guide Leon Davis
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Hey John
Hope you guys aren’t going stir crazy .. btw the alarm in the house has been going off for 48 hours .. hahaha just kidding wanted to make u laugh .. get back if you can. M

Posted by: Mia Horgan on 5/27/2017 at 1:50 pm

Alaska Seminar: Davis & Team Pack Up, Then Unpack

This mornings skies were a welcome sight after a few days of white. Clear skies also brought colder temps for us at Kahiltna Base Camp. It was not long before the clouds rolled back in but that did not stop the team from having some fun. We ventured to a crevasse field and gave folks a chance to see the inside of a the icy maw and climb out. Lots of laughs and pictures today around those cracks. Later in the afternoon we received word from K2 that they were launching the fleet to drop a team off and that we should be ready within the hour. That was a frantic hour indeed but the team got it done in short order. As soon as the dust settled we found out that the planes turned back so we set up a new camp downtown on the airstrip. Forecast is calling for more snow the next few days so we will see what the future holds. RMI Guide Leon Davis
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO PATTY K!  Sending love from flatter and warmer places and wishing you clear skies ahead!  You rock!

Posted by: Ruth on 5/26/2017 at 7:06 am

Alaska Seminar: Davis & Team Practice Storm Living

May 24, 2017 Today began the exercise in storm living. The low pressure south of us arrived and brought with it a foot of new snow. The team entertained themselves with funny stories over a few rounds of hot drinks and a long breakfast. In the afternoon we stretched our legs with a four mile walk on the main Kahiltna Glacier before blowing snow and a disappearing track turned us back. Thankfully a little bit of stormy weather is not enough to lower the morale of this great group of strangers become friends. Tomorrow we anticipate more snow and winds but that will not be a problem for this team. Hope everyone at home is warm and dry. RMI Guide Leon Davis
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY PATTY!!! What a place to be to celebrate your day! You have a text with a birthday surprise when you return to civilization. You must be in heaven with all that snow! Thinking about your smile and hearing your voice in my mind every moment. Love, John

Posted by: John Kudla on 5/26/2017 at 1:32 am

JGH: Hope the weather conditions are getting easier for the group and that you are having a terrific time - see u Saturday though not sure what time?
Hugs, Mia

Posted by: Mia Horgan on 5/25/2017 at 9:26 pm

Alaska Seminar: Davis & Team Practice Crevasse Rescue

May 23, 2017 Woke up to better weather than the forecast said so we took advantage of the fleeting visibility. Most of the day was spent cycling thru crevasse rescue in a nearby crevasse and rigging sleds. We believe one of Sally's sons had a birthday in the last 24 hours so a special shout out to her progeny. More weather is supposed to be on its way so we are taking it one day at a time here in base camp. Still lots of fun being had and learning as well. RMI Guide Leon Davis
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Stay safe guys! Looks like an amazing view!

Posted by: Doug Mouradian on 5/24/2017 at 12:42 pm

Alaska Seminar: Davis & Team Receive New Snow, Enjoy Weather Day

May 22, 2017 We had a warmer night due to the current snow storm that rolled in last night, a few inches of snow blanketing our tents and gear. Weather days are a breeze when you have such an engaging and talkative group. We enjoyed a casual breakfast with multiple rounds of coffee while the group shared all sorts of conversation ranging from favorite cocktails to the intricacies of interviewing international terrorists. Our day progressed with more snow, Avalanche beacon clinic, naps and skills practice. We are hoping for the weather to lighten up and move camp in the next few days. Until that point the group continues to be eager to learn, laughing often and practicing the variety of mountaineering skills taught so far. To finish the day the team engaged in group snow Yoga and began building a shrine of some sort. Time will tell. RMI Guide Leon Davis
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Aracely (Sally)—much love from the walking trail across from Bradford. I’m still walking up and down that hill without you. No snow here. Enjoy!!!

Posted by: Debra Solomon on 5/23/2017 at 6:41 pm

A big cheer from those at sea level!  Hope the gear is holding up, the boots comfy enough and the sleeping bags cozy.  In the next update can you give a quick summary of the next several days plan. To Sally meet you by the tree!  Tell Patty Cloud Computing won the Preakness.

Posted by: Gary Mouradian on 5/23/2017 at 8:26 am

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