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Entries By kiira antenucci

Mt. Rainier: Four Day Climbs Call Camp Muir Their High Point

The Mt. Rainier Four Day Climbs led by RMI Guides Joe Hoch and Kiira Antenucci remained at Camp Muir overnight. The teams did not make a summit attempt due to poor weather. They will be descending from Camp Muir this morning and we look forward to seeing them in Ashford this afternoon.

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Mt. Rainier: All Women’s Four Day Climb Summits!

The All-Women’s Climb led by RMI Guide Kirra Antenucci reached the summit of Mt. Rainier on a clear and beautiful day. The team took on all the challenges the Disappointment Cleaver route has to offer in the late summer and stood on the summit at 7:15 am.

Congratulations Team!

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Mt. Shuksan: Coppolillo and Team Summit

RMI Guide Henry Coppolillo and team had a successful climb of Mt. Shuksan yesterday. After a hazy morning wake-up call, the team ascended the Sulphide glacier and enjoyed some Class 4 scrambling on the summit pyramid before topping out yesterday. The team has made it back to the trailhead and team members are on their way home.

Nice work team!

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Mt. Baker: Summit Easton Glacier!

RMI Guide Kiira Antenucci and Team reached the summit of Mt. Baker via the Easton Glacier. The team had a great three days of climbing. The Easton Glacier Route of Mt. Baker is perfect for the beginner looking to learn about climbing on glaciers, or the experienced climber seeking to stand atop a northwest classic.

Congratulations Team for taking on the challenge! 

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Congratulations to all Army hikers who have found their grit again. You made it!

Posted by: Vickie on 8/2/2022 at 2:21 pm

Mt. Rainier: Four Day Climb Teams on Top!

With a thick marine layer of clouds below Paradise, Camp Muir and the upper mountain enjoyed clear skies and sunshine.  The Four Day climbs led by RMI Guides Josh McDowell and Henry Coppolillo reached the summit this morning and were beginning their descent from the crater rim around 7 am.  Teams will return to Camp Muir then continue the remaining 4,500' down to Paradise to conclude their program at Rainier BaseCamp this afternoon with a short celebration.

Congratulations to today's Four Day Climb teams!

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Mt. Rainier: Grom and Antenucci Lead Four Day Climb Teams to Summit

The Four Day Climb July 17 - 20 reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning led by RMI Guides Casey Grom & Kiira Antenucci.  The teams enjoyed clear skies, sunshine and light winds today.  After enjoying the views and spending time in the crater they began their descent from the crater rim around 6:45 am. Once back at Camp Muir they will pack up and continue down to Paradise.

Congratulations to today's climbers!

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Awesome job!  Parking lot is next.

Posted by: Rene Gonzalez on 7/20/2022 at 10:12 am

Mt. Rainier: Five Day Climb reaches the Top!

The Five Day Climb led by RMI Guides Brent Okita and Kiira Antenucci took advantage of the calm, and clear skies and climbed to the top of Mt. Rainier on Tuesday, July 12th. Brent reported a beautiful day of climbing. The team spent last night at Camp Muir and departed early this morning for Paradise. 

Congratulations Team! 

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Denali Expedition: Smith & Team Depart 14,000’ Camp and return to Talkeetna to Complete Trip

Monday, June 27, 2022 - 8:14 am PT

Good morning all!

What a walk we had! Leaving 14,000' Camp with sights on basecamp is a long journey. We woke at 10pm, packed our things, and were on the downward trend by midnight. It felt good to be walking downhill but pulling a sled was less than desirable. But with so much motivation it made it possible. With the help from another RMI team, who dug up our 11,000' cache, we made fast work reorganizing and moving on. The glacier down below has changed a little. We zig and zagged left and right to avoid big crevasses. Hours went by, miles gained, elevation lost. As we got near basecamp we did a quick crevasse rescue scenario, before making our last uphill walk. Heart break hill is truly heartbreaking with tired legs, tired bodies, and tired minds. But as usual the team dug real deep and blew up it.

After a few hours napping at base and some luck the clouds parted in Talkeetna and the pilot took off. The sounds of those Otter planes were glorious music to our ears! A shower, a toilet, a beer, food, and sleep never felt or sounded so good. The team earned every amenity possible from such a long hard day. I am thoroughly impressed and proud of all the team members. It has been a fantastic journey. One for the books! Here's to healing sunburns, chapped lips, and sore muscles.

Congrats team, you made it!

RMI Guides Hannah, Kiira, and Dan

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Congratulations!!! Very strong work! So happy for you all!

Posted by: Gina on 6/28/2022 at 1:24 pm

Awesome Job Hannah and Team! Thank you for the posts it was great following along!

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 6/28/2022 at 3:08 am

Denali Expedition: Smith & Team Descend to 14,000ft Camp

Saturday, June 25, 2022 - 7:46 pm PT

Good evening all,

It's been quite a day and it's not even over yet. We woke to a chilly morning at 17,000' Camp. It made for a slow break down of camp and packing due to cold fingers and let's face it tired bodies from the day before. But with some effort we left camp and made our way to 14,000' Camp. Like usual it got real hot when we got low. By the time we arrived it was hot and we were tired. We opted to stay at 14,000' for the evening. Another RMI team helped set up our tents and gave us water. True team players. After shuffling gear and eating breakfast burritos for dinner we are all laying down for a few hours before we wake to start walking at midnight for the airstrip. It's going to be a long day but we've got this. Lots of motivation to propel us forward. Hopefully by tomorrow afternoon we will be flying back to civilization.

Time to nap,

RMI Guide Hannah Smith and Team

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So happy for you all, especially CJ!  What an achievement - CONGRATULATIONS!!  We are so proud of you.  Tante

Posted by: Eloise on 6/26/2022 at 1:35 pm

What an adventure this has been!  Just a final push now and you’ll be back with lots of stories to tell.  Congratulations to you all!
IngaLisa’s Mom

Posted by: Irene Wickstrom on 6/26/2022 at 1:23 pm

Denali Expedition: SUMMIT!

Saturday, June 25, 2021 1:18 am PDT

Everything we worked for all came together today. We woke to nearly perfect weather conditions. It was game time. We packed and tied into the rope. A quick downhill gave away to steep terrain up the autobahn. Step by step we worked our way up the mountain. A breeze here and there kissed our cheeks, but all things considered was pretty calm until the summit ridge. One final steep uphill up pig hill brought us to the summit ridge. This is where the winds picked up. But we dug deep and pushed forward to the tippy top. What an accomplishment! The team trained hard, and it showed. They gave it their all and came out on top.

Congratulations team!!

Tired legs and bodies brought us back to our camp where we are resting up for two more big days walking to the airstrip.

Night everyone,

RMI Guides Hannah Smith, Kiira Antenucci, Daniel May and Team

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Congratulations to all. Awesome experience. Love what I am seeing. I can only imagine what it looks like in your eyes. Rest up enjoy the descent and have a hot chocolate lol.

Posted by: John on 6/26/2022 at 7:07 am

Big congratulations That’s so awesome……. big kudos to Jason and Jason ❤️

Posted by: Jo Anne on 6/26/2022 at 5:08 am

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