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Entries By josh geiser

Mt. Rainier: Emmons Seminar Team Reaches Summit!

RMI Guide James Bealer and the Expedition Skills Seminar - Emmons July 8 - 13 reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning around 8:30 am.  It's a beautiful day on the mountain with a bit of wind.  The team left Camp Schurman with an alpine start and will return their this afternoon.  Climbers have spent the last several days training with cramponing, rope travel and ice axe arrest techniques and additional alpine skills.  They put it all together to reach the top. Once back at Camp Schurman the team will spend a final night on the mountain.  Tomorrow they descend to the trailhead and will return to Rainier BaseCamp in the afternoon.

Nice work team!  

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Well done team!

-Nick R

Posted by: Nick on 7/12/2023 at 5:38 pm

Mt. Rainier: Five Day Team Led by Gately & Lyddan Summit

After enjoying a day of training at Ingraham Flats, 11,200ft, yesterday, the Five Day Climb June 29 - 3 July led by RMI Guides Steve Gately and Emma Lyddan put their training to good use. The teams climbed 4,500' from Camp Muir to the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning.  Steve reported a pleasant day on the mountain with a bit of a breeze towards the summit.  The teams began their descent from the crater rim just before 7:30 am en route to Camp Muir.  Once back at camp they will have a short break to repack before continuing the remaining 4,500' to Paradise.

Congratulations to today's climbing teams!

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Mt. Rainier: Four Day Climb led by Van Deventer & McDowell Reach Summit

The June 26 - 29 Four Day Climb led by RMI Guides Pete Van Deventer & Josh McDowell reached the summit of Mt. Rainier just before 6 am today.  Pete reported a very nice morning on the mountain.  The teams enjoyed an hour in the summit crater before starting their descent from the crater rim.  The teams will return to Camp Muir for a quick break and then continue the final 4,500' to Paradise.  They will celebrate their achievement at Rainier BaseCamp later this afternoon.

Nice work team!

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WOOO great work on a successful climb! Congrats to Becky and the rest of the team :)

Posted by: Corey on 6/29/2023 at 8:55 am

Mt. Rainier: Four Day Climb Summits!

The Four Day Climb led by RMI Guides Walt Hailes and Taylor Bickford were on the 14,410' summit of Mt. Rainier early this morning. Walt reported that is was a nice day of climbing on the Disappointment Cleaver Route. The team started their descent at 8:25 am and are making their way back to Camp Muir.

Congratulations Team! 

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Congrats Cindy!!! Can’t wait to hear all about your Washington adventure. Xx Jill

Posted by: Jill Arvai Acker on 6/27/2023 at 7:51 pm

Congratulations to all esp. C, D & P. You’re “rock”stars!

Posted by: Sarah Thompson on 6/24/2023 at 10:39 am

Mt. Rainier: Okita, Smith & Teams Reach Summit

The Four Day Climb June 12 - 15 led by RMI Guides Brent Okita & Hannah Smith reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning just before 7 am PT.  Brent reported gusty winds during their climb today. The teams didn't stay long on the summit and are descending to Camp Muir.  After a short stop at Camp Muir the teams will continue down to Paradise and return to Rainier BaseCamp later this afternoon.

Congratulations to today's climbers!

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First Annual Sandy-Camp Clean-up

RMI Guides Josh Geiser and Evan Sather joined many guide services last weekend in the first annual Sandy Camp clean-up project. Josh had the following to say about their weekend on Mt. Baker:

"We had a great time representing RMI for the first annual Sandy Camp cleanup on Mount Baker. After a summer of heavy use, it was great to put our Leave No Trace (LNT) principles into practice helping to clean up an area that we all share. It was also nice to see guides from so many other companies coming out to help and make new connections across guide services. In total, we cleaned up 74 used blue bags as well as a bunch of other trash scattered throughout the camp.”

Sandy Camp is an alpine camp used along the Easton glacier route of Mt. Baker, one of the most popular standard routes on Mt. Baker. All recreational activities including climbers are expected to pack out what they pack in and dispose of their waste properly (LNT Principle #3). Leave No Trace (LNT) principles are an important part of recreating, especially in the Mt. Baker National Recreation Area, operated by the USDA Forest Service. This includes all kinds of waste, especially human waste. The Sandy Camp clean-up event spent a lot of the focus on improperly disposed of human waste and toilet paper.

Proper disposal of human waste helps to avoid negative impacts on water sources, minimize the possibility of spreading disease, and maximize the rate of decomposition. As the fragile alpine settings of Mt. Baker and the surrounding trails are becoming more popular, it becomes increasingly important to practice Leave No Trace principles to ensure the long-term sustainability of these beautiful places.

Join us in practicing Leave No Trace principles while recreating! You can learn more about Leave No Trace principles at lnt.org.

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Well, going to have to go through with this now. Got my airline / hotel reservations. The thought of backing out and reversing the reservations makes me retch. Easier to do the climb!

Posted by: Bart on 4/30/2023 at 12:37 pm

Mt. Rainier: Four Day Teams Summit with 100%

RMI Guides Mike Walter & Abby Westling led the Four Day Climb August 26 - 29 to the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning with all climbers in both groups.  Mike reported a beautiful day on the mountain as the teams were approaching the crater rim around 7:10 am.  Climbers will spend time in the summit crater before starting their descent, dropping 4,500' back to Camp Muir.  After a quick stop they will continue the remaining 4,500' to Paradise.  Once back at Rainier BaseCamp later this afternoon the program will conclude with a small celebration for the teams.

Nice work today everyone!

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Mt. Rainier: Four Day Teams Reach Crater Rim at 7 am

RMI Guide Tatum Whatford radioed at 7 am that the first rope teams of the Four Day Climb August 22 - 25 were reaching the crater rim.  The remaining teams were 10 minutes out. Tatum reported a beautiful morning on the mountain with no wind and a very good route. Once they spend a bit of time on the summit, Tatum along with RMI Guide Alex Halliday will lead their climbers back to Camp Muir where they will have a quick break to re-organize and pack for their remaining descent to Paradise.  The teams will conclude their program this afternoon with a celebration at Rainier BaseCamp.

Way to go teams!

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Mt. Rainier: Four Day Climb Teams Enjoy Beautiful Day

The Four Day Climb August 18 - 21 reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning at 6:05 am.  The teams enjoyed clear skies and a light breeze during their climb.  They began their descent from the crater rim at 7:20 am to return to Camp Muir.  At Camp Muir they will repack and take a short break before continuing the final 4,500' descent to Paradise. 

Congratulations to today's climbing teams!

Photo credit: Ben Luedtke

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Mt. Baker: Easton Glacier Team on Top!

The Mt. Baker Easton Glacier Team was on the summit of Mt. Baker at 11:24 am today. RMI Guide James Bealer reported a "Blue Bird" day of climbing, with clear skies, and warm temperatures. The team climbed in their t-shirts and only passed one team on the way to the top, perfect conditions. They are on their way back to camp where they will spend one more night before descending to the trailhead.

Congratulations Team!

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