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Entries By jess wedel

Everest Base Camp Trek & Lobuche: Wedel & Team Start Trek

There were perma-grins on our face today as we flew into the Himalayas. We got so lucky with nearly perfect weather and amazing views of the highest mountains in the world.

We got an early start and after landing in Lukla headed to the Sunrise Teahouse. We sat in the window-filled dining room and enjoyed tea, coffee, and our first (of many!) teahouse breakfasts. We watched the planes and helicopters fly in and out. Met our incredible Sherpa team - Dawa, Kala, Jangbu and Nawang and eventually began our trek.

Even though the trail can be described as “sometimes up, sometimes down” today was mostly trending down. We crossed our first suspension bridges and breathed deep in the peace of the walking.

We learned yesterday about the importance of enjoying the moment you are in and we definitely did that when we walked to the bakery this afternoon and enjoyed fresh cookies, cakes and bread.

It feels so good to finally be in the mountains.

RMI Guide Jess Wedel and the Lobuche Team

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Everest Base Camp Trek & Lobuche: Wedel & Team Arrive in Kathmandu, Explore the city

Namaste - we made it to Kathmandu!

The Lobuche climbing team has all arrived in country. We hit the ground running today with our first team meeting followed by a round of gear checks.

Before we knew it, it was time to head out to experience the sights and sounds of Kathmandu. We loaded the van and were propelled by the honks, horns and beeps from the cars and bikes around us as we made our way to the Boudhanath - our first of two UNESCO world heritage sites we visited.

We strolled around the gleaming white dome and visited an ancient silk Thangka painting school where we learned more about this vital part of the Tibetan Buddhist culture and took in the detailed and vivid paintings.

Next thing we knew, we were at Swayambhu also affectionately known as the “monkey temple”. We reveled in the views over the city and snapped wayyyy too many photos and videos of monkeys being cute as heck. Don’t worry! We kept the proper distance and no phones, water bottles or snacks were snatched by the smart little guys.

The jet leg started to hit about then so we headed to Thamel - a vibrant area of town full of shops, restaurants, trinkets and treasures galore. We powered through an early dinner, picked up some last minute gear and headed back to the hotel.

We’re all doing some final packing before we fly to Lukla early tomorrow morning. Cross your fingers for good weather!

RMI Guide Jess Wedel

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Mexico’s Volcanoes: Wedel Recaps the Climb and Special Time Spent in the Mountains

We did it! Everyone made it to the top (and safely back down) of Pico de Orizaba  - what a day! We climbed for the third time this trip in perfectly calm, bright conditions and then got to watch a storm build from a single wisp of a cloud.

100% on top for all three very difficult mountains is not normal. I wish I could say it’s good guiding but the reality is it’s the character and determination of this crew.

It’s not been smooth sailing, have I see the biggest blister in my guiding career? Yes. Have we depleted the Imodium reserves? Also yes. Did we have not 1 but two pairs of boots break apart in seemingly unfixable ways? Why yes, yes we did. (shout out to duct tape and voile straps)

But it speaks to the resilience of every person on this team. I see in each of these team members an understanding of what it’s like to go to the depths of pain and suffering and move in it and through it with grace. 

As we talked about at the beginning everyone on this trip has a connection to the American Lung Association - we climbed every step for the loved ones we’ve lost, for the hope of something and some cure someday. And in the midst of it all - pain and suffering - we found hope and a belief in ourselves that we could make it through - just one more step, just to the next break. Moment by moment we live in the mountains and in our lives - keeping hope alive for what’s to come no matter how we feel in the now.

Thank you to each of you at home that donated and supported these 8 team members to believe in something bigger than themselves (a world with clean air, a world where there is a cure for all lung diseases) and to have the chance to do something hard along the way.

And thank you to mis Chivos (I know you all are reading this!!) it’s been a trip of a lifetime getting to know each of you, your incredible stories, your compassion and care for each other (and every animal we came across), your willingness to let loose and laugh on playgrounds and your trust in Josh, Allan and I to push you and challenge you in all ways in the mountains.

With so much gratitude,

RMI Guide Jess Wedel

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Mexico’s Volcanoes: Wedel & Entire Team Reach Summit of Orizaba

UPDATE: Saturday, March 1, 2025 - 8:52 am PT

We received a quick note from RMI Guide Jess Wedel this morning: 

100% on top. We just walked off the summit of Pico de Orizaba. Beautiful clear day, but snow and clouds are on their way.

They will check in later today when they off the mountain and are back in Tlachichuca.

Congratulations to all the ALA climbers!  Nice work everyone! 

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Mexico’s Volcanoes: Wedel & Team Check in from 14,000’ on Orizaba

Friday, February 28, 2025 - 5:20 pm 

Checking in from just over 14,000' on the side of Pico de Orizaba!

We said goodbye to cutie Puebla this morning and drove to Servimont (our local outfitter) headquarters. 

We were greeted with big smiles by Dr. Reyes adn team We reshuffled our gear (one duffel to the mountain, and one duffel stays behind), had a delicious lunch and then loaded the 4x4 vehicles for what would be an adventurous drive up to Orizaba base camp. 

Everything was going as smoothly as possible while on the wildest 4x4 road until it wasn't. The steering on hte truck we were in snapped and next thing know we were standing on the side of the road coming up with a new plan. Some of us started walking toward camp and some of us waited for the new truck. It was there before we knew it and we were off. We picked up the walkers along the way and finally made it to base camp. We got the tents set up, dinner cooked and ended with a summit talk about what to expect for the climb.

Everyone is doing well and we are all excited to see what the mountain has to offer tomorrow.

RMI Guides Jess Wedel, Josh Geiser and Los Chivos

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Mexico’s Volcanoes: Wedel & Team Enjoy Rest Day in Puebla

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Hola friends and family!

We have a rest day in Puebla - yay! The day started without any alarms and that was something we were all excited about. Everyone leisurely made their way to breakfast sometime after 9:00 am.

We all sat there together reminiscing on the trip so far - our good luck with weather, the challenge of both climbs, how many dogs we’ve accidentally fallen in love with, etc. 

We kept refilling our coffees and green juice; sipping and chatting for nearly two hours. It was a lovely and relaxed time.

But that’s where the relaxing ended for this crew as they opted for a more “active” rest day. Everyone took off to enjoy as much of the city as possible and lead by Vanessa (who had done all her Puebla research) they saw over nine different sights and interesting spots in town. From art galleries to Mezcal tasting to historical sites, they never stopped walking.

It was so fun at dinner to hear about what treasures people found and how we all spent our day.

We quickly marched back to the hotel for some last minute packing before we have an early start tomorrow to Pico de Orizaba.

RMI Guides Jess Wedel, Josh Geiser and Los Chivos

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Mexico’s Volcanoes: Wedel & Team Check in After Ixta Summit

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Today the whole team stood at 17,160 feet on the summit of Ixtaccíhiuatl. It was a near perfect day with sunshine and no wind. 

Even with great weather it was a hard-fought summit on Ixtaccihuatl today. Everyone fighting through a host of maladies trying to hold them back - blisters, rumbling tummies, headaches and more. It will be no surprise to family and friends at home that every single person on this crew has serious GRIT!

One of the most special moments was the sunrise just as we were topping out onto the ridge - right before the final push to the top. It had been a particularly steep and icy stretch getting there. Just when we were all thinking we didn’t know if we could do it - we topped out to the golden glow of dawn. We sat and took it in for a few minutes, the boost we all needed to keep on.

Thirty minutes later, we were all standing on the summit together in perfect daylight.

After a long descent back to our camp, we packed up and continued downhill to the base. We were greeted by the awesome Servimont team with lunch and cheers!

After a little more packing (we’re expert packers now), we loaded the van and took off for real beds and showers in Puebla! As we were driving, the sun set outside our windows over Ixta and it was a perfect end to the day.

As we drove in the van, I heard conversations recalling the huge day and frequent “that was the hardest thing I’ve ever done” which is saying a lot coming from this experienced team.

Tomorrow we’ll have a well-earned rest day exploring the charming and historical city of Puebla. 

RMI Guides Jess Wedel, Josh Geiser and Los Chivos

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Mexico’s Volcanoes: Wedel & Team Reach Summit of Ixta

Wednesday, February 26, 2025 - 6:04 am PT


RMI Guide Jess Wedel checked in at 6:04 am PT today to let us know the whole team was on the summit of Ixtaccihuatl at 17,340'.  They will send a blog later today once they descend to the trailhead and make their way to Puebla.  

Way to go team! Congrats!

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Mexico’s Volcanoes: Wedel & Team Move to Ixta High Camp

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Today was a huge day of logistics, travel and climbing uphill to Ixta high camp!

We started early knowing we had a few hours in the car. We said goodbye to our friends at La Malintzi (especially all our new sweet dog friends) and hit the road.

Clear skies prevailed and we had views of Ixta and Popo all day. When we were almost to the national park, we noticed plumes of clouds coming off Popo! So cool to see an active volcano.

We got to the base of Ixta, repacked our bags for the climb and started hiking. With heavy packs and over 12,000ft it was tough walking. Everyone did great and we made it to high camp in three hours. 

After an early dinner, we laid down in our tents as soon as we could knowing that the alarms would go off sooner rather than later - Ixta summit here we come!

RMI Guide Jess Wedel and the team

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Mexico’s Volcanoes: Wedel & Team Reach Summit of La Malinche

Monday, February 24, 2025

Malinche day! And Melissa’s birthday!

Well, well, well we had another wonderful day in the mountains. 100% of the team made it to the top of Malinche and we were rewarded with amazing views.

It’s rained every afternoon since we’ve been here so we got an early start on the trail. We were sent off in the dark by a pack of friendly doggos. The trail went up and up through majestic trees and eventually we saw the pink of the sunrise peaking through the canopy. We continued on and before we knew it we could see the ridgeline of Malinche.

The views were amazing - Orizaba shining bright to our left and Ixta and Popo on our right. The skies were clear but there’s been some recent snow so we took our time through steep icy rocks just before the summit.

We celebrated with team photos and enjoyed the moment up there before we headed back down to La Malintzi for the night. 

RMI Guides Jess Wedel, Josh Geiser and Los Chivos


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