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Entries By james bealer

Mt. Rainier: Expedition Skills Seminar - Muir Wrap up Week of Training

After a week of unexpected park closures and a wonderful spring storm, our first Muir seminar of the season has concluded. Despite the less than stellar weather conditions, the team was able to shift gears and make the most of their time on the mountain. Climbers learned important skills like route planning, glaciology, snow sciences and spent several days practicing and honing their crevasse rescue skills.

Congratulations team – we hope you enjoyed your time on the mountain!

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Mt. Rainier: Expedition Skills Seminar - Muir Begins the 2022 Season

On Monday, the Expedition Skills Seminar - Muir was foiled from getting into the National Park by a large Spring snow storm.  We spent the day learning and practicing technical skills like rope ascension and ice climbing.  The team then learned about route planning, glaciology, and snow science. Hopes are high that the team can reach Paradise today.

RMI Guide James Bealer

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Hi, did this group reach the summit??

Posted by: John Swartz on 4/16/2022 at 10:50 am

Mt. Baker Backcountry Ski & Ride Course

This weekend our Backcountry Ski and Ride course had an excellent time learning the fundamentals of backcountry skiing.  Saturday gave us a light dusting of fresh snow as we practiced our rescue skills and learned how to move as a group in the backcountry. 

The next day, we practiced making terrain decisions and students navigated the group through the ascents and descents of our long tour.  We ended up having beautiful weather for most of the course and had the whole mountain to ourselves on Sunday. 

Our students are excited to use their new skills for upcoming ski descents of local Washington mountains as well as skiing corn with their friends.  

RMI Guide James Bealer & Team

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Aconcagua: All Smiles After Climb To Camp 2

We huffed and puffed our way up to Camp 2 today, which sits at 18,300 feet. The team did a great job with the move! Arriving at camp this afternoon, everyone felt a major sense of accomplishment. Ear to ear smiles, and hugs all around! Our hard work today will be rewarded with a much deserved day of rest tomorrow. We have now situated ourselves perfectly for a summit attempt in the coming days.


Till next time,

RMI  Guide Luke Wilhelm and team

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I have wonder and excitement for you on what it must feel like for this to be accomplished. What a life changing event for you. I am so excited for you all. Keep going! Love you Tim!

Posted by: Teri Derr on 2/1/2022 at 8:43 am

Richie, you da man! I’m super proud of you for pursing your life passions and adventuring to new epic heights. I’ve been reading the blogs and it sounds like you’re surrounded by amazing human beings with enormous hearts. Keep blazing upward! GO TEAM!!!

Posted by: Joey Collazo on 2/1/2022 at 5:55 am

Aconcagua Expedition: The Soul of a Climber

The Soul of a Climber 


The mountains hold the soul,

And light fire in the hearts of some men.

It leads them to do things,

Others don't just understand.


It's not only the summits,

Though that's what we oft speak of.

It's the journey, the effort,

And so much more that we love.


It's trekking the valleys,

That lead to the trailhead.

And the anticipation of adventures,

During the journey ahead.


It's the early morning sun,

As if it illuminates the peaks.

All through the day until sunset,

These are the beauties we seek.


We realize it will take effort,

That there will be moments of pain.

But the mountain gives more back,

It is much more of a gain.


It's the time spent with others,

Telling tales of past climbs.

And of more ventures ahead,

That excite each climber's mind.


There is time spent together,

There is tile spent alone.

But mostly it is time in the mountains,

In this place we call home.


The time comes to leave, 

It invariably does.

But our hearts and souls have been nourished,

By these sacred mountains we love. 


-Tim Cavanagh

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Hola, Tim and the Team!  We hope your lungs are cleansed and your hearts are filled in your dance with Mother Nature.  We are right behind you in spirit.  Love, D and I

Posted by: Dick and Irene Simpson on 2/1/2022 at 9:47 am

To our dad and his fellow mountaineers,

Your journey brings envy to our “home isolation”
but hope you’re enjoying God’s Divine Creation.
The mountains are beautiful and treacherous at best,
We hope you are eating, hydrating, and getting adequate rest.
You’ll be climbing and slogging through all sorts of weather
Just think of the camaraderie and memories you’re making together.
It is one of the best parts of these expeditions no doubt,
Along with reflection, prayer, and a few curses throughout.
We’re praying for you all and especially the “Soul of a Climber” who’s soles imprint on the trail
And look forward to you regaling us with your long mountaineer tale.

We love you, dad!

Love and God Bless,
Chris, Bo, Lillian, and Carl

Posted by: ChrisBoLillianCarl on 1/30/2022 at 8:33 pm

Aconcagua Expedition: Team Carries Gear Above Base Camp

It's easy to forget how wild it is here. Over the past several days we have been surrounded by the hustle and bustle of helicopters, mules, and other climbers rushing in and out of Aconcagua Base Camp. Today brought a lovely change. Carrying our gear higher and higher, we were reminded of how incomprehensible the land we are exploring in is. The surrounding mountains took depth and the air became noticeably thinner. It was calm. No wind, no helicopters, no loud music. Just climbing. Wonderful. 

Till next time,

RMI Guide Luke Wilhelm & Team

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So excited for you Richie! Can’t wait to hear all about this and see pics. You are a rockstar!

Posted by: Andrew Hatfield on 1/29/2022 at 11:37 am

Sounds amazing! Keep it up and enjoy the adventure everyone!
We love you and miss you Pops! We’re all rooting for you!

Posted by: Noel Imfeld on 1/28/2022 at 9:29 pm

ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION: Team Enjoys Rest Day at Basecamp

The team enjoyed a well deserved rest day at Basecamp. We spent the time napping, reading, and preparing gear for tomorrow.  Optimism and hope flowed out of our dining tent this evening as we were finally able to see the climbing route above us. We feel recovered and ready for what lies above. 

RMI Guides James, Luke, David & Team

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Joe 1 foot in front of the other.
We are rooting for you, and wishing were there with a Cold Coke

Posted by: Daryl and Katie on 1/28/2022 at 9:35 am

Aconcagua Expedition: Wilhelm & Team Arrive at Basecamp

The sun got a little brighter for us today, as we moved up to Plaza de Mulas. One only needed to look up from the trail to realize the unique contrast of the environment we were in. Dusty desert gave way to ice covered peaks, appearing to rocket upwards in an attempt to reach outer space. After a long day on the trail, we were greeted with good food and shade. 

Till next time,

RMI Guide Luke Wilhelm 

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Hope y’all are getting plenty of rest and are gently stoking the fire within you for the adventure ahead.

Dad, to six years of recovery and hard work! You are a bad A! Proud of you! We are with you each step of the way! 

Rest Easy,


Posted by: Kelly on 1/27/2022 at 6:48 pm

So excited to hear about your trip -  we are following along hoping for good weather and good companions along the trail.  Give us some colors and feelings in your emails so we get the full view from up there in the thin air.  Good Luck and be safe.  N. and P.

Posted by: Sandy and Dick on 1/27/2022 at 10:53 am

Aconcagua Expedition: Scott & Team Return to Mendoza to Celebrate

After two very long and tiring days, walking more than 20 miles and descending more than 14,000ft, we are finally back in civilization! Shower, clean beds, real food…oh my! We are all feeling like human beings again after a wonderful shower and a celebratory dinner out. It’s good to back in comfortable surroundings after such a trying trip, but at the same time sad that the adventure is coming to an end. Climbers are planning wine tours and sight seeing adventures during the 1 or 2 days they have left in the country. Hopefully, they return to you all, reading at home, rested and ready to retell all their stories and show you all the photos! It was one hell of a trip! 

Thanks for following along everyone.


RMI Guide Nick Scott

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Aconcagua Expedition: Scott & Team Reach Summit, Descend to Base Camp

Today was the day! We woke up early to clear skies and absent winds. A first in over a week! We walked out of camp 2 at 2:30 hoping to get ahead of the numerous climbers that had stacked up waiting for the same weather window. Unfortunately, we weren’t early enough to beat all the other climbers out the door and ran into a fair amount of traffic. However, the extra traffic couldn’t spoil the perfect weather or the stoke emanating from the climbers, all of whom had been chomping at the bit for a chance to climb all week. The route felt extra steep this year, but the climbing was aided by good quality snow for much of the upper route leading to the summit. After nine hours of climbing and dodging other climbers, five out of seven of us stood on the summit of Aconcagua, the highest mountain outside of the Himalaya. It was a perfect summer day with almost no wind and clear skies for epic views all around. After enjoying our hard won success for just a few minutes, believe it or not it can be hard to breathe at 22,841 feet, we turned downhill and continued walking downhill all the way into basecamp around 7:15pm. An absolute epic of a day for those that managed to climb to the top. Despite the sore muscles and blistered toes, the crew was smiles all around the dinner table sharing stories from the day. Tomorrow we walk out to the trailhead and make our way back to Mendoza for a much needed shower and a good night sleep in a proper bed.

Congrats to all those who summited! And good luck on your next adventure!

RMI Guide Nick Scott

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Congratulations to all!!  What great stories you will have to tell about this grand adventure!

Posted by: Coeli Scott on 1/25/2022 at 4:42 am

How absolutely AWESOME - way to go team!  It has been fun to follow your adventures and glad many of you finally made the summit!  Way to go Jake!!!

Posted by: carron on 1/24/2022 at 8:36 pm

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