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Entries By j.j. justman

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Cache Gear at Camp 1

Rugged and rough is a great way to describe the ascent to Aconcagua Camp One. The team carried gear to cache at 16,400 feet. The last stretch into camp is a light and fluffy scree section that can sometimes cause folks to spin your wheels. Our team managed fine and we hung out for a half an hour in the thin air. We cached a couple of duffel bags filled with food and gear that we will need higher on the mountain. We are now back in Basecamp once again enjoying the good life! RMI Guide JJ Justman

On The Map

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Hi Keith (Lewis)
I am so excited for you and a little scared.  Your mom keeps me in formed of all your adventures and accomplishments, and I could not be more proud of you. Everyone back home is thinking and living vicariously through you, have a wonderful and safe trip. God be with you and your team.

Stacy your Virginia cousin!

Posted by: Stacy Turner on 2/11/2014 at 8:47 am

Keith (Rich), love looking at the pics- how lucky you guys are to be surrounded by those gorgeous mountains!  Love reading the blurbs of your days! Hope you are enjoying every minute…Doug and I are living through you guys (and the peace and quiet there) as the whole neighborhood is having a dance party in our playroom!  Enjoy the moment! xo

Posted by: Nikki on 2/10/2014 at 4:07 pm

Aconcagua: Team Enjoys Rest at Base Camp

Today is our first rest day at Aconcagua Base Camp and man is it nice. We woke up and made a huge brunch of home fries and scrambled eggs complete with real French press coffee. What a treat! Between lounging in the sun and exploring the streams and scenery around camp, the team has been preparing their equipment for our carry to Camp One tomorrow. Checking and double checking that they've got all their technical gear and are bringing enough chocolate and gummies for the upper mountain. The carry to Camp One will be a big day, but the team is feeling strong and the sun will be out. Wish us luck and keep posting on the blog, we enjoy reading your comments! RMI Guide Katrina Bloemsma
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Thanks for the support! I have just a few min of connectivity; Set a personal best today, the gear carry to camp 1 (was super easy, NOT) put be at 4800m/15k ft. Back at base tonight.
Kiernan happy birthday!
Aidan i cant wait to hear how you won 5 bucks from mom.
Devlin i love you too.
Julian, team & guides are great and the jury is still out but I think Paris might have been a better vacation ;) Xoxoxox

Posted by: KenM on 2/9/2014 at 11:56 am

Rich! Love you so much and wish I were there with you!  Have fun and enjoy the climb…looking forward to more blog posts we are following them closely! Stay safe

Siriana says “Daddy I love you have a good trip and make sure you are safe in Agacagua in Chile” LOL

Ky says “I love you Daddy and have fun at Aquacongua and be safe so we can see you on the computer while you are in your tent!”

Chanchai is sleeping so no comment from him right now. :-)

Posted by: Susie on 2/9/2014 at 9:05 am

Aconcagua: Justman and Team Settle into Base Camp

The time has arrived. We are nestling into Plaza Argentina Base Camp. The weather has been too nice on our trek in. It certainly explains why there is a sun on the flag of Argentina. We wish there was a swimming pool at base. The entire team is doing very well and it is nice to unload all our gear knowing we don't have to pack up duffels for the mules. Speaking of mules, we want to thank our cowboys for helping us get to BC. The boys from Grajales are the very best. Second to none and they are part of the RMI family. It's time to relax...we will keep you posted from 13800 feet. RMI Guide JJ Justman and Team
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Get it Dad!!!  Wish I was climbing up there with you! Love you!

Posted by: Ezra on 2/8/2014 at 1:40 pm

Way to go Casey!  Enjoy your adventure.  We are thinking of you and praying that you get up and down the mountain safely and with incredible memories.

Posted by: Emelie Kallen on 2/8/2014 at 9:42 am

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Enjoying Life at Casa de Piedra

It's a cowboy lifestyle. Our Aconcagua team is currently sitting by a campfire under the Andean stars telling stories and enjoying a little of the good life. Sometimes it's nice to slow down, look around and enjoy the good life. Yes, we are on a high altitude mountaineering expedition. However, this is part of that adventure. We can hear a Gaucho..."cowboy" shoeing a mule. These mules go through a lot of hard work getting all our food and gear to base camp. And it's nice yo see how the cowboys look after their animals. Tomorrow we will arise to another sunny day as the team hikes into Aconcagua Basecamp. We are all excited to arrive and settle in permanently. We will also be a little sad to say goodbye to the cowboys who are like family to us. RMI Guide JJ Justman

On The Map

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Hi Brenda ,looks like the sun gods are treating you right blue sky’s we miss you but happy for your dream come true, xoxoxo

Posted by: Richie larscheid on 2/6/2014 at 8:21 pm

WOW… sounds like you are all having a great time!  We miss you Casey… Ezra, Eva, Isaac and I are watching your progress.  So Exciting:)

Posted by: Andrea Cerretani on 2/6/2014 at 6:52 pm

Aconcagua: Team Camped Beneath the Stars

The team is bivvied out under the stars and a clear sky at Las Lenas tonight. After packing the last of our gear for the mules to carry in, we headed to the dusty Vacas Valley. We had a breezy and sunny walk in, taking time to eat fresh melon and jamon y queso sandwiches at a leisurely lunch break along the river. At camp, the local cowboys made us a steak Asado over the open fire for dinner. Tomorrow, we continue up the valley to Casa de Piedra where another Asado dinner (and hopefully starry skies) await us! RMI Guide Katrina Bloemsma
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Hola to Bob and everyone. From Bill and Candi in St. John’s, FL (elev. negligible)

Posted by: Biil on 2/6/2014 at 11:00 am

Hope you have blue sky’s all the way to the top!

Posted by: Richie larscheid on 2/6/2014 at 6:18 am

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Start the Trek to Base Camp

It's here! The final RMI Aconcagua expedition of 2014! The team of climbers and Guide extraordinaire Katrina and myself are set to go. We had a great time in Mendoza and Penitentes and we are revving to go. We have a day of sunshine ahead of us to get to our first trek camp at Pampa de Las Leñas. Follow along to see how much fun we have on Aconcagua. RMI Guide JJ Justman

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The team looks great. Bob, I am so proud of you. As I write this on 2/13, I know you have all been doing great. Enjoy this fabulous, difficult, amazing trip. Jeanette

Posted by: Jeanette on 2/13/2014 at 10:58 am

Hey Rich…stay warm and safe.  We love you! Mom and Dad

Posted by: Donna Lewis on 2/9/2014 at 4:56 am

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Return Safely to Base Camp

Hello RMI blog followers! Our team has arrived safely back at Basecamp. We are so happy to be in the thick air after a very long expedition. We have used up all our days and it is nice to enjoy the fruits of our labor. We are once again enjoying fresh Argentinian pizzas and the stories are rolling around the table. Aside from relaxing we will be packing up duffels for our mules arriving tomorrow. We will begin our journey back to Pampa de las Lenas where we began, then the next day we will arrive in Mendoza. We want to thank everyone for all your comments on the blog. Everyone gives their regards. This is our final dispatch for the expedition. Again, thank you! Wait...another pizza is coming. Gotta go! RMI Guide JJ Justman

On The Map

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Way to go Team Olyneck!  Were rootig for you Di at work!  Be safe!

Posted by: Kathy O'Callaghan on 1/30/2014 at 5:38 am

after 3 weeks….. just burn’em
Good job everyone….. its time to get bonked out of your gord

Posted by: josh on 1/29/2014 at 7:16 pm

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Summit!

Update 1:45 pm PST: Our team has safely returned back to high camp. The snow has returned. We are nestled in our tents drinking and eating. We are tired. [Summit phone call transcribed] Hey everyone, this is JJ Justman with the Aconcagua Team. We're happy to announce that we are on the summit of South America's highest peak, Aconcagua! It was an interesting day. It started out cold and windy. It was a hard day to get started but at the end of the day, the sun is shining. The clouds are now starting to build a little bit, but it turned out to be a fairly decent day. Definitely a tough day to get on top of South America's highest speak. Everyone says hello. Big thing now is to head on down. We had a good, safe climb. We're gonna have a safe descent. But again, everyone says hello and thanks again for following along and giving us your best wishes for a safe and successful climb. That's exactly what we had today was a really decent weather day, a safe climb. Thanks again everyone. We'll touch base when we get further down the mountain, but everyone is doing real well. Take care, good-bye for now from the the top of the Western Hemisphere. RMI Guide JJ Justman

RMI Guide JJ Justman from the Aconcagua summit!

On The Map

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Congratulations team!  It sounds like everyone had a new “personal best” in just relentlessly tough weather conditions.  You should all be proud of your journey and perseverance! Randy C you are amazing and we miss you!  Now time to skip down that mountain and come back to little Delaware.  If you see a gondola hop on it and come on home!
Love Judy
ps.  Roxy is waiting for you on the couch!

Posted by: judy Christofferson on 1/29/2014 at 1:56 pm

Denise Mamason! Oh my gosh i am exhausted. I partied all night in celebration of your magnificent feet! you guys rock! Safe trip down! Yahoo! I am with Josh. Definitely recommend skiing or sleigh riding back down. So very proud of you! The family of mountain tamers! Give your bro and sis a big hug for me. So proud of you. Cutter dog is too!
Mary Fox

Posted by: Mary Fox on 1/29/2014 at 9:00 am

Aconcagua: Justman & Team at High Camp

Unrelenting! That is the word that describes our weather on Aconcagua. Last night we received 10 inches of snow. When we awoke this morning the winds had scoured most of that snow off the mountain leaving several deep drifts around camp. Thankfully the weather settled down a bit and we were able to break camp and pack up. The scene looked more like Denali in Alaska than Aconcagua in the Andes. The team did great in the harsh conditions. It would have even made The Godfather of Denali, Joe Horiskey, proud as the team worked together in cold, blustery winds. We are now sitting in silence at high camp enjoying the sun at 19,600 feet. The team has run its final days. Tomorrow is our only shot. Then we have to head downhill. As luck I believe has it, the forecast is for light winds on top. We will touch base tomorrow, keep your fingers crossed, it should be from the top! RMI Guide JJ Justman

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You can do it! Saying prayers for good weather for you and will sacrifice something to the weather Gods for you. You are the best. Very proud of you!
Cutter dog says Hi!

Posted by: Mary fox on 1/28/2014 at 7:31 am

Incredible!  You guys have dealt with an unbelievable amount of varied weather conditions!  Looks like the mountain is giving it everything she has to you guys…well done for doing such an excellent job!  We are so proud of you, dad (Lew Smith)!  I know this is the toughest climb you’ve ever done, but from what it sounds like, you and the team are doing awesome!  Just like I did in the Marine Corps, you remember your training.  When the poo poo hits the fan, your hard work and training kicks into gear, and I’m quite sure that’s what it has been doing for you while on Aconcagua.  Keep it up, dad!  You guys are so close.  I pray that you have good weather conditions, so that you have a window of time to go for the summit.  We will see what Aconcagua will do; if she will allow you and the team to stand on top.  I hope so!  Best of luck and climb on!!!

Love ya,

Kyle and Steph

Posted by: Kyle A. Smith on 1/28/2014 at 5:32 am

Aconcagua: Justman & Team Rest Day at Camp 2

Ah, the acclimatization process. A dismal process of spending the day eating mountain delicacies of dried meat and exotic cheeses, drinking coffee, spending a few hours reading, a midday siesta and strolling around camp soaking in the dramatic topography of the Andes. Yes, the rest day. Not always so accommodating but when the weather Gods give you a day like they gave us, the rest day is just what the doctor ordered. So today we try not to eat all of our remaining food, sleep to our hearts content and day dream of days to come. Oh, how it pays to be patient in the mountains! RMI Guide Steve Gately

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Hey dad!  (Lew Smith Best of luck to you and the team this week!  Stephanie and I can’t wait to hear about your climb and the expedition, we are so very excited and proud of you!  Stay strong, climb smart, get adequate rest, eat and drink well, and remember, “an easy pace puts a smile on your face.”  Don’t focus on the summit, rather, focus on putting one foot in front of the other…do that, and you’ll reach the top.  The weather looks good for the next few days, so hopefully, the mountain will allow you and team to summit.  I heard the following Dan Fogelburg song a few days ago and immediately thought of you and the team.  We love you! 

“The higher you climb,
The more that you see.
The more that you see,
The less that you know.
The less that you know,
The more that you yearn.
The more that you yearn,
The higher you climb.

The farther you reach,
The more that you touch.
The more that you touch,
The fuller you feel.
The fuller you feel,
The less that you need.
The less that you need,
The farther you reach.

The higher you climb,
The more that you see.
The more that you see,
The less that you know.
The less that you know,
The more that you yearn.
The more that you yearn,
The higher you climb.

The higher you climb,
The more that you see.
The more that you see,
The less that you know.
The less that you know,
The more that you yearn.
The more that you yearn,
The higher you climb.”

-Dan Fogelburg

Posted by: Kyle A. Smith on 1/27/2014 at 6:17 am

Steve and team,

“On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Hike well and be safe.


Posted by: Bill Gately on 1/27/2014 at 4:14 am

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