Entries By grayson swingle
Posted by: Andy Bond, Grayson Swingle, Ben Luedtke
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Alaska Denali
Elevation: 7,800'
Sunday, June 19, 2022 - 4:37 PDT
The dispatch takeover continues!
We woke today to overcast skies and a light dusting of snow. Luckily RMI Guide Andy Bond coached us well, and told us we had to have the most pristine camp of any of the teams here at 7,800'. We had pulled all of our gear inside before we went to bed so no one woke up to soggy clothes. Unlike RMI Guide Avery Parinello’s guide team who slept out in the snow.
There was a luxurious breakfast of bagels with cream cheese and lox before our daily exercise. By 6:30 a.m. we were leaving camp with full packs.
We cruised up Ski Hill and cached our gear at Kahiltna Pass, roughly 10,200’. It was a delight to have empty packs on the stroll back to 7,800’ Camp.
Camp was warming in the early afternoon sun as we arrived around 12:30 p.m. We spent a leisurely afternoon enjoying the comforts of our home and the luxury items we brought on the trip.
There were tea tree oil foot rubs, beard combing, using our sleds as lounge chairs to catch some rays, eating charcuterie over some riveting conversations - and my personal favorite, hula hooping!
We will have an early dinner in a few hours and climb into our turtle shells for an early evening. Tomorrow we make the move to 11,200'.
-- Another mystery writer from the Denali Expedition led by RMI Guides Andy Bond, Grayson Swingle, and Ben Luedtke
Posted by: Andy Bond, Grayson Swingle, Ben Luedtke
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Alaska Denali
Elevation: 7,800'
Saturday, June 18, 2022
Well there’s been a blog takeover, a special thanks to RMI Guide Andy Bond allowing us to take turns writing it for the team. First a huge shout out to our guides Andy, Grayson and Ben who have already proven themselves to be super human.
We have settled into camp at the base of Ski Hill after a long day of hauling heavy things uphill. Tomorrow we are hoping to cache at 11,000’. We are learning all new kinds of new skills like how not to face plant on snowshoes and fall into crevasses, which we avoided due to stellar guidesmanship. Also, how to keep a tidy camp and perhaps most importantly, how to keep Ben telling awful guide jokes when he isn’t Macgyvering a fix for a snowshoe.
Also here at camp, we have been graced by the presence of RMI Guide Jack Delaney, the illustrious writer, and will do a group dinner with Avery Parrinello’s team here at camp as they are on their way down. Fun fact: it has been three days since a clean mountain can (CMC) disaster, which means there has been no CMC disasters. Another fun fact: we are having quesadillas for dinner! We leave you with a trivia question: which team member authored this blog post?
-- A mystery member of the Denali Expedition led by RMI Guides Andy Bond, Grayson Swingle, and Ben Luedtke
That sounds like Holly!
Posted by: Garrett on 6/23/2022 at 3:46 am
Sounds like the writings of renowned author Donnie Rouse
Posted by: Josh Wimberley on 6/20/2022 at 7:53 pm
Posted by: Andy Bond, Grayson Swingle, Ben Luedtke
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Alaska Denali
Elevation: 7,300'
After an early breakfast In Talkeetna we loaded our gear in the single otter airplanes and changed into our mountain attire before taking a scenic flight into the Alaska Range, with the final destination being Kahiltna Base Camp. After another round of shuttling gear, setting up a quick camp and enjoying a quick dinner, it was an early bedtime as we will be getting up in a couple of hours to start our journey up the mountain to Camp 1.
We will check in soon!
RMI Guides Andy, Grayson, and Ben
Good luck Andy and Team!!
Posted by: Bob Lindskov on 6/19/2022 at 9:36 pm
Posted by: Andy Bond, Grayson Swingle, Ben Luedtke
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Alaska Denali
It is a beautiful, sunny day in Talkeetna. The team is hard at work organizing and packing in preparation to fly into Basecamp tomorrow. Everyone is excited and making last minute decisions on oreos vs. famous amos and apple cider vs. hot chocolate. Decisions, decisions...
RMI Guides Andy, Grayson, Ben and Team
Remember Hyde, no brains…no headaches
Posted by: Josh Wimberley on 6/19/2022 at 10:42 am
Good luck with the climb. Keep us posted!
Posted by: Tomas and Kat on 6/19/2022 at 5:51 am
Posted by: Seth Burns, Mike King, Josh Geiser, Grayson Swingle, Ellison Boord, Sam Hoffman
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 10,080'
The Four Day Climb June 6 - 9 spent a windy night at Camp Muir last night. High winds and deteriorating weather kept the group at Camp Muir and unable to make a summit attempt. RMI Guides Seth Burns and Grayson Swingle reported consistant winds 30-40 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. The teams started their descent from Camp Muir around 8 am and will be returning to Rainier Basecamp later this morning.
Posted by: Dustin Wittmier, Grayson Swingle
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 10,080'
Poor weather and low visibility kept RMI Guides Dustin Wittmier, Grayson Swingle and Team from reaching the summit on Mt. Rainier today. The team will be spending the morining at Camp Muir and return to Rainier Basecamp in Ashford later this afternoon.
Congratulation on facing this challenge and seeing it through to your full capacity! I hope your descent is smooth. Mother nature is a beautifully powerful force and I hope she sees you safely down the mountain today.
Posted by: Rosemary on 6/5/2022 at 5:07 pm
Dad - hello daddy. how are you doing? your daughter Elle
Posted by: Elle Bolton on 6/5/2022 at 1:17 pm
Posted by: Grayson Swingle, Charlie Harrison, Mira Schoeberlein, Dustin Wittmier, Tatum Whatford, Nick Sinapius
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 11,400'

The Five Day Climb May 26 - 30 led by RMI Guides Grayson Swingle and Dustin Wittmier were turned around by avalanche danger this morning near 11,400'. The team safely returned to Camp Muir they reported blue skies above and a cloud deck below around 7,000'. The teams left from Camp Muir just after 9 am on their descent to Paradise. We look forward to seeing them at Rainier BaseCamp later today.
Posted by: Mike King, Grayson Swingle
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 10,080'
Avalanche concerns kept our Four-Day teams, led by Mike King and Grayson Swingle, from leaving Camp Muir yesterday. With the recent spring storms comes lots of fresh snow and greater risk for slides.
Despite the loaded snowpack, teams enjoyed a beautiful, clear day for their breakfast and descent back to Rainier Basecamp yesterday afternoon.
Posted by: Grayson Swingle, Lauren Macklin
Categories: Expedition Dispatches North Cascades
Elevation: 10,781'

Hi Everyone -
Our Baker Ski team is back at camp after a successful ski descent of the summit with everyone!!!
Beautiful day up there with great snow.
RMI Guide Grayson Swingle
Amazing, amazing, amazing all I can say about this experience. Grayson and Lauren are incredible!!!
Posted by: Jason Seitz on 5/18/2022 at 3:43 pm
Posted by: Mary Abraham on 5/17/2022 at 8:19 pm
Posted by: Eric Frank, Grayson Swingle
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 12,200'

The Four Day Climb May 6 - 9 led by RMI Guides Eric Frank and Grayson Swingle ascended to Camp Muir yesterday. The team left from Camp Muir this morning and ascended to Ingraham Flats. More new snow and avalanche danger made this their high point but they did enjoy some blue skies and sunshine. The team left Camp Muir on their descent to Paradise. We will look forward to seeing them at Rainier BaseCamp this afternoon.
Go MBK!!!
Posted by: ELLIS RICHMAN on 5/10/2022 at 5:54 am
Definitely Steve Marker is the author, and definitely Steve Marker with the most ridiculous luxury item. I wont spoil it but stay tuned
Posted by: Joseph Palumbo on 6/21/2022 at 5:06 am
Who brought the most ridiculous luxury item? Lol
Keep it up the good work!
Posted by: Will on 6/20/2022 at 7:07 pm
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