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Entries By erika birkeland

Denali Expedition: Van Deventer and Team Enjoy Rest Day and Make Plan to Move to 14k

Friday May 20 - 11:42pm

We made full value out of our rest day today. We woke late, had a brunch of blueberry pancakes and maple syrup, lounged for the better part of the day, and capped it with burritos for dinner. We have had no problem eating well.

Our main entertainment has been a very large team made up of members of the British military. We are all on a similar schedule, and subsets of their team have been filtering into camp the last couple days. As of today, our camp is encircled on three sides. The main constant in the wide variety of British accents constantly around us is the abundance of the F bomb. That word cuts through all accents and after our informal survey today shows up on average as every third word. There has been general hilarity listening to their banter through our tent walls and it was a main topic of discussion over dinner tonight.

We plan to move up to 14 tomorrow. Rested and refreshed after today, it should be done enjoyable climbing.

Pete, Erika, Leif, and team

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If anyone sees the “BRIT” soldiers can you tell a certain ADAM OCONNOR that his mum and dad are rooting for him and the rest of the group that fingers crossed they get to the top…

Posted by: David on 5/23/2022 at 2:21 pm

Is Roy Kent climbing with the British group? :) Hello to Chris, Steve and Stu! Good luck on the next stage! Be a goldfish!

Posted by: Kimmy Romine on 5/21/2022 at 12:03 pm

Denali Expedition: Van Deventer and Team Cache Gear at 14,000’

Thursday, May 19, 2022 -  10:57pm PT

It was a perfect day to switch from lower glacier load hauling to actually climbing. The weather was clear and calm in the morning, so we pumped through a bagel breakfast, grabbed loads of food and fuel, and set our sights on motorcycle hill. Many teams cache at 13,5k just past windy corner, but we had our sights set on 14. The first several hours were pleasant. Sunny, but with just enough air moving to keep us comfortable. Rounding windy corner, there wasn't a breath of wind. The sauna turned on and we all had mild cases of heat panic. We cruised on into 14,000’ camp and got to say hi to Mike Walter and team, who were kind enough to top off some water bottles. With our goal secured, we turned and beat feet back to camp.

It was a solid day out and hard work, so we will reward ourselves with the first proper rest day of the trip tomorrow.

RMI Guides Pete, Leif, Erika, and Team

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Denali Expedition: Van Deventer & Team Retrieve Cache, Return to busy 11,000ft Camp

Thursday, May 18, 2022 - 12:46 am PT

We took our time over coffee and breakfast burritos this morning, enjoying the slow start and the warming sun that doesn't hit camp until 9 am. Satiated, we left camp and moved quickly downhill to our cache at 9600', relishing the opportunity to stride it out and cover ground. We passed a lot of teams headed towards 11,000' Camp, slowly trudging under the loads of big packs and full sleds. With our cache retrieved, we worked out way back uphill to our cozy camp. Overall, 11,000' Camp felt like it doubled in size today and lots of folks were strolling around, enjoying a warm afternoon. We'll look to continue our momentum tomorrow caching a load of fuel and food up high near Windy Corner.

RMI Guides Pete, Leif, Erika, and team

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Wonderful reading the news.  We are with you in spirit.  Enjoy. Love, Barbara

Posted by: Barbara Corona on 5/20/2022 at 6:11 am

Denali Expedition: Van Deventer & Team Use Weather Day Due to Winds

Monday, May 16, 2022 - 9:37 pm PT

At 4 am this morning the wolf tried his first huff. He then continued to huff and puff and try to blow down our house but we had built it strong. While we hunkered in our tents it was clear that it wasn't a day to try to walk anywhere. It blew for the morning but by early afternoon began to abate and have us a chance to get out of the tents and stretch our legs. This evening turned gorgeous as the wind went calm and the skies cleared. We should have smooth sailing for a move to 11,000' Camp tomorrow. We'll touch base.

RMI Guides Pete, Erika, Leif, and team

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Imagino que podràs rebre el nostre missatge. Pel que veig, de moment dies amb bones vistes i només un dia de fort vent. Espero que estiguis bé i en forma i que l’expedició estigui anant bé. Les fotos del blog es veuen espectaculars. Molts ànims des de Catalunya!!! Endavant amb l’expedició!!

Posted by: Marc on 5/22/2022 at 11:08 pm

My wife and I are in Alaska and have a flight planned on Sat, 5/21 at 13:30 to view Denali and land on a glacier - with K2. Stu - I hope to see ya somewhere around the 14K camp - from the air. Good luck Stu - and the entire team. Kyle

Posted by: Kyle Martin on 5/20/2022 at 11:54 pm

Denali Expedition: Van Deventer & Team Land on the Kahiltna, Establish First Camp

Sunday, May 15, 2022 - 1:10 am PT

It was an auspicious start to our May 12 Denali Expedition today. When we called K2 in the morning to ask how things looked they replied "unlimited visibility and perfect". We rallied a hasty breakfast and headed for the hanger. We had gotten all of our bags set yesterday, so it didn't take much to get the planes loaded and launched. The pilots were taken with how clear and gorgeous the day was too, taking several detours to show us stunning corners of the Alaska Range on the way.

We landed and hit the ground running. Fully loaded sleds and packs were an indication of the magnitude of our undertaking, but the team cruised through the 5.5 miles of mellow glacier travel, and we rolled in to our first camp looking fresh. Everyone is fed and tucked into warm sleeping bags and as we write, a stunning full moon is rising over Mt. Hunter.

We plan to carry a load up towards Kahiltna pass tomorrow and then return to camp. We'll be in touch.

RMI Guides Pete Van Deventer, Leif Bergstrom, Erika Birkeland, and team

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Mt. Baker: Summit And Ski Team Enjoy Turns Despite the Weather

The Mt. Baker Summit and Ski Descent team led by RMI Guide Pete Van Deventer wrapped up their time on Mt. Baker today. The team took advantage of short periods of sun breaks to ski around Sandy Camp. Low clouds, snow, and poor visibility prevented the team from ascending too far out of camp. Pete reports great skiing and a happy team, making the most of their time on the mountain.

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Mt. Rainier: Parrinello & Team Turn at 13,500 on Emmons Route

The Emmons Seminar August 1 - 6, 2021 made their summit attempt today after several days of training and climbing on the mountain.  Leaving Camp Schurman the team climbed to 13,500' before deciding to turn back due to difficult route conditions and fatigue. The team returned to Camp Schurman this afternoon and will spend their final night on the mountain.  Tomorrow they will continue their descent to the trailhead near White River Camp Ground and make the return drive to Ashford.

We hope you enjoyed your week of training and climbing on Mt. Rainier!

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Mt. Rainier: Summit Climb Update

The Mt. Rainier Summit Climb, led by RMI Guides Pete Van Deventer and Grayson Swingle, turned at 13,000' due to an impasse on the route.  The team reported light wind and precipitation earlier this morning.  They are currently descending to Camp Muir where they will pack up their remaining gear and continue onto Paradise.

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Best of Luck and Best of Experience !!

Baldev Raj Narang
Rakesh Bala Narang
Varnali Narang

Posted by: Baldev Raj Narang on 7/31/2021 at 8:26 am

Glacier Peak:  Smith & Team Reach the Summit!

The Glacier Peak Climb was on top with 100% of the team!  RMI Guide Hannah Smith reported a beautiful day and good climbing conditions.

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Well done, team! Passed you on our way down Thursday below White Pass! Cheers!

Posted by: Peter on 7/24/2021 at 4:55 pm

Mt. Rainier: Four Day Teams led by Bealer & Hoch Reach Summit

Clear skies and a bit of wind accompanied the Four Day Climb July 15 - 18 teams to the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning.  RMI Guides James Bealer, Joe Hoch and their climbing teams enjoyed a bit of time on top this morning before starting their descent from the crater rim around 7:20 am.  The teams have returned to Camp Muir and will take a short break to repack and refuel before continuing the remaing 4.5 miles and 4.500' descent to Paradise this afternoon.

Nice work today team!

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Thank you to the entire RMI team for making this trip successful, safe and a huge amount of fun! 

Posted by: Patrick on 7/20/2021 at 4:51 pm

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