Entries By eric frank
Posted by: Eric Frank, James Bealer, Jack Delaney
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 11,200'

Sunday, May 23, 2021 - 11:31 pm PT
Cold temps and wind greeted us as we began our move to 11,000' Camp, our Camp 2 this morning. The climb warmed up as the sun hit us and we enjoyed stellar views. The day remained windy with blowing snow but our team powered through it. Arriving at 11,000' Camp, we settled in and built our camp in fine alpine style. We were pleasantly surprised to run into the rest of our RMI teams here at 11,200'. Hopefully the reunion will be short as those teams progress up the mountain while good weather remains over the range.
Fresh snow and deep drifts greeted us this morning as we lay in the tent listening to the wind blow. Without being able to differentiate up from down, we decided to take a rest day and stay in camp. Our job became rest and recovery, which our team much appreciated. We are hoping for better weather and a move to Camp 2 tomorrow.
RMI Guide Eric Frank & Team
May the wind be at your back for tomorrow!
Posted by: Maxine Kay on 5/23/2021 at 2:42 pm
Posted by: Eric Frank, James Bealer, Jack Delaney
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Alaska Denali
Elevation: 7,800'
Friday, May 21, 2021 - 11:28 pm PT
This morning we woke up to fresh snow as we began preparations for our carry to the 9800 cache. Our duffels and backpacks were able to easily swallow our gear as we only had to carry a load of about 50% of the weight from the previous day. The team ascended, cached everything and then descended in stellar form, ate a nourishing meal and went to bed with full stomachs and tired legs.
RMI Guide Eric Frank & Team
Just found your trip and will be following! I climbed this route in 1996 with RMI / Robert Link and you are brining back some powerful memories. One day, one camp, one step, one cut block at a time. You’ll get there!
Posted by: Keith on 5/23/2021 at 8:50 pm
Looks great! Keep it up!
Posted by: Thomas Brown on 5/22/2021 at 6:52 pm
Thursday, May 20, 2021 - 10:36 pm PT
Sometimes it’s not so fun to be right. Turns out we were right about the incoming snow storm. We moved to Camp 1 at 7,800' today through continuous snowy weather. The guide team safely navigated us across the Kahiltna, while Eric proved he was a talented linguist by regaling us with stories during our breaks. Tomorrow we hope to cache food and extra equipment above Ski Hill and then return to our camp.
RMI Guides Eric Frank, James Bealer, Jack Delaney and team
Go Heidi!!! We are following along as well! :)
Carol & Huay
Posted by: Huay on 5/22/2021 at 6:00 pm
Loving the updates. Stay strong and tap into your tenacious spirit. Our best to you and your fellow travelers.
Mom and Daf
Posted by: Susan and Bert Campos on 5/22/2021 at 9:57 am
Posted by: Eric Frank, James Bealer, Jack Delaney
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 7,300'
Wednesday, May 19, 2021 - 11:20 pm PT
Blue skies greeted us this morning in Talkeetna. With potentially stormy weather approaching, we decided to make an expeditious attempt to fly onto the glacier this evening. We lucked out and got a flight and landed at Base Camp. Now the adventure begins! Tomorrow we plan to move to Camp 1 at 7,800 feet.
Loving the updates, thinking good thoughts for you and the rest of your team. Enjoy the adventure, stay strong and tap into your tenacious spirit to keep moving.
Cheers and Love
Mom and Dad
Posted by: Susan Campos on 5/21/2021 at 7:09 pm
Go Auntie Heidi!!!
From Wilson
We hope you make it safely, watch out for spider badgers!!! (8-legged badger) ((Breckin made it up and tries to convince people it’s a real thing))
From Breckin
Posted by: Jason Kay on 5/21/2021 at 4:55 pm
Posted by: Eric Frank, Hannah Smith
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 14,410'
RMI Guides Eric Frank and Hannah Smith led a team of climbers with the Inspiration4 Team to the summit of Mt. Rainier today. The teams enjoyed nice conditions on the mountain and a direct route via the Ingraham Direct.
Congratulations to the Inspriation4 Team!
Posted by: Eric Frank, Jenny Konway
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mexico

After all of yesterday's excitement, the team gathered for a celebratory dinner followed by margaritas, then went to bed. We slept hard after a long day's work and greatly enjoyed the comforts of our Tlachichuca amenities. This morning we were awakened by the crows of many local roosters, letting us know it was time to head home. We drank our hot coffee and ate delicious frittatas, then loaded the bus and headed for the airport. We said our goodbyes and headed off to our gates, feeling like we'd been together in Mexico for much longer than just nine short days.
Thanks again for following along and we hope you've enjoyed sharing the journey with us!

Good morning. This is RMI Guide Eric Frank from the summit of Pico de Orizaba. We are enjoying the views looking out over the valley in Mexico. A little cloud cover is creeping Into The Valleys, but we are about 1,000 feet above it up here. It’s been a really nice morning of climbing, a little cold and a little windy, but we were able to get it done nevertheless. We are going to hang out for a few more minutes then get packed up and have a safe descent. Then we will go down and celebrate what's been a great week of climbing.
RMI Guide Eric Frank calls from the summit of Pico de Orizaba.
On The Map

Oh what a difference 24 hours makes! Last night the Mexico climbing team was at dinner enjoying mole, drinking tequila and recalling our climb on Ixta. Tonight we find ourselves at the refugio below Orizaba repacking our bags and preparing for an alpine start.
Tomorrow looks promising for us. The weather is good, the team is strong and reports say that the route is in good condition for a late season ascent. With any luck we look forward to reporting in tomorrow morning from the summit!
RMI Guides Eric Frank and Jenny Konway
Posted by: Eric Frank, Jenny Konway
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mexico

Thursday, February 20th at 9:07 pm PT
Today the team enjoyed a well deserved rest day in the beautiful city of Puebla. After enjoying breakfast together at the hotel, we all went our separate ways and wandered the city streets, taking in the views and enjoying everything from fresh squeezed juices to fried grasshoppers. At 7pm, we met up at one of our favorite restaurants for a team dinner, where we tasted some of Mexico's finest moles, a sauce unique to this area. We followed this up with a quick trip to the ice cream stand, just down the street, then headed to our hotel's rooftop patio to take in the evening views. We're headed off bright and early tomorrow morning to start our move to basecamp for our Orizaba climb. Everyone is excited and ready for the next leg of the trip.
Someone said there is no WiFi in the mountains, but you will make your own connections! Enjoy it all!
Posted by: Maxine Kay on 5/24/2021 at 7:09 pm
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