A unique walk took us off the beaten path to Thamo Monastery where we listened to the nuns chant, ring bells, and blow long horns. They brought us a taste of their traditional Tibetan tea which is super salty and hard to drink more than a sip of, but we were honored guests.
Our group is so strong and doing great with the altitude and hiking. Everyone is full of energy and incredibly positive about the journeys ahead. Our local team of Sherpa are so kind and great culture and climbing guides. They have all climbed Everest, and two of them 7 times each. They love trekking as well as climbing and sharing their home valley with us. We feel lucky to get to know them and learn about their lives here the in the Khumbu. Thank you Nima, Lakpa, Lakpa, and Kami!
Tomorrow will bring a long day on the trail up to another Monastery and higher elevation. The team is doing so well that we know it will go smoothly.
RMI Guide Christina Dale
We are currently sitting in Namche Bazaar high in the Khumbu sipping on milk tea at the Nirvana Home Lodge. Happy to be here after a good day of crossing high bouncing suspension bridges and climbing up the Namche hill to arrive here at 11,200 feet. Everyone in the team is doing so well and climbing strong. Halfway up our hill climb for the day, the clouds parted and we got a view of Everest way up valley. Namche was the primary trading village for hundreds of years between the salt traders of Tibet and the spice traders from India. Now Namche is still a major hub for goods and people coming and going.
Tomorrow well take a rest day with a nice morning hike to stretch the legs and the afternoon to appreciate this town. Our lodge sits high on the edge of town with the best view of all the goings on. When the clouds clear the giant peak, Thamserku, towers above everything just out our windows.
Now off to eat some momos!
RMI Guide Christina Dale
The morning started with a 4:30 am departure to a chaotic airport where the security guards found a pocket knife in a pocket and just shrugged. When we got on the plattus porter plane the pilot used his sleeve to wipe the condensation from the windshield so he could see right before takeoff. We also learned halfway through the flight that there was one seat belt not connected to anything. But despite our laughter around the security, pilot, and plane, we had the smoothest flight and landing ever.
The team cannot stop smiling as we walk through gardens of bok choy, carrots,and onions. We pass large carve rocks called mani walls that read "o mani padme om" meaning the jewel in the lotus flower. We make way for donkeys and zopkeos (a yak and cow breed). We cross the Dhud Kosi river meaning "milk river" because it flows from the glaciers on Everest making it white. The sunshine and a glimpse of high snow capped peaks around us, kind of the perfect day on the trail.
RMI Guide Christina Dale
Hi Team - Phew! Glad to hear the flight went smoothly! I was a little nervous when Bruce and Michael told me about the airport, and my curious self started down the deep and dark hole of the internet. Looking forward to tomorrow’s update!
Today we walked the 400 steps up to the "Monkey Temple" and appreciated the colors and diversity of religions all celebrating in one shared space. Then we braved the traffic and crossed the city to Bodhnath, the world's largest stupa. We made a few coral, walking around it clockwise, for good luck. We spun the mani wheels which send out blessings for all sentient beings and will start our journey properly.
One of the highlights of our morning explorations was learning how the intricate painting called "thankas" are made. We went to a studio where they showed us how they stretch cotton on a frame and spend three days rubbing wax into it with a smooth stone before they can paint. A sketch is freehand drawn onto the smooth cotton and then it takes anywhere from 4 to 7 days of work for the artist to paint. The masters use real gold leaf and hand crushed minerals for color. Most of the artists were using paint brushes as fine as one or two yak hairs. It was so inspiring that a few of us purchased some of these gorgeous works of art with so much meaning behind them.
This afternoon consisted of a good gear check so everyone feels ready to hit the trail tomorrow. Hopefully, our flight to the short Lukla runway is smooth so I don't get motion sick. We'll be in the Khumbu tomorrow!
RMI Guide Christina Dale
Well, 80% of the team and 70% of the bags made it to Kathmandu, but never fear, it looks like we'll be together tomorrow. The airlines and connections just weren't cooperating but every trip has some tough spots and we just wanted to get ours out of the way early on.
The rest of us spent the day walking, sightseeing, eating baked goods, and resting. We did go for a great dinner of chicken tikka masala and naan in Thamel this evening where we got to know each other and start wrapping our heads around the adventures ahead and around us.
Tomorrow we'll do some sightseeing in Kathmandu, last minute errands, and a good gear check. Everyone is full of good positive energy and looking forward to spending the next two weeks together in the Khumbu.
RMI Guide Christina Dale
We connected the circuit today. Made it full circle around the Torres del Paine Massive! It was fun to see where we started, not fully knowing what was ahead and now how far we've come. The group has really hit their stride in terms of packing up in the mornings, falling in their favorite order on the trail, and even taking siestas at lunch time. It's always fun for me to see a group start wide-eyed and overwhelmed get so comfortable with trail life. This group has definitely done that. Most people on this trip, had not spent nine days out and carried their gear but now they make it look natural.
The scenery did not disappoint today. We spent all morning watching lenticular clouds form and move off in the distance. We walked around Lake Nordensjold all day appreciating the color contrasts around us. Tomorrow some of the group is going to walk up to the towers, others will go halfway and enjoy the views, and others will treat themselves to a massage--very deserving. Then we will head back to town. It always feels bittersweet leaving the trail. Yes, we are looking forward to pizza and home but we will miss the peace and simplicity that Patagonia has shared with us.
RMI Guide Christina Dale
Here in Patagonia, you drink the water right out of the streams. It is sourced in the glaciers that hang off the towering granite above us. We hike all day with an empty water bottle and just fill up at breaks. They say it makes you strong enough to complete the circuit and it's definitely worked for this group. Tomorrow we will connect the dots and walk back to where we started, covering over 100 miles. It's hard to describe what we've seen because the landscape is awe inspiring around every corner.
Today's team member shout-out is to a super fun loving couple from Wisconsin that love to laugh. They inspire us all with a passion for adventure and travel.
RMI Guide Christina Dale
What a day?! The sun glistened off the blue icebergs and the breeze kept us cool on the trail. This group has really found their stride. Breakfast of eggs and freshly baked bread, walking with lots of photo breaks, lunch time, and more walking. What more could we want? We all support one another by reaching people's water bottles for them or offering around sunscreen. But the couple from Nashville truly steal the show when it comes to generosity. This couple is the first to share their favorite trail snacks (honey stinger gummies) and even offer to take more weight. They are the kindest badasses around and have many more trails to hike and mountains to climb in their future!
Other than this great group of people, some trail highlights have been watching the condors soar, seeing the granite towers, and being surrounded by turquoise waters. The food is also worth mentioning; grilled salmon, stuffed chicken, pork on chili mashed potatoes...it's a treat. But I'm sure we'll all return home looking like svelte explorers. ;) Now I'm off for another amazing dinner with a view.
RMI Guide Christina Dale and team
We somehow timed our rest day well with the weather. As it rained cats and dogs we drank coffee, lounged on couches, and took naps in the lodge. We did venture out in the weather this afternoon for a boat ride in a zodiac dodging icebergs. After making plenty of Titanic jokes, we nosed the boat into a large nunitac, a rock island in the middle of a glacier, and hopped out. We donned crampons, helmets, and ice axes for exploring Grey Glacier and headed up the ice. It was full of waterways, ice sculptures, and dune-like landscapes. Our expedition left us wet and ready for dinner. Let's hope either our gloves dry or the weather clears for tomorrow.
RMI Guide Christina Dale and Team
Congratulations to the team for succeeding on such a tough day. We crossed over the John Gardner pass today in the wind, rain, and snow. We started hiking early in the morning to get a start on the long day ahead. The first hour or two we spent dodging mud pits by balancing on wet slippery roots. The next two hours we headed up, and up, and up over scree and through river beds. Once on top of the pass, the fun began and the next six hours of the day we spent walking down steep rocks and slippery mud.
Today's team member highlight goes to a woman who self proclaimed "this is the hardest thing she's ever done." She is a strong and graceful social worker from Wisconsin. We are all lucky to travel through this rugged Patagonia landscape with her.
Now we celebrate our strenuous day though very challenging weather, at the Grey hut where we'll be for two nights. The hut is full of people huddling around the fireplace to dry out layers. After the past three nights of quiet huts or camping it is nice to have the luxuries of this lodge but it seems a little louder than we're used to. The team is all happy to have a rest day tomorrow with a chance to explore the Grey Glacier.
RMI Guide Christina Dale
Hi Team - Phew! Glad to hear the flight went smoothly! I was a little nervous when Bruce and Michael told me about the airport, and my curious self started down the deep and dark hole of the internet. Looking forward to tomorrow’s update!
Posted by: Katie F. on 3/20/2019 at 9:48 am
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