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Entries By chris ebeling

Mt. Rainier: Four Day Summit Climb Teams On Summit

RMI Guide Brent Okita radioed at 6:52 am PT as the Four Day Summit Climb teams were approaching the crater rim. Brent reported chilly temps and light winds. They will enjoy some time on the summit before starting their descent. They will return to Camp Muir and then continue to Paradise. Congratulations to today's Summit Climb team!
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Absolutely amazing climb!!! Can’t say enough about RMI and to all our guides. You guys really set the tone for my passion for mountaineering. Many a climbs to come with you guys!!! Ecuador, Mexico, Denaili and many more to come!!

Congrats to my new climbing friends on the successful summit!!!

Posted by: Tanner Morrison on 6/7/2018 at 1:35 pm

Amazing Heidi!!! We are all impressed back here at zero elevation. Can’t wait to hear all about it. I hope someone is takin pictures.
Stay warm. Love Eloise, Max and Marco

Posted by: Allison on 6/6/2018 at 3:19 pm

Mt. Rainier: Four Day Summit Climbs Reach the Crater

The Four Day Summit Climb May 30 - 2 June, 2018 reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning. RMI Guide Steve Gately reported consistent 20 mph winds and cloudy conditions. The team will return to Camp Muir and then continue down to Paradise. Congratulations to today's Summit Climb teams!
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Congrats team! What an amazing accomplishment!

Posted by: Staci Ikeler on 6/3/2018 at 6:45 pm

Awesome!  Wonderful!  Best news I’ve had in a long time.  Enjoy the descent and the memories of a life time experience together.  Thank you for the blog information.  It made my day for sure.

Posted by: Helen PicKell on 6/2/2018 at 1:16 pm

Shuksan: Nelson & the Expeditions Skills Seminar Check in

This is Chase and team checking in from the Sulphide Glacier! After three days of almost constant snowfall we finally enjoyed a bit of a break in the weather and even had a few hours of sun. About a foot of snow has fallen since our arrival but the training has continued as planned. Tomorrow we're going to venture higher up towards the pyramid and see if conditions are suitable for a summit attempt. We'll check in tomorrow afternoon! RMI Guide Chase Nelson
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Mt. Rainier: Kautz Seminar Team On Summit!

RMI Guide Walter Hailes and the Expedition Skills Seminar - Kautz July 30 - 4 August, 2017 reached the summit of Mt. Rainier today. After several days of training in Ashford and on the mountain the team left their High Camp this morning en route to the summit of Mt. Rainier. The team arrived at Columbia Crest around 5 am and enjoyed the views from the summit before starting their descent. Today is the last day of their program and they will return to the trail head and back to Rainier BaseCamp this afternoon. Congratulations to the Kautz Seminar team!
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Mt. Rainier: Five Day Summit Climb on Top!

RMI Guide Andy Bond and the Five Day Summit Climb July 20 - 24 reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning around 6:30 am. Andy reported warm temperatures and sunny skies. The teams will return to Camp Muir and continue their descent to Paradise. Congratulations to today's Five Day Summit Climb team!
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So glad to see the team reached the summit today.  Special congrats to son Dave Skofstad.  What a way to celebrate your birthday tomorrow! The kids just left and made something for you.

Posted by: Charlotte Skofstad on 7/24/2017 at 4:27 pm

So proud of my big brother Randy DeBoer. I am over 10 years younger and with my back and knees struggle to hike to the mailbox!  You are a stud big brother!

Posted by: Roger DeBoer on 7/24/2017 at 11:19 am

Mt. Rainier: Seminar Team Reaches Summit via Kautz Glacier

Our Expedition Skills Seminar - Kautz June 30 - 5 July has enjoyed sunshine and clear skies during their time on Mt. Rainier. Today they made their summit attempt via the Kautz Glacier and stood on the summit of Mt. Rainier around 7:30 am. RMI Guide Jake Beren reported good conditions and light winds. The team will return to their High Camp today and spend a final night on the mountain. Tomorrow they will pack up camp and descend to Paradise. Congratulations to today's Kautz Seminar Team!
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So very wonderful! What an incredible achievement. All your training paid off! Congratulations!

Posted by: Angie Modelski on 7/4/2017 at 4:08 pm

Awesome job, Andrew!  What an accomplishment.  Now you can start your own company called Summit Construction or Rainier Construction.

Posted by: Andrew Modelski on 7/4/2017 at 11:11 am

Mt. Rainier: Five Day Summit Climb Team on Top!

Our Five Day Summit Climb team led by RMI Guide Andy Bond reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning. They enjoyed calm winds and clear skies during their climb. The team will descend to Camp Muir, rest and pack their bags, before continuing their descent to Paradise. Once at BaseCamp they will gather for a presentation of certificates before concluding their program. Congratulations to today's Five Day Summit Climb team!
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Bless you all. Be safe on your decent.

Posted by: Donna Bolger on 6/28/2017 at 2:36 pm

Everyone, Thanks for an awesome trip up to the top of Mount Rainier. I could not have been more pleased with everything. Thanks for helping to make dreams come true. Mac

Posted by: William Mcneil on 6/28/2017 at 7:39 am

Chris Ebeling reflects on his AMGA ski guide course

Standing in the Taggert Lake parking lot of Grand Teton National Park, we gather for one of the last morning guide meetings of our AMGA Ski Guide Course. Everybody smiles and chuckles as our meeting leader reads the weather report. Over the last 9 days we have received over 80 inches of snow containing more than 8 inches of water equivalency. The avalanche forecast is high and predicted to hit extreme after a rain event starts this evening. We all talk about dialing back our terrain choices…way back. This storm has been relentless for many days, altering our objectives, creating whiteout conditions to navigate, forcing meticulous terrain selection, and making for some great skiing. We have all learned many tools for creating a positive and safe mountain experience amidst a dangerous snowpack. Today we talk about our tour plan, a planned route up a 3000 vertical foot feature in Grand Teton National Park. Through mapping tools, some math, and a little technology, we know what we're getting into and have a plan to manage the risks. We talk about who will take the lead for our group on each climb and each descent, as well as our pacing, timing, emergency plans, equipment, and weather forecast. We break our meeting, beacons checked, skins on, click in, it's time to go skiing!

AMGA Ski Guide Course - Jackson 2017 from Chris Ebeling on Vimeo.

In February with the help of the RMI guide grant I attended this 12-day AMGA (American Mountain Guides Association) Ski Guide Course in Jackson, Wyoming. This is the second course in the four courses and exams that lead to becoming a certified AMGA ski guide. The course covers numerous factors of guiding in the winter environment. Managing terrain, instruction and modeling, and putting clients in the safest, best snow is the primary focus of our techniques on the down. Creating efficient tracks, navigation, and terrain selection is a big focus of our time guiding the climb. We cover many technical factors as well, including adding security in 3rd class terrain using our rope, technical lowers and rappels into steep ski terrain, crevasse rescue on skis, travel with an improvised emergency sled, and construction of winter emergency shelters. Discussing possible terrain choices Many thanks to RMI and the RMI guide grant for their financial and mentorship support. Another big thanks to our instructors Christian Santelices and Rob Hess for their dedication to growing the professionalism of our guiding community. _____ Chris Ebeling has been guiding with RMI since 2015. He grew up in the Northwest, climbing, skiing, and riding around Oregon and Washington before making the move to the Northern Rockies of Montana. He returned from Montana to join RMI, but still returns to Montana to explore the remote corners of his home range during the winter.
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Mt. Rainier: Four Day Summit Climb Team on Top!

The Four Day Summit Climb led by RMI Guide Mike Walter reached the summit of Mt. Rainier shortly after 7:00 a.m. this morning. Mike reported sunny skies, a cloud deck at 9,000', and 15 mph winds. The team will spend some time on the summit celebrating before beginning their descent. We will see them back in Ashford this afternoon. Congratulations climbers!
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Awesome job!! I can’t wait to hear about it :)

Posted by: Amy Collins on 7/19/2016 at 3:42 pm

Congratulations to Team Red Zone, Maine. And all the clbers and the guides.

Posted by: Bill weeks on 7/19/2016 at 9:53 am

Mt. Rainier: Paradise Seminar Team Summits

The Expedition Skills Seminar - Paradise led by RMI Guide Mike King wrapped up their week of mountaineering training with a successful summit of Mt. Rainier. The team will descend off the mountain and be back in Ashford this afternoon to celebrate. Congratulations!
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Congratulations on a successful expedition!

Posted by: Bart Couture on 7/15/2016 at 6:01 pm

Congratulations guys!  Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Jill Wachter on 7/15/2016 at 12:57 pm

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