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Entries By caleb ladue

Mt. Rainier: Five Day Climb Summits!

RMI Guide Caleb Ladue led his team to the Mt. Rainier summit with beautiful weather and light winds. The team spent some time on top before starting their descent at 7:15 a.m. We look forward to congratulating them this afternoon at Rainier Basecamp.
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You are in our heart of hearts Caleb~Brave, brilliant… living life for all its worth.
Light and love to you dear one.

Posted by: Beth Beldock on 10/25/2017 at 8:40 am

Kind and dear heart… you are a blessed and precious soul, Caleb. So much love…

Posted by: Robin Reid on 10/25/2017 at 6:54 am

Mt. Rainier: August 28th Four Day Summit Climb Update

The Four Day Summit Climb led by RMI Guides Mike Walter and Caleb Laude reached 12,500' on Mt. Rainier this morning. The team spent some time watching the sunrise through the smoky haze at Ingraham Flats before heading back to Camp Muir. Congratulations to today's team!
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Logan - I was thinking of you as I watched the colorful sunrise from sea level this morning.  Looks like it was beautiful at 12,500’!  Hawken says he’s proud of you for getting as high as Little Tahoma. Love you!  ~ Susie

Posted by: Susie on 8/28/2017 at 1:36 pm

Greg, we have been thinking about you all weekend!  Hope it was a wonderful trip and that you felt well during the ascent!  So excited and proud of you!  Know we love you and can’t wait to hear all about your adventure!  Love Mom and Dad

Posted by: Julie Oyan on 8/28/2017 at 8:44 am

Mt. Rainier: Four Day Summit Climb Teams Unable to Summit

The Four Day Summit Climb Teams led by RMI Guides Casey Grom and Caleb Ladue were forced to turn around today above the top of Disappointment Cleaver due to route conditions. The teams will descend from Camp Muir and return to Paradise this morning.
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Mt. Rainier: Kautz Seminar Team Reaches Summit

The Expedition Skills Seminar - Kautz July 9 - 14, 2017 led by RMI Guide Jake Beren reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning shortly before 7:30 am. The team has spent the last two days training on the route and will do some additional training this afternoon. After a bit more training tomorrow, they will pack up their camp and descend to Paradise to conclude their program. Congratulations to today's Kautz Climbers!
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Mt. Rainier: Summit Climb Update

Our Summit Climb team, led by RMI Guides Caleb Ladue and Mike Walter, reached the top of Mt. Rainier this morning. With sunny skies and moderate winds, the team is making their way back to Camp Muir. Congratulations to today's summit climbers!
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WIsh there were more pictures of the climb and summit!

Posted by: Aubrey on 7/14/2017 at 8:32 am

Thanks RMI for getting us to the summit and back down safely.  It was a great experience!

Posted by: Kevin on 7/11/2017 at 10:31 am

Mt. Rainier: Seminar Team Reaches Summit via Kautz Glacier

Our Expedition Skills Seminar - Kautz June 30 - 5 July has enjoyed sunshine and clear skies during their time on Mt. Rainier. Today they made their summit attempt via the Kautz Glacier and stood on the summit of Mt. Rainier around 7:30 am. RMI Guide Jake Beren reported good conditions and light winds. The team will return to their High Camp today and spend a final night on the mountain. Tomorrow they will pack up camp and descend to Paradise. Congratulations to today's Kautz Seminar Team!
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So very wonderful! What an incredible achievement. All your training paid off! Congratulations!

Posted by: Angie Modelski on 7/4/2017 at 4:08 pm

Awesome job, Andrew!  What an accomplishment.  Now you can start your own company called Summit Construction or Rainier Construction.

Posted by: Andrew Modelski on 7/4/2017 at 11:11 am

Mt. Rainier: Four Day Summit Climb Unable to Make Summit Attempt

The Four Day Summit Climb team for June 15 - 18, 2017 was unable to make a summit attempt of Mt. Rainier this morning due to inclement weather. The team will descend to Paradise this afternoon and return to Rainier BaseCamp.
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Bolivia Expedition: Illimani Summit Day Recap

Since our last update a lot has happened. As we speak the last of the group is filtering back to our respective starting points or wrapping up they're time in Bolivia with a bit of personal exploration! But before we get ahead of ourselves, there's great news to be shared. The entire team stuck it out for a 6 and a 1/2 hr ascent of Illimani! We were greeted with cold, clear climbing in perfect conditions up past 20,000 ft. Much of the climbing route faces west, so the morning sun was always tantalizingly close as we neared the glowing summit ridge. Our sunrise came as we finally broke off the west side and crested the ridge into the welcoming sun. With one last hour of breaking trail up the beautiful summit ridge the team could taste our hard work paying off. Before we knew it all three rope teams plopped down on the summit of Illimani to take a much needed food and water break and basque in our success. The top of Illimani is a breathtaking ridge crest amongst the greater expanse of the Illimani Massif. From that point, the highest in the Cordierra Real, we could see all the way past La Paz and track our entire trip from the glimmering Lake Titicaca to the jagged peaks of the Condoriri and the huge perfect flanks of Huayna Potosi. Our team had a brief moment to relive the wonderful past couple weeks before the tight wind was nipping at our heels as we pushed off to begin our 8,000 ft decent back to Base Camp. Our team's tired legs mustered one last push into camp and there we were! Happy, tired and feeling accomplished. I couldn't have asked for a better summit day and a better team to do it with! At last we've got to give a big thanks to everyone who made this trip so successful. Thank you, thank you to everyone who helped us along the way and a special thanks to our amazing climbers who made this trip so special! Until next time over and out!! RMI Guides Eric Frank & Caleb Ladue
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Bolivia Expedition: Frank & Team Check in from High Camp on Illimani

June 1, 2017 Hello, this is Eric and Caleb with the team in Bolivia. We were hanging out up at the Condor's Nest at 18,000 feet, tucking ourselves in for the night. Down below us we can see all of La Paz and El Alto stretched out in the distance and even all the way to Lake Titicaca. Today, we meandered our way up a long ridge from our previous Base Camp. We were about fives hours on the ridge, beautiful views in each direction. The team did great and we are psyched for our summit bid tomorrow. We should check in from the summit in less than 12 hours, no less than 24 hours, yeah we'll call it that. Talk to you soon. Bye. RMI Guides Eric Frank & Caleb Ladue

The RMI Bolivia Team checks in from 18,000 ft on Illimani.

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I am so very, very happy that you are all off the mountain and that you all summited!  You are amazing!  Thank you to the guides for bringing everyone down safely.  Just don’t think about climbing again anytime soon, okay?  My hair is grey enough the
way it is!  Congrats, Mattie!  We can’t wait to hear all about it!

Posted by: Bird on 6/3/2017 at 4:54 pm

From Maddies crew at work.  Good luck and good climbing.  The blogs have been wonderful and you all are an inspiration to all of us mopes at sea level.

Posted by: Steve on 6/2/2017 at 5:36 am

Bolivia Expedition: Frank & Team arrive at Illimani Base Camp

When horses eat grass, they shred and tear everything, even the roots. Llamas on the other hand chew to a perfect putting green height. Illimani Base Camp is a massive rolling field, home to dozens and dozens of llamas. So after arriving at base camp this afternoon we found ourselves on one of the largest perfectly manicured fields in Bolivia. And therefore decided that a round of lawn games was required. The only thing we were missing was proper equipment. Nothing a little creativity couldn't solve... Two snow pickets, 18 tent stakes, a dozen moderately round rocks, plus our ice axes and Voilà!, a game of mountain croquette was the highlight of the afternoon. Styles varied, rocks broke in half, and every time a shot looked to go straight it would bounce sideways, but after almost two hours of play we had laughed and cheered our way to a winner. RMI Guide Eric Frank & Team
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Kim & Co. sorry the weather and conditions didn’t exactly cooperate.  Still sounds like an AMAZING trip and I love the impromptu croquet…don’t be too concerned, but Lucky has found a suitor by the name of Hugo the Persian. 
Xoxoxo Lora

Posted by: Lora on 5/31/2017 at 6:48 pm

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