Entries By cal smith
Posted by: Mike King, Taylor Bickford, Henry Coppolillo, Cal Smith, Axel Ryd, Lauren Macklin
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 11,200'
Due to overhead hazards, the Mt. Rainier Summit Climb, led by RMI Guides Mike King and Taylor Bickford, turned at Ingraham Flats. They reported smoky skies and a busy route. After packing up at Camp Muir, the team began their descent to Paradise at 9:00 a.m.
Posted by: Pete Van Deventer, Grayson Swingle, Erika Birkeland, Cal Smith, Keeley Rideout, Emma Lyddan
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 13,000'
The Mt. Rainier Summit Climb, led by RMI Guides Pete Van Deventer and Grayson Swingle, turned at 13,000' due to an impasse on the route. The team reported light wind and precipitation earlier this morning. They are currently descending to Camp Muir where they will pack up their remaining gear and continue onto Paradise.
Posted by: Christina Dale, Nikki Champion, Cal Smith, David Price, Nathan Delmar, Henry Coppolillo
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 14,410'
The Four Day Climb July 20 - 23 reached the 14,410' summit of Mt. Rainier led by RMI Guides Christina Dale and Nikki Champion. Blue skies but chilly temps and winds around 20 mph accompanied them on their climb. After enjoying the views from the summit of Mt. Adams, Mt. St. Helens and the Cascade range, the teams began their descent from the crater rim around 6:45 am. Once they reach Camp Muir they will repack and continue their descent to Paradise (5,400').
Nice work climbers and congratulations!
Fantastic climb and amazing guides! So happy to be a part of this journey.
Posted by: Brandon Holper on 7/24/2021 at 8:10 am
Posted by: James Bealer, Abby Westling, Cal Smith
Categories: Expedition Dispatches North Cascades
Elevation: 10,541'
The RMI Glacier Peak Climb, led by James Bealer, started at the trailhead on July 5th in high spirits. They hiked through beautiful old growth forest and crossed cold glacial streams. As the team gained altitude, they could see more and more peaks all around them. Finally they reached the top of White Pass and made camp for the night.
Today, July 7th, the team was on the summit! They plan to move their camp back down the mountain a bit today and hike out tomorrow.
Congratulations team!
Posted by: Camille Leininger, Cal Smith, Jenny Konway, Henry Coppolillo, Daniel May, Lauren Macklin
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 14,410'
RMI Teams led by Casey Grom and Jenny Konway reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning. Scattered clouds and cold temperatures was the report from the upper mountain. The teams are navigating their way down Disappointment Cleaver and will return to Camp Muir. After a quick break, they will repack their gear and continue their descent to Paradise.
Congratulations to today's climbers!
Congratulations BB and DA!!
Posted by: Jonnyoro on 6/19/2021 at 1:34 pm
You did it! Congratulations!
Posted by: Jennifer MacArtney on 6/19/2021 at 9:55 am
Posted by: JM Gorum, Pepper Dee, Cal Smith, Stephen Inman, Jackson Breen, Erika Birkeland
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 12,400'

The Five Day Climb June 5 - 9 ascended to Camp Muir on Monday after their inital orientation and Mountaineering School days. Yesterday they enjoyed some additional time working as a rope team and walking in crampons as they traveled above Camp Muir to Ingraham Flats. They were able to explore more of the mountain and see a bit of the route. Today they left Camp Muir hoping to reach the summit. They traveled up to Ingraham Flats and then started to ascend the Disappointment Cleaver. Unfortunately new snow and potential avalanche danger forced them to turn back at around 12,400'. The teams will return to Camp Muir and then continue to Paradise. They will conclude their program in Ashford later this afternoon.
the same thing happened to me in 1969 !!!! That was a long time ago. But over the years, I was successful 4 more times. I will never ever forget those great experiences, so do not give up. Book another climb as soon as possible. bill bussey
Posted by: bill bussey on 8/18/2021 at 11:59 am
Posted by: Andy Bond, Alan Davis, Ben Liken, Cal Smith, Liam Weed, Leif Bergstrom
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 12,800'

The Four Day Climb May 27 - 30 led by RMI Guides Andy Bond and Alan Davis reported pockets of wind slabs on the steeper portions of the route which forced the teams to turn around at 12,800’. They enjoyed a spectacular sunrise with great views as they descended to Camp Muir.
Photo: Andy Bond
Posted by: Andy Bond, JT Schmitt, Jackson Breen, Taylor Bickford, Matt McEttrick, Cal Smith
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 12,600'

The Four Day Climb May 20- 23, 2021 was turned around at the top of Disappointment Cleaver today due to low visibility, blowing snow and cold temperatures. The teams, led by RMI Guides Andy Bond and Taylor Bickford, returned to safely to Camp Muir and will be descending to Paradise later this morning.
Posted by: Dave Hahn, Avery Parrinello, Cal Smith, JM Gorum, Ben Ammon, Matias Francis
Elevation: 12,600'
The Five Day Climb May 1 - 5 led by RMI Guides Dave Hahn and JM Gorum has returned to Camp Muir after making their summit attempt today. The team reached 12,600' today before being forced to turn around due to route conditions. On Tuesday the group ascended to Camp Muir and spent time yesterday getting in more glacier training and exploring parts of the route before morning their attempt this morning. The group will pack up their gear and decend to Paradise this afternoon.
maybe i have previously been on your list. I know i have been for years. I climbed with you guys in 1969, 1970, and 1972
Also, Please add my two sons, one of which climbed with you in 2016 I believe. also, my daughter-in-law.
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Posted by: Bill Bussey on 5/6/2021 at 8:17 am
Great work!!
Posted by: TK Ito on 5/6/2021 at 7:45 am
Posted by: Andy Bond, Grayson Swingle, Cal Smith
Categories: Expedition Dispatches North Cascades
Elevation: 10,541'
Best of Luck and Best of Experience !!
Baldev Raj Narang
Rakesh Bala Narang
Varnali Narang
Posted by: Baldev Raj Narang on 7/31/2021 at 8:26 am
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