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Entries By billy haas

Mt. McKinley: Walter & Team Train at 14,200’ Camp

May 19, 2015 - 11:40 pm PT Our team had another great day today. We had leisurely breakfast and then headed back down to Windy Corner to retrieve our cached gear that we left there two days ago. The weather was cloudy with light snow, which made for a comfortable walking temperature. After returning to camp, we reviewed fixed rope travel, in preparation for the next phase of our climb. Once we felt polished on the fixed rope training, we spent a few hours building walls for our camp and erecting a cook tent. We're quite comfortable now, here at the 14,200' camp in Genet Basin. We'll play tomorrow by ear, based on the weather. If it is nice out, we'll climb up above 16,000' to establish a cache of supplies for our high camp. If the weather doesn't cooperate, we'll take advantage of a full rest day tomorrow to recover and acclimate. Either option will be a benefit to our team. Everyone is doing well up here. We'll keep you posted as to how tomorrow goes. Cheers, RMI Guide Mike Walter and team

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Gods strength and care to each of you. May He strengthen you physically and mentally.

Love from Mom and Dad, Brian!

Posted by: Duane Mycroft on 5/20/2015 at 2:45 pm

Mt. McKinley: Walter & Team Move to 14,000’ Camp

May 18, 2015, 11:16 pm PT Hello from beautiful 14 camp! We arrived today under sunny skies and warm temps with light winds that gusted a bit higher as we rounded the aptly named Windy Corner. The move took us just under 5.5 hours and everyone climbed strong and then worked extremely hard building a solid camp here in Genet Basin. Tomorrow our plan is to return to our cache at 13,600, retrieve the rest of our food and fuel, and fully set up shop here in our new location. The views from camp are spectacular and we all enjoyed a delicious dinner of lentils and rice while familiarizing ourselves with the incredible scenery. Our team wants to say thank you to everyone who left comments on our blog. We received them this morning and the boost in morale helped propel us into camp today! Here are a few personal messages from the team members! Keep the positive energy coming our way! Thanks for following along! RMI Guide Solveig Waterfall Hey, Christy, Phillip, gabe, Annie, things going well. Sure miss all of u. Can't wait to see u. Hoping to summit next week or so. Love u all, Brian. To all my family and friends, thanks for cheering us on! It's quite the adventure, the views are incredible. We're staying safe and I'm proud of what we've achieved so far. Can't wait to go further! Dan Dear fam and friends, thanks for following this wild adventure. Getting chilly as we venture up higher. Looking to hit the summit within this next week. Love you fam, go Rangers!! To all friends and loved ones following our progress Thnk you for the posts allis well at 14 camp love you all! Kearney Sagehorn Love hearing all the support! For my fellow Bison, I am flying the guidon at every camp and hope to take it to the summit. "Move out the Way!!" For the family, your in my thoughts constantly and look forward to getting back home safely. Brooke, give the boys a hug and kiss for me. I love you all! - Chris

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Keep pushing Brian. You have been in my prayers. Take in the majesty that you are surrounded by and nail this climb. Amazed at your tenacity. Proud to be your friend! Keep it up brother. You will be home soon.

Posted by: Bill Myers on 5/20/2015 at 7:20 am

You got this Brian and team! I sure hope you figured out your Go Pro so I can watch what you are experiencing.

Posted by: Klay Maynard on 5/19/2015 at 5:40 pm

Mt. McKinley: Walter & Team Carry to Windy Corner

May 17, 2015 - 11:05pm PST Hello All, We awoke this morning to decreasing winds and clear skies, which gave us the window we've been waiting for to carry equipment around Windy Corner and put in a cache at 13,600'. Our team climbed strong and did a great job managing the few wind gusts we sustained... staying balanced and efficient while moving to higher elevations. We returned to camp in the late afternoon and feasted on quesadilla's with peppers, onions, chicken, and plenty of cheese before turning in for some well deserved rest. Our forecast is looking good and we hope to move to 14,000' tomorrow. It'll be a big day, so we'll rise early and break camp in order to give us plenty of time to get settled in our new home up in Genet Basin. Thanks for following along! RMI Guide Solveig Waterfall & Team
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We’re following you, Solveig, as you climb McKinley. It’s great to hear your progress.  Joe & Dianne

Posted by: joe Griffith on 5/19/2015 at 10:02 am

  Hi dad this is Gabe, hope you are having fun. Denali is on electrical fence without flags and rocket is done and ready to launch. Hope you get home sometime soon.

Posted by: Gabe on 5/19/2015 at 8:41 am

Mt. McKinley: Walter & Team Remain at 11,200’ Due to Wind

May 16, 2016, 5:26 pm PT Winds overnight at our 11,200' camp were quite formidable, but our camp survived well due to our team's hard work in building walls in the previous days. By this morning, the winds abated somewhat at camp, so we rose early and fired stoves. We were hoping that we would be able to climb to Windy Corner at 13,600' to place a cache of supplies for up higher. Unfortunately, it wasn't our day and the winds continued through most of the day. Instead we spent the morning adding more snow blocks to our camp for further wind protection. Everyone is doing well and in good spirits. We'll try again tomorrow to get our cache up high. That's all for now. RMI Guide Mike Walter and team

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Chris and team,
Glad to hear your reinforcing that snow wall…Dad and I can only imagine how tough the weather conditions your enduring.  We will continue to think good thoughts and prayers…hope the winds calm some so you can start the next phase of your journey. 
We enjoy these updates so much…thank you.
Mom and Dad

Posted by: Dave & Melissa on 5/17/2015 at 8:56 am

Got the blog info from LaNette this morning. Will follow your progress. God bless.

Posted by: Richard Wang on 5/17/2015 at 8:26 am

Mt. McKinley: Walter & Team Take Another Rest Day Due to Winds

May 15th 2:30 pm PT Overnight winds here at the 11k Camp were strong, but subsided a bit by morning. We woke early and fired stoves for a much anticipated cup of coffee...followed by a breakfast of smoked salmon, cream cheese, and bagels (it's not all about suffering up here). Our team was ready, but the winds up above Motorcycle Hill and around Windy Corner, where we intend to place our cache, never subsided to levels that we were comfortable with. We ended up taking another rest day here at 11k, which is always a good thing. Hopefully we'll be able to make our cache tomorrow. We'll keep you posted. RMI Guide Mike Walter and the team
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Chris and Team,  Your breakfast sounded as good as being at a 5 star resort!...mountain view…with whistleing winds~  lol We have 89 degree temps in DC today…took a very humid 9 mile run with Dad around the Capitol and Lincoln early this morning. 
We had 34 people over for a BBQ to welcome the Smiths to the IG team last night.  Nice enough to be outside and watch the boats float by.
Landon and Cohen had friends over to play and Landon was on his Best behavior Brooke said. She was proud of him!  Cohen is still loving his Blue Elmo..lol
The twins have made it to 4.3 and 5 pounds…all is well and we are awaiting the end of this month for their arrival~
Sending all of you good thoughts and a break in the weather!
love, Mom

Posted by: Dave and Melissa on 5/16/2015 at 12:36 pm

enjoying the Blog. Ron and Kim are heading back to SC today. Temps in the 80s today and we are having a Community Free Car Wash today.
Love you Brian and prayers going up for the entire team.

Posted by: Duane Mycroft on 5/16/2015 at 4:28 am

Mt. McKinley: Walter & Team Weather Day at 11K Camp

May 14, 2015, 6:20 pm PT Checking in here from 11,200 ft: Today we awoke to less than desirable weather for a potential carry. Gusty winds and snow prompted a welcomed rest day. The team slept in and once awake began the process of fixing up camp and repairing the cook tent. A multiple hour breakfast of eggs, meats, and hashbrowns gave way to some socializing around camp, and on and off napping. The team is in good spirits and hoping to begin the eventual process of moving to 14,000 camp as soon as the weather improves. RMI Guide Billy Haas and the team
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I hope the weather improves soon so you can continue your adventure!  Chris, had a healthy baby Savannah appointment this week! The boys are doing awesome and enjoy moving you up the mountain poster we made! I’m glad you’re eating well! We love you and are missing you! Good luck to the team and stay safe! Praying for y’all

Posted by: Brooke Q on 5/15/2015 at 10:10 am

Thinking clear blue skies for you all….Chris..Dad and I love seeing the updates.  Your breakfast sounded wonderful to have on the mountain…dare I let the cat out of the bag that you are Great at cooking breakfast!  Oh and Landon won’t share his Elmo with Cohen…and there isn’t an Elmo for sale in Fairbanks..so Cohen has a Blue Elmo which is really Cookie Monster that Brooke found and he is happy and just thinks Elmo has a blue suit on! :c)
Take care all…Be Safe…every step upward will be amazing!

Posted by: Melissa & Dave on 5/15/2015 at 9:33 am

Mt. McKinley: Walter and Team Settle in at 11,200’ Camp

May 13, 2015, 10:49 pm The weather today was a bit squirrelly, but we were able to make it back down to our cached gear at 9,600' and haul it back up to our camp at 11,200'. We're all doing well out here and sitting pretty on the mountain. Our next mission will be to take a cache of food and fuel up around Windy Corner at around 13,600'. We plan on tackling that tomorrow if the weather allows us. Today would have been too windy for a foray to higher altitudes. We're all excited for the next stages of the climb, where we exchange snowshoes for crampons, and trekking poles for ice axes. We're also psyched at climbing steeper terrain and enjoying the ever ever impressive views. That's the news from this end. We'll keep you up to date with our progress. RMI Guide Mike Walter and team.

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Mt. McKinley: Walter & Team Settling in at 11,200’ Camp

May 12, 2015 11:00 pm PT Hello everyone! We tackled our third day of Mt. McKinley climbing today, which brought us to camp at 11,200'. The team did exceptionally well and we made great time, rolling into camp before it became uncomfortably hot on the glacier. Once here we had a big task ahead of us, constructing tent platforms and a kitchen and bathroom. Thankfully we were able to make use of some old walls and platforms that only required minor adjustment to make them workable for our tents, saving us at least an hour of hard labor. The bathroom and kitchen required the most effort, but the team rotated through the shoveling and we now have a luxurious Posh House dining area which we enjoyed over a filling dinner of mac and cheese with bacon and broccoli. We are all tucked in now, enjoying the last few minutes of sunlight in camp in the comfort of our sleeping bags, looking forward to a nice rest and short day tomorrow. Our plan is to sleep in a bit later than the last few mornings, and then return to our last camp to retrieve our remaining food. We'll check in again tomorrow! RMI Guide Solveig Waterfall and the team!

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For Daddy to Be of a Princess…doctors appointment went well and she is growing and perfect!  The boys are taking care of Mom. 
Thinking of all of you at Camp 11,200 this 48 degree morning from Washington DC…I’m so happy for your progress up the mountain~ 
Thank you for all the updates…and allowing us to be a small part of this adventure your on.  Proud of you and wishing you good weather…Keep moving on up!

Posted by: Dave and Melissa Quantock on 5/14/2015 at 2:28 am

For Eric and all you hockey fans at Camp 11,200’:  Rangers just won 2-1 in OT!  Stepan nets winner.  Tampa Bay series starts on Sat.  Keep that Stanley Cup “beard” growing, and keep on chugging Ricky et al!  Dad/Alex

Posted by: Alex Alimanestianu on 5/13/2015 at 8:10 pm

Mt. McKinley: Walter & Team Tackle Ski Hill

May 11, 2015 9:10 pm PT Greetings from the Kahiltna Glacier! Our team is making steady progress, and we're currently at our camp at 9,600'. The weather has been beautiful since we were able to land on the glacier on Sunday. The climbing is strenuous, as always, as we carry heavy backpacks and pull full sleds. This morning we tackled "Ski Hill", our first real significant incline, followed by rolling glacial terrain until we reached camp. Camp is all set up and we are busy cooking dinner. We'll try to rack out early tonight for some well-earned rest. Tomorrow we plan to make a cache of equipment here, at our current camp, in order to lighten our expedition loads. Then the plan is to then move up to the 11,200' camp; we'll come back for the cached gear the following day. That's the plan at least. Our plans are always at the mercy of the weather in the mountains. That's it for now. Everyone is healthy and in good spirits. We'll touch base again tomorrow, hopefully from 11k camp. RMI Guide Mike Walter and the team

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Mt. McKinley: Walter & Team Fly on the Glacier

May 11, 2015 12:51 am PT Hi everyone! We finally had a break in the weather and were able to fly on to the glacier this morning. After days of waiting in Talkeetna, we were all eagerly anticipating our flight this morning. We took off just after 9 am, and once on the glacier we packed and organized our gear quickly in order to make the most of the day. We are now snug in our tents at the base of Ski Hill (7800') after a long but satisfying day covering the relatively flat lower glacier. Our group climbed strong, and tomorrow we're looking forward to moving camp farther uphill. It's nearly midnight and we've all had a big day, so we're going to get some rest and we'll check in again tomorrow! RMI Guide Solveig Waterfall and the team

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Hey Eric - So exciting to follow your adventure.  We are looking forward to hearing about it from you in person.  Good luck! XOXO Kathy & Casey

Posted by: Kathy Mangan on 5/28/2015 at 9:52 am

Received a surprise cell call from son Eric last night at 10:15pm EST from Camp 2 (9600’) and he sounded pumped.  Great to hear your voice my boy!!  (No details as call dropped after 10 seconds.)  They’re on the move!

Posted by: Alex Alimanestianu on 5/12/2015 at 6:40 am

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