Entries By billy haas
Posted by: Mike Walter, Billy Haas, Blake Votilla
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 348'
Posted by: Mike Walter, Billy Haas, Blake Votilla
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 14,000'
On The Map
Thinking alot about you Blake !!
Love you !!
Posted by: Maria Votilla on 5/24/2016 at 12:58 pm
Team Walter, you guys are already my heroes coming so close to the summit. Respect storm Daryl! No gut or glory stuff! Come home in one piece, Lei. Love you. Hao
Posted by: Hao on 5/23/2016 at 7:31 pm
Posted by: Mike Walter, Billy Haas, Blake Votilla
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 14,000'
On The Map
Posted by: Mike Walter, Billy Haas, Blake Votilla
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 14,000'

On The Map
Hi Della, dis rof besig hier met die winter konserte en Kaela was siek met Tonsilites. Ons mis jou baie. Die koppie klimery moet nou klaarkom. Anyway, for those who did not understand. Get to the top in double quick time and get your buds of the mountain. Your family’ s need you..
Posted by: jaco on 5/21/2016 at 1:54 pm
Hey Rob!, So excited to hear from you! Stay strong and stay well. We are praying for good weather so you and the team can go for the summit. Love to you. Mom, Dad and Katie
Posted by: Robert & Toni Caldwell on 5/21/2016 at 5:27 am
Posted by: Mike Walter, Billy Haas, Blake Votilla
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 14,000'

On The Map
Posted by: Mike Walter, Billy Haas, Blake Votilla
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 14,200'

On The Map
Hi adelle. Sitting at Fego having a cuppa and watching the water. It is two in the morning in your valley…sorry ...mountain. and i suppose you are nice and warm and cosy in your sleeping bag. NOT… thinking about you all the time. Your brother wants to join you when you do Everest. Then i have two to pray for. (I wonder if God has a special file labelled Mountaineers? To which he pays special attention) Hope so…. Well,;enough of my rambling. I will leave you and your group to do some rambling of your own. Love. ME.
Posted by: Maureen on 5/20/2016 at 2:14 am
Holy smokes…what a view! I am so glad you all got to see such beauty! May the weather be calm, clear and ready for you all to reach the top! Stay healthy brother Dave. Love, Jules
Posted by: Julie Beckner on 5/19/2016 at 9:59 am
Posted by: Mike Walter, Billy Haas, Blake Votilla
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 14,000'
On The Map
I spotted you in one of the blog post photos! You are the one with the thumb up!
The final push - wow! I hope the winds die down and weather conditions are optimal. You are doing something mind-blowing. I’m scared for you and proud at the same time.
Posted by: Leanne Fosbre on 5/18/2016 at 5:21 pm
Go Rogan and crew. Watching the blogs and photos in awe!
God Speed!
Posted by: Sean O'Keeffe (and son Cianan) on 5/18/2016 at 12:18 pm
Posted by: Mike Walter, Billy Haas, Blake Votilla
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 14.000'
This is for all of you…......
” In a sense everything that is exists to climb. All evolution is a climbing towards a higher form.
Climbing for life as it reaches towards the consciousness, towards the spirit. We have always
honored the high places because we sense them to be homes of gods. In the mountains there
is the promise of… something unexplainable. A higher place of awareness, a spirit that soars.
So we climb… and in climbing there is more than a metaphor; there is a means of discovery.”
(Love you Blake!)
Posted by: Maria Votilla on 5/18/2016 at 8:01 am
Hello Rob.. Unbelievable accomplishment! So excited and proud for you and the team! You all have accomplished so much and looking forward to pictures from the summit!! Enjoy the much deserved rest. Continue to be strong! We are all cheering you and the team on to the summit! Take care! Be safe, Love, Mom, Dad and Katie
Posted by: Robert & Toni Caldwell on 5/18/2016 at 4:36 am
Posted by: Billy Haas, Blake Votilla, Mike Walter
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 14,000'

On The Map
Absolutely beautiful pictures. Glad for all information. Cheers to the team.
Posted by: Donna on 5/16/2016 at 4:57 pm
Hi Rogan and team, well done, it’s been marvellous following your trip. Congrats so far!
Rogue your beautiful wife is fine, the op looks as if it was really successful and by the time I fetched her she had already walked and climbed stairs with the crutches. In fact she could probably climb Denali with a bit more practise!
You are well past the halfway mark, according to the map, one more stop and then the summit. Never give up! Ever! I didn’t with Wfm and that was also really difficult.
You trained so hard, you are quite capable of reaching the summit, your Angels are with you!
I’m so looking forward to seeing all your photos.
I suppose you know that 4 guys reached the top of Everest, the first in two full years!
I wish the blue skies remain, you must be sick of snow by now? Focus on the wonderful scenery, not seen by many, it’s such a privilege you are experiencing.
Hope you all have a great climb tomorrow, it will be different by the looks of things. Good luck and vasbyt!
Love you so much, mom xx
Posted by: Daphne Carew on 5/16/2016 at 1:36 pm
Posted by: Mike Walter, Billy Haas
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Die fotos is indrukwekkend. Bly koel. En druk die gidse vas teen ‘n sneeuman as hulle woer-woer speel.
Kyk nie na die spits nie. “one step at a time”. Maar, wie sal dan beter weet as jy my ou Duifie. Mooi dinge.
Posted by: Ken on 5/17/2016 at 10:29 am
Hey Rogz - keep climbing - been thinking about you a lot since our last chat.
It was a long day but home safe and sound. Don’t give up - keep going and Go Large - never give us - love you and miss you xxx
Posted by: Melanie on 5/16/2016 at 9:22 am
The weather was not with you, but your energy and spirit to summit was. Well done team!
Congratulations brother Dave - Love Jules
Posted by: Julie Beckner on 5/26/2016 at 8:18 am
Well Rogan is back home, I’m so sorry that you guys were not able to continue. But what you did, was not to be sneezed at, so congrats for getting so far up anyway. What a unique experience you all had never to be forgotten. Best wishes, Rogans Mom.
Posted by: Daphne carew on 5/26/2016 at 3:35 am
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