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Entries By ben markhart

Mt. Baker: Rossiter and Team Summit!

RMI Guide Kel Rossiter and team just called from the summit of Mt. Baker after a successful climb. They reported good weather and softening snow conditions. After a celebration on the summit, the team will begin their over 5,000' of vertical ski descent off the top. Once back in camp, the team will rest, pack, and hike off of the mountain for a well deserved meal in town.

RMI Guide Kel Rossiter calls in after the team wraps up their Mt. Baker Summit and Ski Descent

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Mt. Baker: Rossiter & Team Prepare for the Summit Bid

Hello, this is day 2 of the Mount Baker Climb & Ski program. Today was an excellent training day. We woke up with a sunrise, had some breakfast, and got out on the glacier for some firm snow ski, uphill travel techniques: ski cramponing, boot cramponing, roped travel, and a variety of other skills. Then we ripped skins and had a delightful 1,300-foot descent back to camp. In the afternoon we covered avalanche rescue techniques and crevasse rescue techniques as well. We rolled into dinner, cooked up some great food, put the finishing touches on our packs and getting set for a successful summit bid on Baker tomorrow or tomorrow morning. Bye. Bye. RMI Guide Kel Rossiter

RMI Guide Kel Rossiter checks in from Mt. Baker.

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Mt. Shuksan: Gately & Team Summit via Fisher Chimeys

RMI Guide Steve Gately called from the summit of Mt. Shuksan this afternoon. The team delayed their start this morning due to rain and poor visibility. Once the rain dissipated they left camp in hopes the visibility would improve. Their patience was rewarded and they were able to reach the summit via the Fisher's Chimney route. The team will return to camp today for a final night on the mountain. Tomorrow they will descend to the trail head and conclude their program. Congratulations to today's Mt. Shuksan climbers!
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Mt. Rainier: Kautz Seminar Team Reaches Summit

The Expedition Skills Seminar - Kautz July 9 - 14, 2017 led by RMI Guide Jake Beren reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning shortly before 7:30 am. The team has spent the last two days training on the route and will do some additional training this afternoon. After a bit more training tomorrow, they will pack up their camp and descend to Paradise to conclude their program. Congratulations to today's Kautz Climbers!
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Mt. Rainier: Seminar Team Reaches Summit via Kautz Glacier

Our Expedition Skills Seminar - Kautz June 30 - 5 July has enjoyed sunshine and clear skies during their time on Mt. Rainier. Today they made their summit attempt via the Kautz Glacier and stood on the summit of Mt. Rainier around 7:30 am. RMI Guide Jake Beren reported good conditions and light winds. The team will return to their High Camp today and spend a final night on the mountain. Tomorrow they will pack up camp and descend to Paradise. Congratulations to today's Kautz Seminar Team!
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So very wonderful! What an incredible achievement. All your training paid off! Congratulations!

Posted by: Angie Modelski on 7/4/2017 at 4:08 pm

Awesome job, Andrew!  What an accomplishment.  Now you can start your own company called Summit Construction or Rainier Construction.

Posted by: Andrew Modelski on 7/4/2017 at 11:11 am

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