Entries By avery parrinello
Posted by: Steve Gately, Avery Parrinello, Drew O’Brien, Calvin Jiricko
Elevation: 11,200'
The Four Day Climb May 9 - 12 led by RMI Guides Steve Gately & Avery Parrinello reached Ingraham Flats, 11,200', today before poor route conditions forced them to turn around. The teams enjoyed a beautiful morning on the mountain and did a bit of training, then returned safely to Camp Muir. As of 9 am they had begun their descent from Camp Muir to Paradise. We expect to see them back at BaseCamp in the early afternoon.
Posted by: Avery Parrinello, Lacie Smith, Cal Seeley
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 14,410'

The Four Day Climb led by RMI Guide Avery Parrinello stood on Columbia Crest under clear skies early this morning. A team of RMI Guides worked tirelessly the last two days to ensure the route was safe and climbable for the many climbers on the Disappointment Cleaver Route. Their efforts did not go un-noticed as today's team was able to reach the 14,410' summit successfully. The team is in route back to Camp Muir where they will pack up before descending to Paradise.
Congratulations Team!
Posted by: Brent Okita, Avery Parrinello, Mike Bennett, Tom Skoog, Robert Whyte, Hannah Blum
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 14,410'

The Five Day Climb July 1 - 5 went for the summit today led by RMI Guides Brent Okita and Avery Parrinello. The teams radioed from Columbia Crest a little after 7:30 am PT. As of 8:15 they were starting their descent from the crater rim. The teams will return to Camp Muir to rest and likely enjoy many firework displays from their vantage point this evening. Tomorrow the teams will descend the remaining 4.5 miles to Paradise and celebrate their acheivements.
Congratulations team!
Posted by: Avery Parrinello, Alex Halliday, George Hedreen, Cal Seeley, Bailey Servais, Calvin Jiricko
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 14,410'
RMI Guides Avery Parrinello and Alex Halliday lead the Five Day Climb June 8 - 12 to the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning. Alex reported a lovely day with a light breeze. The teams reached the summit crater between 6:30 and 6:45 am PT. The teams enjoyed some time in the crater before starting their descent just before 8 am. Once back to Camp Muir they will take a short break to refuel and repack before descending the remaining 4.5 miles to Paradise.
Congratulations to today's Five Day Climb team members!
Posted by: Steve Gately, Avery Parrinello, Mike Bennett, Charlie Harrison, Evan Sather, Nick Sinapius
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 14,410'
The Five Day Climb June 1 - 5 led by RMI Guides Steve Gately and Avery Parinello reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning. The team enjoyed some time in the crater and reported a very pleasant climb although a bit cold and windy. They started their descent from the crater rim at 8 am and will return to Camp Muir for a quick stop before continuning the remaining 4,500' to Paradise later today. Their program will conclude this afternoon with ceremony at Rainier BaseCamp.
Congratulations to today's climbers!
Posted by: Dave Hahn, Avery Parrinello, Nick Sinapius, Daniel May, Trevor Katz, George Hedreen
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 10,080'
RMI Guides Dave Hahn and Avery Parrinello and the Four Day Climb May 11 - 14 were unable to leave Camp Muir for their summit attempt due to high winds. Dave reported winds gusting 60-70 mph. The teams waited, ready to climb, for the winds to dissipate, but no such luck.
The teams will return to Rainier BaseCamp this afternoon to conclude their climb.
Posted by: Avery Parrinello, Hannah Smith
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Ecuador
Elevation: 20,702'

We woke at over 17,000 feet at Chimborazo High Camp for our final climb. Looking outside we were surprised to see heavy snowfall. Momentarily the guides debated if the weather would push back our start time or stop us in our tracks. After discussing, we optimistically decided to stick with the plan, start packing up and hope the snow would subside. After breakfast we looked outside elated to find a perfectly starry sky, the timing was perfect. As we climbed we encountered difficult firm route conditions and a steady 20 mile an hour breeze that wouldn’t quit. Even so, just before sunrise some of the team managed to summit. That only team to do so today. We descended a route completely empty of other climbers. Back at High Camp the team had a lovely second breakfast together and relaxed after the all night battle up Chimborazo.
Wonderful journey! (Sounds like Pippin..second breakfast, elevenses….!)
Posted by: Terri L. Jennings on 2/20/2023 at 6:47 am
Posted by: Avery Parrinello, Hannah Smith
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Ecuador
Elevation: 18,100'

We awoke inside a thick cloud engulfing basecamp on Antisana. Optimistically we ate a quick breakfast, packed up and started the hike to the base of the glacier. After an hour we ascended through the thick cloud deck and emerged into a beautifully calm, starlight night. As we ascended, we quickly encountered complex and technical glacier travel. Many crevasses emerged that were not present two weeks ago on the last RMI climb. Also, we found many steep, firm slopes that had hardened to trap crust from recent snowfall. The team climbed excellently, overcoming one obstacle after another. Unfortunately, with the summit insight, we realized we had used up too much time to reach the top and defend safely. We were also concerned with snow and crevasse bridge conditions on the very unusually warm evening. We reached 18,100 feet on Antisana, a high point for many on the team. At sunrise we watched Cotopaxi erupting before descending.
We're now safely off the mountain and looking towards our final objective of our program, Chimborazo--the tallest volcano in Ecuador. We'll keep you posted as we continue to train and discover all that Ecuador has to offer.
RMI Guide Avery Parrinello and team
Posted by: Avery Parrinello, Hannah Smith
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Ecuador
Elevation: 15,000'

Good morning all,
After enjoying a relaxing day at Casa Ilayaku the team is ready to get back to business and start walking uphill. A two hour drive brought us to the basecamp for Antisana. A quick duffle shuffle and gear sort gets us psyched and ready for our early departure, hopefully to the top this time. It's early to bed to rest the eyes and body. Fingers crossed the weather cooperates this time.
Happy belated Valentines Day to all our loved ones,
RMI Guides Avery, Hannah, and Team
Posted by: Avery Parrinello, Hannah Smith
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Ecuador
Elevation: 17,000'
We awoke at 11pm at the Cayambe hut to get an alpine start on our climb. Unfortunately, when we took a look outside we encountered sideways rain. We continued to monitor the weather throughout the night with hopes of getting a late start on the climb. Finally, around 5 am the wind and rain subsided enough for us to get out of the hut and do some climbing. By that time our we could not reasonably make it to the summit and back. We climbed up to 17,000 feet and did some training in the morning sun. That was a new high point for most of the team! Resting today in a beautiful hacienda outside Quito. Here we’ll learn crevasse rescue and set out sites on the next volcano, Antisana.
Congratulations! So proud of you, Brandon! ❤️
Posted by: Cynthia on 6/5/2023 at 10:04 am
Go Kaylee!! I’m Kaylees dad and we are cheering her on from Houston!! Thanks guides for the great job you are doing!!!!
Posted by: Andy Bergman on 6/5/2023 at 9:33 am
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