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Entries By alan davis

Mexico Volcanoes: Davis & Team Settle In at Base of Ixtaccihuatl

Hello everyone! We all had a fantastic day down here. This morning was cool and damp as we loaded up the bus around first light with a broken cloud layer just above us at 12,000 feet.

A three-hour drive got us up to the base of Ixta where we went for another quick acclimatization hike up a sandy road. Clouds blocked our view of Ixta and Popo before a squall of snow rolled in and dusted us with about a half inch. We got a good laugh watching 100 runners participating in a 5k having a slippery descent down the road as they pelted each other with snowballs.

Once the snow passed, we got spectacular views of both Ixta and Popo covered in a fresh coat of white snow.

We’re finishing up preparing our equipment for our ascent to Campo Alto (high camp) on Ixta tomorrow. Our local staff is preparing us a Mexican feast. Tomorrow is the first day of forecasted sunshine! 

RMI Guide Grayson Swingle

On The Map

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The trail dogs will show ya the way! Be sure to hold your pole bag when setting up tents at high camp

Posted by: Whit on 1/20/2020 at 8:42 pm

Mexico Volcanoes: Davis & Team Stretch Their Legs on La Malinche

Greetings from La Malinche! Today the team moved from the busy streets of Mexico City up to our cabanas at 10,000 feet. From here, we went for a hike up to 13,500 feet to stretch our lungs and our legs. The day started off a bit cloudy for us which mostly obscured our view of the higher peaks but we did see Pico de Orizaba towering above the clouds for a brief moment. A little rain chased us off of of the mountain this afternoon leaving us eager for a hot shower and another delicious meal.

The weather looks like it is improving throughout the week which should set us up for success on the bigger peaks to come! Tomorrow we will head to the base of Ixta. Now it is time to crawl into our beds for some well deserved rest. 

RMI Guide Grayson Swingle

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Grayson & Alan,
Have a great trip on Ixta & Orizaba!  I’m so thankful to have had you guys on our trip last year!  Be careful on that labrynth!  :O)

Posted by: Ron Seib on 1/20/2020 at 10:30 am

Mexico Volcanoes: Davis & Team Arrive in Mexico City

Holà de Mexico!

Checking in from the lively Zona Rosa in Mexico City. All of our climbers and bags are accounted for. After a savory dinner of authentic Mexican fare we are retiring to get some rest in preparation for our next leg. Stay tuned for more updates along the way!

RMI Guide Alan Davis

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Mt. Rainier: Hahn, Davis & Muir Seminar Team Reach Summit

The Expedition Skills Seminar - Muir led by RMI Guides Dave Hahn and Alan Davis met at Rainier BaseCamp on Sunday for their Technical Training day. The team loaded packs and headed to Camp Muir on Monday morning. They have spent the last few days training near Camp Muir on glacier travel and crevasse rescue techniques. This morning they put their training to the test, leaving Camp Muir with an alpine start. They were rewarded with clear skies and light winds as they reached the summit of Mt. Rainier just before 8 AM. Once they have taken all the hero shots and enjoyed the views, they will return to Camp Muir for their final night on the mountain. Tomorrow the team will descend to Paradise and return to Rainier BaseCamp for the conclusion of their program. Congratulations to the Seminar teams!
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Congrats team! Chris, we miss you and can’t wait to see all the photos! Love you

Posted by: Kristen B on 9/16/2019 at 11:10 pm

Congratulations Kristopher! We are so excited and proud of you. We can’t wait to see your pictures of this extreme adventure! Mom and Dad

Posted by: Sheri Johnson on 9/13/2019 at 3:28 pm

Mt. Baker: Davis & Team Attempt from the Easton Glacier

RMI Guide Alan Davis called in this morning from Mt. Baker. Last night he and his team made a sunset climb via the Easton Glacier. The team reached 9,700' before turning around. They have left their camp and plan to be off the mountain in the next couple of hours.
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Mt. Rainier: Beautiful Day on the Summit for the Four Day Climb

The Four Day Climb led by RMI Guides Andy Bond and Alan Davis reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning. When asked how conditions are on the summit, Andy reported that it was a "beautiful day." The teams began their descent from Mt. Rainier's crater rim around 7:00 AM. They will return to Ashford this afternoon.
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Mt. Rainier: Young, Davis & Team Summit on Beautiful Day

The Four Day Climb August 6 -9 reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning led by RMI Guides Robby Young and Alan Davis. Robby reported a beautiful day with no winds and a great route. The team enjoyed some time on the summit before descending from the crater rim en route to Camp Muir. The teams will continue their descent to Paradise and return to Rainier BaseCamp this afternoon. Congratulations to today's climbers!
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Thanks again for for the experience! Not all the way to the top for me, but still an unbelievable view and great challenge. You guys are professional, empathetic, and caring of your clients, and one couldn’t ask for anything more. I’ll be back for the challenge, and we’ll get it done.

Posted by: Anthony Brune on 8/12/2019 at 5:53 pm

Have you guys made it back to Paradise? It’s almost 9pm.

Posted by: Paige Cline on 8/9/2019 at 7:37 pm

Mt. Rainier: Five Day Summit Climb Reaches the Summit!

Our Five-Day Mt. Rainier Climb reached the summit this morning. RMI Guide Alan Davis called in from the crater rim and reported clear skies and a beautiful day of climbing. The team will descend back to Paradise this afternoon.
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Congratulations to the entire team! I’m so glad the weather cooperated and you had a beautiful day of climbing. Steve, we can’t wait to hear about the entire adventure when you get back!

-H, A & K

Posted by: Heidi on 8/5/2019 at 11:52 am

Congratulations to our teammate, Mark Pengelly, for making his Mt. Rainier summit this morning.  This was Mark’s second summit bid this summer since our July 18th summit bid was cut short due to extreme weather.  Mark is the first Tideworks Mountaineers to summit Mt. Rainier.  We have Hugh Gallagher summiting tomorrow morning and Steve Albert summiting Aug. 23.  This is an exciting summer for our team.

Congratulations to the entire team this morning!!!

Posted by: Tideworks Mountaineers on 8/5/2019 at 11:33 am

Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Fly from Basecamp, Complete Trip

The RMI Denali May 8th Team led by RMI Guides Mike Walter, Alan Davis & Alex Halliday returned to Talkeetna yesterday. After lots of waiting at 14,000' Camp on both the ascent and descent, the weather allowed the team to depart Kahiltna Basecamp. Once in Talkeetna the team sorted gear, arranged rooms, shuttle transportation and flight homes. The trip ended with a celebratory meal before spending their final night in Alaska. All team members should be making their way back to their respective homes. We would like to congratulate them on a safe and successful expedition. Thanks for following along on their adventure.
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Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Descend to BaseCamp, Wait to Fly

Sunday, June 2, 2019 - 8:13 AM PT We took advantage of a lull in the weather to pack up our kit and descend from 14,000' to Basecamp. We encountered light snow, but generally pleasant travel conditions during our 8 hour descent. Here at Kahiltna Basecamp it is a crowded scene, as no planes have been able to land here in a few days. Hopefully the weather breaks and we can fly to Talkeetna today. That's it for now. There's still a lot of work to do organizing gear to prepare for a flight. RMI Guide Mike Walter
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We’re all relieved, knowing that you’re off the mountain and safely onto base camp! So happy for the successful team members too!! Tell Dan Koster hello from his family and friends. We can’t wait to see him soon!

-Mark Koster

Posted by: Mark Koster on 6/2/2019 at 5:25 pm

So glad to hear you are all safely back at base camp and I hope the weather cooperates for you to fly out of there. Congratulations Jim and team on your successful summit - what an amazing accomplishment! Jim, we cant wait to hear more about it.

Posted by: Clare on 6/2/2019 at 8:48 am

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