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Entries By abby westling

Denali Expedition: Walter and Team Await Weather at High Camp

May 28, 2023 12:01 PM PT

We hoped for a repeat of yesterday's weather, but instead we got light snow and wind. Definitely not a summit day.

So we're resting inside our tents inside a ping pong ball. Spirits are high despite today's weather wrinkle. Hopefully tomorrow we'll be able to climb.

We stocked our camp with plenty of food and fuel, so we're able to wait it out a few days. Until next time, we'll be counting the ripstop nylon squares in our tents, dreaming of a sunny and calm day for climbing.


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Well done!  Very impressive!  Safe journey back to Talkeetna- where the beer is cold and the pizza is hot!!!  Yeah!  You did it!!!  Susan

Posted by: Susan on 5/30/2023 at 10:38 pm

Congratulations! What an accomplishment :-) safe travels on the way down. You should be very proud of yourselves.

Elysia hey

Posted by: Elysia Morrison on 5/30/2023 at 9:42 am

Denali Expedition: Walter and Team make the Big Move to 17k

May 27, 2023 8:44PM PT

The weather was spectacular today: sunny with very light wind. We took advantage and moved to high camp at 17,200'. Six hours of climbing and another few of building camp and we're all situated. After hydration, lots of calories and some rest, we're hoping to try for the top tomorrow, weather permitting. Fingers crossed!


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Hope that weather window is wide open and today’s the day! Go Team Go! Brett, Enjoy the view and bask in your achievements! Can’t wait for you to share your adventures with us. 
PS Game 6 of WCF is Monday VGK leads 3-2.

Posted by: Dianne on 5/28/2023 at 11:30 am

YES!!! Let’s go, no storms and make it to the Summitt!! Great job by everyone.

Posted by: Kim on 5/28/2023 at 8:05 am

Denali: Walter & Team Wait out Weather at 14k

Friday 5/26/2023 3:15 PM PT

Clouds and light snow are making a perfect atmosphere for a lazy rest day here at 14k. 

Strong winds high on the mountain are occasionally visible through breaks in the clouds. The warmth of our tents is conducive to lazing, reading, listening to music, and occasionally drifting off into a dreamy state of consciousness. 

Meanwhile, we're hoping that favorable weather allows us an opportunity to climb higher and push for the summit soon. 

Until then, we're embracing the tranquility of the mountains. 


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Go Team!  Make it happen!  It’s going to be epic!!!  You got this!!!! Perseverance and Patience….goal in sight!  Hoping for some solid blue sky and perfect climate!!!  Cheers from Talkeetna!!!  Susan

Posted by: Susan on 5/27/2023 at 9:39 am

Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Enjoy Excellent Rest Day

Tuesday, May 23, 2023 - 8:23 pm PT

We had a wonderfully serene rest day today. It started with a prolonged breakfast scramble brunch, transitioned to hours of lounging, and culminated in a few hours of practicing fixed rope travel and running belays. Now we're fixin' for a burrito dinner. Tomorrow we hope to establish a cache up high so we're ready to make a summit bid if and when we get a good weather window, which could come in as little as a few days. The forecast is promising, but we won't hold our breath at this altitude.

We're taking it day by day.

RMI Guide Mike Walter

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Rich, Happy Birthday! I hope you can get my wish on this way! Good luck for all of you! Dia

Posted by: Dia on 5/25/2023 at 12:09 pm

Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Retrieve Cache, Rest at 14,000ft Camp

Monday, May 22, 2023 - 7:55 pm PT

The weather was gorgeous today. We retrieved our cache from Windy Corner, so we're all set here at 14,000'. The rest of the afternoon was spent resting and socializing in the sun. Meanwhile, the guides excavated a palacial cook/dining tent for the team. Our plan is to review fixed rope travel and rest tomorrow, taking advantage of another day/night to acclimate to the altitude, and then establish a cache up high on Wednesday. A little weather might move in Thurday, but we're optimistic for a good window for a summit push this weekend.

RMI Guide Mike Walter

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Sending bro’ support from Tucson to Emmo from Pete and Lisa.  Remember your increasingly dilapidated 60 something bud’s are living vicariously through you.  Makes us proud just to know you are up there.

Posted by: Pete Eckerstrom on 5/23/2023 at 10:05 pm

Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Arrive at 14k Camp

Monday, May 22, 2023, 9:33am PDT

Burdened with heavy packs, we climbed the 3000' to Genet Basin, our new home. Climbing conditions were excellent; weather ranged from warm and sunny to cold and breezy to snowy pea soup. Five hours after leaving our 11k Camp we arrived at 14k Camp, then had another few hours of building camp, melting snow, and making dinner. This morning is beautiful and we will go back to Windy Corner to pick up our cache. Lots of resting and eating will ensue. 

RMI Guide Mike Walter and Team

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Could someone just let us know which expedition Scott Crist is on (don’t need any other details) but we would like to follow the blog for that particular trip he is on. He asked me to follow it before he left and after the 2-3 day delay when they could not get on the mountain.

Thanks, Doug Mitchell

Posted by: DOUG MITCHELL on 5/22/2023 at 2:34 pm

Making great progress now ! 

Posted by: Kim H on 5/22/2023 at 1:58 pm

Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Cache Gear at 13,700’

Saturday, May 20, 2023 8:36am PDT

We kept the proverbial ball rolling yesterday and established a cache at 13,700', above Windy Corner. The weather was remarkably hot Yesterday, a marked change from the previous two weeks we've been in AK. The icy slopes of Squirrel Hill & Windy Corner were mostly Slushy by the time we descended them in the afternoon. And today we are back to some snow and wind. Bizzarro.

Anyway, we're resting and acclimating today, with hopes of moving camp up to Genet Basin at 14,200' tomorrow.

RMI Guide Mike Walter & Team

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So stoked to see you all moving up and being able to make progress in your weather windows! Great work team! Climb on!

Posted by: Rae Anglen on 5/21/2023 at 6:32 am

Well done, team!  Strong work!  You have braved some serious conditions!  Alaska!  So impressive!  Keep going!  If you hear some noise in the distance- it’s probably me cheering for all of you from a Talkeetna!  Keep climbing!  You got this!  Cheers!  Susan!

Posted by: Susan on 5/21/2023 at 1:37 am

Denali Expedition: Mike Walter & Team Move to 11,000’ Camp

Thursday, May 18, 2023 10:40pm PDT

The weather finally cooperated with us, and we were able to make the move to 11,200'. Everyone did great pulling heavy sleds. We're currently cozy in our tents and looking forward to a good night's rest. If the weather is nice tomorrow, we're hoping to put a cache In above Windy Corner. We'll let you know what we find tomorrow.

RMI Guides Mike, Abby, Emma & Team

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Yayyy!! Some progress, hope the weather is good for you all again today.

Posted by: Kim on 5/19/2023 at 12:27 pm

Great Scott, that is a lot of snow

Y’all got this !

Posted by: Kim H on 5/19/2023 at 11:07 am

Denali Expedition: Walter & Team Hope to Move to 11,000ft Camp

Thursday, May 18, 2023 - 8:31 am PT

Yesterday's weather started out looking pretty decent, but it shut down pretty quickly and we were forced to remain tent bound. This morning is much nicer and we should finally be able to move to 11,200' Camp. We'll check in again soon, hopefully from up higher.

RMI Guide Mike Walter

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Yayyy! Good weather God’s have arrived, hopefully for a few days

Posted by: Kim on 5/18/2023 at 9:41 am

Denali Expedition: Van Deventer & Team Remain at 11,000ft Camp

Wednesday, May 17, 2023 - 7:54 pm PT

The forecast was for this weather system to begin to clear out today, and when we got up this morning we were hopeful that the trend was going in the right direction. We could see down below, had sunshine in camp, though it was still plenty windy. We dragged our feet to make sure it kept getting better by making a blueberry pancake breakfast. As we enjoyed that we listened to the wind get stronger and watched the tent get darker as clouds pushed up and we lost the sun. We continued to kick the can and see if we would get a chance to head downhill and grab our cache, but it continued to deteriorate. Eventually we pulled the plug and went to our weather day rhythm of tent hang, reading, cards, etc. Over dinner the sun finally poked back out so hopefully this system is finally moving out and we'll get our shot tomorrow.

RMI Guide Pete Van Deventer

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