RMI Expeditions Blog
Sunday, June 5, 2022 - 11:08 pm PT
A snowy rest day in the books. We woke up late to clear skies, and a late breakfast of bagels and smoked salmon. Throughout the day the clouds rolled in, and it continued to lightly snow throughout our entire rest day. We shoveled, napped, snacked and prepped for the next weather window to summit. Weather doesn't look ideal for the next few days, but we will continue to rest and hunker down until the weather allows. Check in tomorrow!
June 5, 2022
Posted by: Avery Parrinello, Jack Delaney, Liam Weed
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Alaska Denali
Elevation: 9,500'
Greetings from the bottom of Ski Hill. We’ve been keeping our trend of staying on east coast time (3am wake up Alaska time) in order to keep up with the stock market and take advantage of the cooler temps and firm snow. This morning we packed up all our excess supplies and gear and headed uphill to cache them. Conditions were ideal again as we were able to climb without the aid of crampons or snow shoes. Apparently, granola breakfast was the breakfast of champions because the team crushed it! They marched uphill without tiring and kept cheerful smiles while doing it. The sunrise was incredible and even saw what could be described as a non-traditional rainbow in the distant rains near Talkeetna! We soon climbed past the traditional cache spot around 9,500 and stopped just below the last hill to 11 camp. The only reason we didn’t go all the way was to save the experience of seeing what will be our new home for tomorrow.
The afternoon was spent back at ski hill, napping, relaxing, snacking and trading stories. Some of which seemed too good to be true.
The weather is beautiful and so is the team.
Yours Truly,
RMI Guides Avery, Jack, Liam and the Team
June 5, 2022
Posted by: Dustin Wittmier, Grayson Swingle
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 10,080'
Poor weather and low visibility kept RMI Guides Dustin Wittmier, Grayson Swingle and Team from reaching the summit on Mt. Rainier today. The team will be spending the morining at Camp Muir and return to Rainier Basecamp in Ashford later this afternoon.
Congratulation on facing this challenge and seeing it through to your full capacity! I hope your descent is smooth. Mother nature is a beautifully powerful force and I hope she sees you safely down the mountain today.
Posted by: Rosemary on 6/5/2022 at 5:07 pm
Dad - hello daddy. how are you doing? your daughter Elle
Posted by: Elle Bolton on 6/5/2022 at 1:17 pm
June 5, 2022
Posted by: Nikki Champion, Taylor Bickford, Emma Lyddan
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Alaska Denali
Elevation: 14,200'
Saturday June 4, 2022 6:22pm PT
Today we have our first birthday of the trip! Happy Birthday Cris! To celebrate we woke up early to a speedy breakfast of Honey Nut Cheerios. We planned to walk at 8:30 am, but with such cold temperatures this morning we pushed that back and hour and stayed warm in our tents. Once the sun finally hit 14,000’ camp around 9:30 am we began our journey towards the fixed lines. Running through all the gambit of temperatures we made it to the top of the fixed lines, at 16,200', where we decided to cache our personal and group food for the day. After taking a snack, and water break we made our way back downhill. We rolled back into 14,000’ camp, where it is now lightly snowing, and crawled into our tents.
Tonight, will be a mellow evening of Ramen, and prepping for a few much needed days of rest at 14 camp. The team did great, and we are set up well!
RMI Guides Nikki, Taylor, Emma, and Team!
Following your every move on this big mountain. We are with you all in spirit. Be safe. Stay strong…and try to stay warm. You’ve got this! Happy Birthday, Cris.
Posted by: The Wilhelms on 6/6/2022 at 5:34 am
June 4, 2022
Posted by: Nikki Champion, Taylor Bickford, Emma Lyddan
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Alaska Denali
Elevation: 14,200'
June 3, 2022 – 9:29pm PT
Quiet day over at 14 camp.
We woke up with the sun and had a long breakfast consisting of breakfast burritos and multiple rounds of hots. We spent the rest of the day resting and reviewing fixed line travel before our carry day tomorrow. We hope to wake up early and carry all the way to 17 if everything goes smoothly.
Another great day, with great weather. Check back in tomorrow!
What an inspiring journey! I look forward to being regaled by stories and taking in images of your mighty adventure. Thinking of you and hoping you are safe throughout each day.
So much love to you, Jeff-Rob!
Your sis, Lynn
Posted by: Lynn on 6/5/2022 at 8:23 pm
Climbing Rob!!
What a wonderful adventure!!
Can’t wait to have an evening with you and Patty having you walk us through this amazing experience!!
Posted by: John Shaw on 6/5/2022 at 5:04 pm
June 4, 2022
Posted by: Avery Parrinello, Jack Delaney, Liam Weed
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Alaska Denali
Elevation: 7,800'
Friday June 3, 2022 - 8:54pm PT
We are on the move! The team woke up at 2AM to break camp, rig sleds, and get walking early in order to finish this first push before the midday heat set in.
The heavy loads couldn’t suppress the bubbling smiles on the faces of the climbers, as the Denali came into view with a glimmering sun behind it.
At the base of ski hill, we made camp and enjoyed a power nap before eating a spicy jambalaya dinner.
The team is feeling strong and stoked to continue upwards!
RMI Guide Liam Weed and Team
Heia Joachim! Håper du har det bra og koser deg på tur. Gøy å følge med på oppdateringene herfra. Stå på - du er helt rå!!
Hope you’re all enjoying the mountain! Looks like a great team. Greetings from Norway!
Posted by: Madeleine on 6/5/2022 at 2:35 am
Nothing like a little spice to start things off- Go team go! Big shoutout to Michael Alexander, you a rockstar! Love you like crazy. Sending positive energy to all! Alicia
Posted by: Alicia Becker on 6/5/2022 at 1:11 am
June 3, 2022
Posted by: James Bealer, Ben Luedtke, Sam Hoffman, Josh McDowell, Trevor Katz, Nick Sinapius
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 11,400'
Today's Four Day Climb May 31 - June 3 reached 11,400' today before deciding to turn around due to high avalanche danger and deteriorating weather. The teams returned to Camp Muir and packed up. They started their descent to Paradise at 8:30 am. RMI Guides James Bealer and Josh McDowell reported that the winds were high and it was snowing hard as the team left Camp Muir on their descent. Once back at Paradise the teams will be shuttled back to Rainier BaseCamp for a closing ceremony.
June 3, 2022
Posted by: Avery Parrinello, Jack Delaney, Liam Weed
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 7,300'
Thursday, June 2, 2022 - 9:45 pm PT
We did it! We’re here! The Alaska Range! After a stressful day and half of packing we’ve finally arrived. We took off first thing in the morning to avoid a hot mushy landing strip. The flight was beautiful, cloudless and most importantly smooth. The views were spectacular and plane ride mostly silent as we looked on with awe at the majestic mountains wearing glaciers as hats. Once we landed at base camp we set to unloading our nearly 1,500lbs of gear. Then began the real fun, setting up camp. We dug caches, a kitchen, a dining room and 4 tent platforms. Then we erected our tents and got moved in. After that we did what smart mountaineers do best, lounged in our tents to avoid the heat and intense sun. Eventually it cooled down and we did a delightful burrito dinner. Now we’re laying down for an early (and short) night as we’ll be walking in the wee hours of the day in order to have firm snow and reasonable temps.
Spirits are high! Our elevation is low! And the team is excited to move up the mountain.
RMI Guides Avery Parrinello, Jack Delaney, Liam Weed and team
Happy Birthday Rebecca! Love that you’re starting off the year in the most epic way! Amazed and impressed and always cheering for you. XOXOXOXOXOXO Kyla
Posted by: Kyla on 6/4/2022 at 8:27 am
Happy Birthday, Becs! Hope you get someone to take a special picture of you “celebrating” on the mountain. Love you! ❤️M&D
Posted by: Peggy and Ed Baack on 6/4/2022 at 8:20 am
June 3, 2022
Posted by: Nikki Champion, Taylor Bickford, Emma Lyddan
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 14,000'
Thursday, June 2, 2022 - 8:13 pm PT
Today we yet again woke up to, you guessed it, beautiful weather. We packed up camp and made our way up Motorcycle Hill and towards 14,000' Camp. It was a hot, heavy, and challenging day but everyone rolled into 14,000' Camp in good style and we were able to greet JT and the RMI team descending from 17,000' Camp. We spent the last few hours rehydrating, and recovering before rolling into a late dinner of broccoli cheddar rice. Tomorrow is another rest day, everyone is looking forward to a mellow day to recover and start preparing for the fixed lines. We will check back in tomorrow after coffee!
We have a new found admiration of you all. Hope you are enjoying this! Looking forward to some wonderful stories.
Posted by: Nick & Annette on 6/5/2022 at 8:59 am
You guys are making this look easy! Keep it up!!
Posted by: Katy Shaw on 6/4/2022 at 7:04 am
June 2, 2022
Posted by: Brent Okita, Dustin Wittmier, Kiira Antenucci, Mira Schoeberlein, Lacie Smith, Evan Sather
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 11,200'
The Four Day Climb led by RMI Guides Brent Okita and Kiira Antenucci reached Ingraham Flats at 11,200' on their summit attempt before poor weather forced them to turn and retreat to shelter of Camp Muir. The team is going to enjoy the morning on the mountain before descending.
Congratulations to today's team!
Hey Team!!! What a day! How great to be able to be a tiny part of this experience with you - thank you for sharing! Keep up the great work and positive attitudes! We are all behind you. Go Michael Go! Am with you in spirit bud- Love you!! Hugs all around team- Alicia xoxo
Posted by: Alicia Becker on 6/6/2022 at 7:46 pm
Thank you for allowing all of us on your incredible journey!!!
Sending the most amazingly brilliant positive vibes to you Michael & the whole team!!! Go team go!!! I am so proud of you!! Lots of love to all!!
Aunt Tulip
Posted by: Julee Valentine on 6/6/2022 at 6:58 pm
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