RMI Expeditions Blog
Posted by: Dominic Cifelli, Ben Luedtke
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Aconcagua
Elevation: 13,800'

I went to bed tired after three successive nights of little to no sleep. I entered my sleeping bag fearful of seismic disturbances both inside and outside my tent, but fatigue overtook me and I slept with dreams of everything dolce de leche. Woke up to a blue bird day and ready to reset. Not much to say about a rest day- eat, drink, hike a little, eat, play Farkle, talk random minutia, and then eat- you get the picture.
Today I thought would be a good day to share gratitude. I am very grateful for the Argentinian people, so welcoming, huggers and hand shakers, space violators- I love that. I am grateful for the 6 other strangers I am climbing with, thrown together with high individual expectations but how quickly we formed a team of working together for a common goal. Nate- from Illinois, works in the medical device industry and in the Air Force reserves, family man and enjoys a good beer, gentle bear and unable to be poked as he will always laugh it off, always willing to help, not a single swear word in his vocabulary but I am holding out hope. Eric- from Indiana, train engineer, energy is off the charts and he can laugh at himself, authority on rock bands and an avid 4-wheeler, can talk to anybody about anything, always willing to help. Erica- from LA and owns her own business, extremely tough but easy going hanging out with 6 other guys in the mountains with pretty offensive language (outside of Nate), aspiring Farkle master, also quick to contribute productively to a conversation, always willing to help. Ethan- from Indiana, owns his own business, near master of obtuse trivia particularly movies for which he says he never watches them, doesn’t take long for him to get a room laughing, cheats at Farkle, always willing to help. Dom- from WA, our guide and team leader, quick to read a room and join into any conversation from conspiracies on why the world is flat to Farkle strategies, affable, knowledgeable, humble, glad he is leading us. And last but not least, Ben- from a lot of places but most recently I think AZ, our other guide, the uncle every kid wishes he had with his mastery of riddles and bad Dad jokes even though he has no offspring, affable, knowledgeable, humble, also glad he is helping lead us.
I think I am in good hands with these new friends of mine. So on our first rest day, I am grateful. That’s no cap…
RMI Climber Brian G
New Post Alerts:
Aconcagua Expedition January 8, 2025

Tuesday, January 14, 2025
All is well here on Kilimanjaro!
Today we woke to beautifully clear skies with even better views of Kilimanjaro and clouds obscuring the valleys below. Our morning ritual has been waking around 6:30 and getting everything in our tents packed up before heading into our very spacious dining tent for a great breakfast feast.
We hit the trail once again around 8 am and hiked for an hour before taking our usual 15 minute break, then back on the trail for another hour. All total today we hiked for just over 6 hours before reaching camp which is set up and ready for us.
Along the way we passed around the famous and beautiful Lava Tower reaching just over 15,000', setting new altitude records for some and we also chatted with a few other climbers who are on the same schedule with us. All in all it was a really nice day with clouds gathering in the afternoon to help keep the temperature comfortable for hiking.
That’s all for now.
RMI Guide Casey Grom and the Kili crew
New Post Alerts:
Kilimanjaro Climb & Safari January 9, 2025
Monday, January 13, 2025
Jambo everyone,
We started the day waking at 6:30 to start packing up before moving into our dinning tent for a nice breakfast with porridge, fried eggs, toast, avocado and even some fresh fruit, and most importantly plenty of hot coffee. So clearly we are really roughing it here.
Today had a really nice day here on Kilimanjaro, waking to clear skies and a beautiful view of the mountain looming in the distance. We fortunately had a light cloudy layer which helped keep us cool while on the trail, which was nice as the sun can be quite intense here near the equator.
We hit the trail shortly before 8am and slowly made our way up the rocky trail with occasional views of Kili above. The trail climbs up a blunted ridge and eventually out of the trees and allowed for some truly spectacular views of the valley below. The team hiked for a little more than 4 hours before reaching out next camp that sits on the Shira plateau, which is the remnant of an ancient lava flow.
Everyone is doing very well and we are currently relaxing in camp.
RMI Guide Casey and crew
New Post Alerts:
Kilimanjaro Climb & Safari January 9, 2025
Posted by: Dominic Cifelli, Ben Liken
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Aconcagua
Elevation: 13,800'

Today was a concatenation of surprises which threw all of us in a vortex of emotions and awe! The journey started o’dark early, navigating from the Vacas Valley at Casa de Piedra, straight into fridged knee high white waters to access our next route. Pins and needles shocked our legs but the cold waters quickly awakened those that were not yet awake. The team was ready as we headed into the Relinchos Valley, navigating the long narrow edges that overlooked the raging river stemming from Cerro Aconcagua as the team deadheaded towards base camp. Passing many mules and sparking multiple conversations of chapacubras, lemmings, and jackalopes, helped to preoccupy our conversations and made for a quick traverse. We were treated by Dom and Ben to a delicatessan delight with homemade ham and cheese sandwiches which was a bonus and boosted our spirits. We climbed high and at a good pace until we reached Aconcagua’s base camp.
Other highlights - we saw an Argentine Bolo Mouse which Ben said had a poisonous tail, passed by a heard of Guanacos as they gazed the fields, and mistook the sound of the closing bathroom doors for thunder snow.
All in all a great day as it could only be summed up only to this Aconcagua Slayers Rhyme:
Twas the night before base camp, two camps down one to go! From Pampas de Leñas to Casa de Piedra, all bedded down early, and ready to roll. Tossing and turning, the thin air spoiled in their sleep. The stench from no showers wrenched as they slept. Tucked tightly in their tents, the storms rattled and the winds howled, but did not prove to be a battle! No cap!
Dressed in their Patagucci, all tired and weak, they strolled with their feet, crossing creek to creek. The harsh cold weakened and dampened their feet but was match to slow the Aconcagua Slayers beat. Morale was so high that they could not deny, they trekked on to no demise and accomplished their prize! Base camp conquered, what a feat, nothings going to stop the Patagucci peeps!
Time for some Farkle gone wild.
RMI Climber Nathan Karlen
New Post Alerts:
Aconcagua Expedition January 8, 2025
Posted by: Dustin Wittmier, Mike Bennett
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Ecuador
Elevation: 18,997'

RMI Guide Dustin Wittmier checked in this morning to let us know the team reached the summit of Cayambe with 100% success.
The team will make a stop for lunch before continuing to their next hacienda, Casa Ilayku. The team will enjoy a well deserved rest day tomorrow.
Nice work team!
New Post Alerts:
Ecuador Seminar January 7 - 21, 2025
Sunday, January 12, 2025 - 9:25 pm PT
Hello everyone,
Today the we had an early start and left behind our beautiful lodge as we have headed to the mountain towards the start of the climb. We left around 8am and drove along the rural country side and small villages for 2 hours before reaching the park entrance.
Most of the area surrounding Kilimanjaro has been cultivated and primarily used for coffee and banana production, plus a variety of other agriculture needs. There are still a few areas that have been untouched and resemble more of a savannah that Tanzania is known for. Kilimanjaro’s base is mostly forested and resembles more of a jungle, this area is called the cloud forest.
Once we arrived at the park gate we had all of our gear weighed and divided into loads for our porters and other staff to carry before hitting the trail. Once everything was in order we started our climb slowly making our way up the winding trail that ascends continuously through the thick forest. Thankfully the overhead canopy provided a bit of relief from the hot sun overhead.
The team hiked for a for about six hours and reached our camp for the night that sits around 10,000ft. After settling into camp and get situated the team was served a nice warm meal for dinner.
Everyone is doing well and looking forward to a good nights rest.
RMI Guide Casey Grom and crew
New Post Alerts:
Kilimanjaro Climb & Safari January 9, 2025

Cowboy camping and waking up under the stars was quite refreshing. Shoutout Starlink. My circadian rhythm said awe dope bro, that’s what’s up. After a salty breakfast, we left Pampas de Leñas at 8:15am and the first thing that comes to mind: Aconcagua Slay. Heading off with the team towards the so-called “suspension bridge.” Riddles and jokes were had by all. Forwards I am heavy backwards I am NOT.. definitely not a pregnant woman but Ben’s jokes and riddles are TON’s of fun…you maggots! Pocket rocks were found, ketchup and salami sandwich’s were had, we saw guanaco, and learned a pirates favorite letter is definitely “aye.” After 10.2 miles we made it to Casa de Piedra to set up camp. What I thought would be a siesta turned into Erica taking us to school In Farkle… I think I now “underment what she stood.”
In the words of ChatGPT, “no cap, this climb’s straight bussin’, we keep slayin’, there’s no discussion.”
RMI Climber Ethan Pickett
New Post Alerts:
Aconcagua Expedition January 8, 2025
Posted by: Dominic Cifelli, Ben Luedtke
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Aconcagua
Elevation: 9,000'

Welcome to the blog for our Aconcagua Expedition!
Throughout the trip we’re going to be passing the blog around to the group so make sure to keep an eye out for your climber and leave some comments for our adventure!
We are a couple days in, and boy did we enjoy Mendoza. Wine tours, big dinners, and local markets is one hell of a way to start an expedition. The best part for us? Our dollar goes far here. You don’t have to have a rocket doctor salary to enjoy the fine dining here. But we’re here to climb not JUST drink wine in the city and it’s a welcome change.
The first day on the trail started off almost too good to be true. Sunshine? Check. Warm temps? Check. A cool breeze? Sure, why not. Spirits were high, and we cruised along the trail, soaking in the views. Buuuut that didn’t last forever. We experienced it all. The hot sun and still air, the high winds and exfoliating sand, the cold rain and concussing hail. After the gambit we finally made it to Pampa De Leñas, our first camp, enjoying the amenities here, pondering the origin of profanities, listening to a ukele show from the professor, and saving our appetite for a delicious meal.
Looking forward to climbing one of the best mountains in the world, no cap
RMI Guide Dominic Cifelli
New Post Alerts:
Aconcagua Expedition January 8, 2025
Posted by: Dustin Wittmier, Mike Bennett
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Ecuador
Elevation: 11,800'

To catch up anyone following along with this trip, we are now at the lower hut for Cayambe. We are nearing the end of our dedicated acclimatization portion of the trip and preparing to start making attempts on big mountains. Yesterday, we did one more warmup hike circumnavigating Laguna Cuicocha. It is a beautiful lake hike, located within the Cotacachi-Cayapas Ecological Reserve. HIking around the lake, the terrain is undulating with a few long hills, but all on well-maintained tread. As you move through different elevation bands, you observe a variety of different flora, which interestingly includes the wild Taxo, a passionfruit-esque plant. In the photos, it is the bell-shaped plant with an orange-ish flower. Our lovely hike was followed up with a relaxing night at the Intiyaya Residences, where the scrappy hacienda dogs put on their best show and try to earn some people food.
Today, we left the hacienda and are now at the lower Cayambe hut, following a stop at the Otavalo market and a cafe for lunch. The market is always quite the spectacle, especially on a Saturday, which is dubbed "market day" - the day that the greatest number of vendors bring goods. The normal textiles, jewelry and art are on display and in addition, on Saturdays there are a variety of fruits, vegetables, spices and breads. It made for a nice day experiencing Ecuadorian culture before turning our focus to Cayambe. We now are reviewing some skills on the grass outside the hut and will very soon watch the sun set on the western slopes of the mountain.
Thanks for following along from wherever you are! We are all feeling ready to go climbing and having a great time so far.
RMI Guide Dustin Wittmier
New Post Alerts:
Ecuador Seminar January 7 - 21, 2025
Wishing you all safety, good weather and joy as you tackle this first mountain. Don’t underestimate my old man. He travels at his own pace, but he’s a beast.
Posted by: Lisa Banov on 1/12/2025 at 5:10 am
Hey Dustin!!!
Sending you and your team best wishes for Perfect weather!!
Farmer Dave
Posted by: Dave Kestel on 1/12/2025 at 2:39 am
Posted by: Casey Grom
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Kilimanjaro

Hello from Tanzania,
All is well here in Tanzania and most of the team arrived late in the evening yesterday after some very long flights. It was a short and uneventful ride to our Lodge that is nestled in between Arusha and Moshi and not so far from the base of Kilimanjaro.
We had a very early morning today (3:30am) as there were several of us wanting to see the college football playoff. And so we had our first official meeting at 8am where we did a round of introductions and then discussed the upcoming program for the days ahead. We also addressed all the gear, the packing and our overall game plan for the trip.
The team spent the remainder of the day getting our gear organized, taking naps and exploring the grounds of our beautiful lodge, which is incredibly peaceful and has monkeys running around keeping us entertained.
We have just wrapped up the evening with a delicious meal and plenty of friendly conversations. Everyone is doing well and excited to hit the trail tomorrow and get a little bit of exercise.
RMI Guide Casey Grom and the Kili crew
That is a Spectacular picture!!! Congratulations to You and your Team!!
Farmer Dave
Posted by: Dave Kestel on 1/13/2025 at 3:16 pm
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