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Entries from Aconcagua

Aconcagua: Smith & Team Reach Plaza Argentina

Giddy up! We woke to a chill in the air and ice where there was once a puddle of water. Today we turned off the Vacas Valley and headed up the Relinchos Valley. Several ribbons of water separated us from where we wanted to go. Instead of rolling our pants up and confronting the painfully cold water, we opted to hop onto mules and ride them across. For a brief moment we all got to pretend we were an Argentinean cowboy. Back on two feet, we spent the day making our way to basecamp. The views were jaw dropping and Aconcagua stayed in our view the entire day. Her summit calls but not just yet can we go. First we must rest from a day well done. Tomorrow we will soak in basecamp and also start preparing our loads for our carry to Camp 1 the following day.

Nighty night,
RMI Guide Hannah Smith and team

On The Map

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So cool you got to ride mules! Good job, great to follow your progress !

Posted by: All Creatures on 1/11/2020 at 2:07 pm

Amazing job everyone! We are enjoying the updates and hearing a bit of what you’re doing each day. We will continue to pray for safe trails.
We love you Pops!
Love, Noel, Xander, and Nora

Posted by: Noel Imfeld on 1/10/2020 at 10:56 pm

Smith & Team’s First Views of Aconcagua

Windy windy windy. We left Pampa de Lenas amd continued our journey up valley. What started as a light breeze grew stronger and stronger throughout the day. The wind whipped down valley creating dust clouds. Our mouths became gritty. Our skin felt rough. Our bare skin got sand blasted. It felt like tiny stings on our shins. It was as if mother nature was trying to push us away. But we put our heads down and leaned into it. Right before camp we were rewarded with our first views of Aconcagua and her neighboring peak Amigino. They look so big from where we stand. Towering 12,000 feet above us sits the summit. Fingers crossed, all the stars align and we will be standing up there in just shy of two weeks. But before that we are going to focus on our next goal, arriving at basecamp.

Talk to you all tomorrow from Plaza de Argentina,

RMI Guide Hannah Smith and team

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sounds wonderful !  Brave and strong describes you all!  A special hello to Tim!!

Posted by: Connie Riddle on 1/10/2020 at 5:11 pm

Happy Base Camp Everyone!

Sue!  Bad intel.. sorry..you know..

Hannah.. dinner at Brickhouse 737 when you get to Colorado..

Avery..well… I still love my Baker Buddy..

Everyone else?  Kick butt!

Posted by: Rhonda McCormick on 1/10/2020 at 4:13 pm

Aconcagua: Smith & Team Hit the Dusty Trail

The day that seemed like it would never come. The day the team has been training for for months. The day that starts it all, has finally arrived! We checked in with the rangers at the Parque Provincial Aconcagua, took a team photo, and started walking. It definitely felt good to get the legs moving after days of travel and sitting. The desert valley is beautiful. We walked along the riverside following the contours of the valley. After a few breaks and a juicy melon we arrived at Pampa de Lenas where we were greeted with snacks and juice. After our refreshments we put up camp as the wind picked up. The dust swirled around us.  One day in and we are covered in dirt and look as if we have been here longer. With tents up and filled with sleeping bags, we took an afternoon siesta before dinner. Dinner was magnificent! Tomato avocado salad, potatoes, bread, and carne asado. The salt burns the sun-kissed lips but it tastes so good. Bellies full, once again, we head off to bed happy.
Tomorrow brings another day walking in the Vacas Valley.

Buenos noches,
RMI Guide Hannah Smith and team

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Love seeing these photos & getting updates! We are living vicariously! Enjoy every moment!
Love you Beej!
Mom & Dad

Posted by: Judy & Dale, Byron’s parents on 1/9/2020 at 11:11 am

Thank you for posting these awesome updates and photos so we can follow along. Wishing you all the best! Hi to Byron :)

Posted by: Heather Collins on 1/9/2020 at 10:02 am

Aconcagua: Smith & Team’s Duffle Shuffle

Evening everyone! Today was a busy day full of the good ole duffle shuffle. We gathered our things and loaded into the Grajales van to make our way to Penitentes. Winter here, Penitentes is a ski resort but for us its the launching pad for Aconcagua. Our main goal today was to separate our gear into two piles: one that rides the mules straight to basecamp and one that rides the mules to each of our camps on the way in. We were rewarded with a delicious dinner after our hard work. Tomorrow is the big day...the day we hit the dusty trail. Before we start our big journey though we have got to rest up. So good night everyone. Talk to you all in the Vacas Valley.

RMI Guide Hannah Smith and team

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What a magnificent place!  Congratulations to the entire team.

I must say, it looks like a lot of work; so I am quite thrilled to experience your excursion via blog and photos from down here.

Much love to you, Tim.  We are sending good thoughts to you every day.

Posted by: Irene Simpson on 1/18/2020 at 2:42 pm

Aconcagua: Smith & Team Arrive in Mendoza

Hello everyone!

Our Aconcagua 2020 season is starting off swimmingly. The entire team has made it to Mendoza with all 19 duffles accounted for. After getting settled in at the Hotel Diplomatic, showering off the days travels, and having a team meeting, we headed over to one of our favorite restaurants, Anna Bistro. The meat and wine are as good as all the hype. With bellies full of delicious food and the air full of pleasant conversation, we made one final stop for gelato, because there is always room for dessert. But the jetlag is starting to settle in so its off to catch some Z's and dream of the days to come. Tomorrow we head to Penitentes, our launching pad for the trail. Before we know it we will be saying goodbye to beds, wifi, and luxury items and hello to sleeping bags, a dusty trail, and the brightest stars blanketing the night sky. 

Good night all,

RMI Guide Hannah Smith and team

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We are thrilled to watch as all of you launch on this adventure! Our best hopes for all of you to have a glorious time & spectacular views!
Love from us all,
Byron’s family
Judy, Dale, Anna & Heather

Posted by: Judy & Dale on 1/8/2020 at 2:56 pm


Looking good! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Godspeed!

With Love and admiration, Diane

Posted by: Diane on 1/8/2020 at 1:36 pm

Aconcagua: Smith & Team Celebrate in the City

Three days ago we were summiting Aconcagua. Last night were laying in the dirt looking up at the stars. Today, we are eating at a restaurant surrounded by people and cars, and longing for our beds at the hotel. So quickly we have left the solitude of Aconcagua and rejoined the hustle and bustle of the city. We all look like new people - showered and in street clothes. It has been quite a journey, certainly a cause for celebration. As this adventure winds down and we all fly back to our homes, we will reflect on this time together and what we accomplished. Hopefully after some rest and while flipping through the photos, another adventure will be planned and the process will start all over. Till next time, RMI Guide Hannah Smith and team
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Ms. Smith: Once again a fascinating chronicle. We sure enjoy tagging along on your adventures and conquests.

Posted by: Christopher on 2/9/2019 at 8:11 am

Aconcagua: Smith & Team Begin Trek Out

It was the walk the never seemed to end. Today we began our walk down valley. Combining two days of walking on the way in into one for the way out makes for a long day. This time however we have a light at the end of the tunnel. As we walk, we dream of showers, beds, and the carne asada dinner that awaits us. The showers and beds await us for tomorrow. Tonight we don't set up any tents but instead sleep under the star filled sky. Tomorrow is our last day in the valley. We have finally reached the end. Goodnight, RMI Guide Hannah Smith and team
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Good night all….it’s been fun to follow your journey!! Congratulations and welcome back to civilization!

Posted by: Dr. J on 2/7/2019 at 8:07 pm

Aconcagua Expedition: Smith & Team Descend to Base Camp

Wednesday, February 6, 2019 We have been going up and up this mountain for the last three weeks and now we get to make our way down. We left High Camp this morning with our eyes set on Base Camp. A place where there are chairs and tables, wifi, showers, and delicious food...all the incentive you need to keep your tired feet moving. After dropping nearly 6,000' in elevation, the air feels thicker. The team did a great job getting down and deserved some celebratory drinks. It definitely feels good to be down. As for tomorrow, we continue our downward trend to our very first camp on day one, Lenas where we will fill our bellies with a traditional carne asada feast. Our bellies are already growling. Adios, RMI Guides Hannah Smith, Avery Parrinello and team
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Aconcagua Expedition: Smith & Team Return to High Camp after Successful Summit

The big day finally arrived. We woke at a reasonable time, fired the stoves, and began sorting through the required items we would bring on summit day. As we left camp you could see the pyramid shadow of Aconcagua as the sun rose and created a beautiful view. Thus began our 12 hour day. There were hard stretches and harder stretches, but the team gritted their teeth and persevered. They gave it everything they had and came out on top. We couldn't have asked for better weather the entire day. After taking our summit photos and relaxing a little bit we made our way back down to camp. As promised, everyone ate dinner because if you don't eat your dinner you will not feel good tomorrow morning. Now it's time to let our bodies relax and recuperate for another big day tomorrow as we make our way back down to Base Camp. Thanks for all the well wishes, RMI Guides Hannah Smith and Team
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Congratulations! Wishing you all a safe descent.

Uncle Mike

Posted by: Mille Smith on 2/7/2019 at 5:15 am

AWESOME Job Hannah!!!

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 2/6/2019 at 3:32 am

Aconcagua Expedition: Smith & Team Move to High Camp, Ready for Summit Attempt

We left Camp 2 for our final camp, Camp 3 also known as Colera Camp. It was a tough day moving after resting for two days, but with some good ole pressure breathing and some tunes, the team arrived. Tomorrow is the big day, the day we have all been waiting for...summit day. The weather looks to be in our favor, so there is nothing stopping us now. All we have to do now is rest up and get mentally prepared for a long day tomorrow. Hopefully the next time you hear from us is on the summit. Wish us luck, RMI Guide Hannah Smith and team

On The Map

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Climb High Hannah and Team!!!

Posted by: Dave Kestel on 2/5/2019 at 3:17 am

Good luck team!  Hannah, lead the way!

Posted by: Shannon Smith on 2/4/2019 at 5:56 pm

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