RMI Guide Elias deAndres Martos and team reached the summit of Mt. Shuksan today. This is the first of several climbing objectives for the team. They will be spending the next few days climbing in the North Cascades.
Congratulations to today's team!
RMI Guide Mike Walter checked in with us from Mt. Shuksan. He and his team reached the summit via the Southeast Ridge in 3 1/2 hours. They are back at their high camp and will descend Fisher Chimneys tomorrow as they finish their climb.
Congratulations to the team!
Hello, this is Eric Frank. Just giving you a call from Mount Shuksan. Wanted to let everyone who is following along that we are safe and sound back in camp. We had a good day of climbing up on the glacier and the summit pyramid. Unfortunately we were not able to reach the summit. The rain from yesterday kind of lingered late into the evening. There was a big, wet cloud that hung over the glacier that didn't let us get out of camp until mid morning today. But we did climb up the glacier, got to the base of the pyramid, and got to go through a little bit of that terrain, and experience what that climbing is like. We then made the safe call to come back down before things got too late in the day, and we had to come down in the dark. We enjoyed ourselves. We're all happy and doing quite well. Hope everyone out there is doing well, take care.
RMI Guide Eric Frank
Good afternoon. This is Eric Frank calling in from the south side of Mount Shuksan. Just sitting in my tent here listening to the rain pitter patter on the outside. On the plus side, I would assume that most of the smoke from British Columbia has been knocked down. It's been raining here since around 11 p.m. last night. It rained hard throughout the night, well into the early afternoon today. We were able to get outside to do a little bit of training- built some anchors, did some crevasse rescue before the cold and heavy wet mist chased us back into our tents. So we have our fingers crossed that things are going to be looking up for tomorrow. Right now we're just getting prepared, doing our part to get ready to go climb Mount Shuksan in the morning. So hopefully we will be calling you mid-morning with a report from the top and hopefully some better weather. Looking forward to it then. Bye.
RMI Guide Eric Frank
Hey, this is Eric Frank with the Shuksan Seminar. Just wanted to let everyone know we're doing well. We moved up to the toe of the glacier had a good day of training today, and now the weather is turned a little bit the clouds are rolling in. I think we're in for a little bit of rain. We are tucked in and we have a nice camp and we're planning to train tomorrow as much as we're able given the weather. Thanks for following along.
RMI Guide Eric Frank
RMI Guide Eric Frank checks in the Shuksan Seminar.
The Sahale Mountain - Quien Sabe Glacier August 10 - 13 team reached the summit of Sahale this morning. RMI Guide Solveig Waterfall checked in to let us know her team was doing well, they had reached the summit and were descending back to camp. They will spend tonight on the mountain and complete their program tomorrow after reaching the trail head.
Congratulations to the Sahale Climbers!
RMI Guides Mike Walter & Sean Collon lead their team to the summit of Mt. Shuksan this morning. Skies are smoky in the North Cascades but the climbers were above it all.
They will return to camp for a final night in the mountains before completing their program tomorrow.
Congratulations to today's climbers!
The American Lung Association's Climb for Clean Air team reached the summit of Mt. Baker today with 100% success! RMI Guide Steve Gately reported a great climb and good route conditions. The views were hard to come by to the smoke lingering over Western Washington, but the team had a great time!
Congratulations to today's team!
This was an amazing climb for me and much of it due to the patient, clear instruction, leadership and encouragement from our guides. They were professional in their teaching and serious about our safety, while maintainig a sense of levity that made the experience unforgettable. And I learned a ton!
The Wilderness Adventures Team reached the summit of Mt. Baker via the Coleman - Deming route in the early hours Wednesday, July 26th lead by RMI Guide Solveig Waterfall and Steve Gately. The team had a great climb and beautiful weather.
During this program, the teens learned various techniques which meet the challenges set forth by Mt. Baker. Including basic mountaineering skills; efficient mountain travel (rest-stepping and pressure breathing), various safety practices including use of helmets, harnesses, and avalanche transceivers, climbing in balance, proper use of our ice axe, self and team arrest, and moderate cramponing.
Congratulations Team!
This is the North Ridge of Mt. Baker Climbing team calling to check in. We are back in our camp here at 6000'. We had a successful climb of the North Ridge today. Everyone in the group made it to the top! We had great weather, almost no wind until we were on the summit, and good temperatures. A in all a very pleasant day. The team just drive back to camp, we are relaxing, taking a little siesta out in the sun.
Thanks for following along!
RMI Guide Eric Frank - Mt. Baker North Ridge Summit
Wishing all you guys a great climb. Wishing my son Anthony Viverito and his guys a safe and fun journey.
Posted by: Linda Ann Theodoulou on 8/13/2017 at 10:11 am
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