Torres del Paine: Cifelli & Team Enjoy Another Great Day
Posted by: Dominic Cifelli
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Torres del Paine

The last day with our turtle shells came and went. In our lucky nature, of course it was a gorgeous day completing the last bit of the full circle around Torres del Paine National park. We walked along beaches of crystal blue water, saw condors that got so close I questioned how bad I really smell, and gawked at the peaks like we always do.
Luckily we have one more hike left on the amazing journey on the circuit. The Towers or Torres. The namesake of the park and the dessert we've been waiting for for quite some time now. Breakfast will be at 5 to avoid the crowds that come to the park to day hike the route but we'll be looong ahead.
I would say wish us luck, but we're all full.
RMI Guide Dominic Cifelli