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Aconcagua: Luedtke & Team Climb to Camp 2

The Fellowship of Climbers, bound by their quest to conquer Mount Doom (i.e. Aconcagua), set forth from Camp 1. Sauron (i.e. Ben), the dark lord of the mountain, led the way, his all-seeing eye detecting all possible overhead hazard.

Gollum (i.e. Yev) crept alongside, whispering "precious summit, we wants it, we needs it." Hannah, Jim, and Nick followed, their hearts steeled for the trials ahead.

As they ascended, the winds howled and the scree tumbled. Yet the Fellowship pressed on, driven by their quest to reach the unattainable summit of Mount Doom. At last, they reached Camp 2, weary but undaunted. The vastness of the mountain loomed ahead, but they stood ready to face its windy challenges."

RMI Climber James Loudin

Comments (1)

The pics keep getting better and better! The only thing more awesome would be live video! When you all get to the summit keep an eye out for low flying 757’s.
John B. In Rhode Island USA.

Posted by: John Buckett on

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