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Mexico Volcanoes: Hoch & Team Acclimatize with summit of La Malinche

Well, it wouldn’t be an international climbing expedition without some unexpected adventures. So as we drove up a mountain pass outside Mexico City on our way to our first volcano, La Malinche, and our minibus motor essentially exploded, team Mexico Volcanoes took it all in stride. 

Three hours of quality suntanning time later, our new van arrived, we gear exploded and were on our way. 

We were greeted at our cabin resort with everyone’s favorite dinner, a tower of meat, cheese and grilled cactus. The Torre de Carne righted any troubles of the day, and everyone went to bed ready to get up early and climb 14,500’ La Malinche. 

Our summit day dawned clear and beautiful and we made great time up the lower part of the mountain. People started to feel the elevation around 13000’, but the stoke was high, and around 12 noon our entire climbing team stood on the summit of La Malinche!

We celebrated at dinner with yet another tower of meat, and got ready for our next volcano, 17,159’ Iztaccihautl!

RMI Guide Joe Hoch

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