Vinson Expedition: SUMMIT!
100% Summit!!
I was thinking the other day about just how motivated people have to be to come climb big mountains. It just takes so much effort, from paying for it, training for it, and actually doing it. Real go getters, doers. At the same time, I thought it was quite funny that those same type A, don’t sit around type of people. Have to sit in tents, bide their time, and do nothing for days on end in order to climb these mountains. They take time, patience, preparedness, and luck of course.
Today was our lucky day. We finally had the night we’ve been wanting. Still, cool, clear. And in the “morning” (the sun only hides for 2 hours behind Vinson) it was all systems go. We throttled the stoves and ate our breakfasts. We got our harnesses on and donned our gloves. We started to climb, and… continued to climb.
Vinson summit day involves gentle rolling slopes with bouts of steep seemingly unrelenting hills. It climbs Southeast through the Vinson Massif in the Jacobsen Valley situated at the base of Vinson. Behind, breathtaking views North to Tyree and Shinn from angles we hadn’t yet encountered. The Grand Finale? The summit ridge. A long traverse over the top of Vinson with steep drop offs to both sides, sprawling views, and bitter wind. 100% of the team stood on top this afternoon at 3:34PM.
We did all that today and more. We accomplished a goal that didn’t know we could achieve, we summitted the tallest peak in Antarctica on the best day we could have asked for. We’ll sleep well tonight after we scarf our dinners and run to our tents. Tomorrow, we start the descent.
RMI Guide Dominic Cifelli & Team
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Vinson Expedition November 22, 2024
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December 2, 2024
Comments (7)
Well done to everyone in the group especially to James’ Grandad Myles. We are all very proud of you and what you have accomplished. Wishing you all a safe trip down and home afterward.
Corcaigh abú
Posted by: Rory and James on
Hallo Anja,
Your Dream became true ! Congratulions, also to the whole team.
Liebe Grüße von Mama Monika
Posted by: Monika on
Awesome, just awesome! The isolation of this place must have made you all feel emotions on the summit similar to what the first people on the moon felt back in 1969. Still on earth but otherworldly for sure.
John B
Posted by: John on
Wow, herzlichen Glückwunsch euch Allen! Well done. Kommt gut zurück mit vielen eindrucksvollen Erinnerungen.
Posted by: Romy on
Dear team,
Congratulations to you all!
Wow, what a great performance!!
To read your blog is like a crime.
I wish you all the best for the descent.
Warm greetings, especially to Anja,
Posted by: Roswitha Dörfler on
not sure - positive this is out of my realm of ability - nevertheless I enjoyed following the story - remember ...............“getting down in madatory ” #edviesters
Posted by: scott lipinoga on
422 / 5.000
Congratulations to all of you - nothing else to say
Fantastic, you did the right thing at the right time and the weather was also kind to you and did its part.
Super great, fantastic, everyone on the summit
You are a great team and a big thank you to Dominic
A big kiss to my wife ANJA - I was so sure you could do it.
My joy is with you but my concern for you was always there too
I am so happy, everything is going well
Posted by: Hans on