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Vinson Expedition: Cifelli & Team Arrive at Vinson Base Camp

We’ve officially made it to Vinson Basecamp, a significant milestone for our team as we prepare for the climb ahead. The flight into this remote corner of Antarctica is always an unforgettable experience, with vast expanses of ice and jagged peaks stretching to the horizon. We are not alone here at Basecamp, as teams from around the world make their final preparations as well. There’s a collective sense of purpose here, a shared understanding of the challenges and rewards that come with climbing the highest peak on this frozen continent.

Tomorrow, we plan to either move camp or cache supplies at the bend in the Branscomb Glacier. This marks the start of our climb, where strategy and teamwork will play a critical role. Caching supplies is a useful tool to ensure we can move efficiently while staying prepared for what lies ahead. 

Standing at basecamp, the magnitude of our shared objective is clear. This is a team effort in every sense and we're ready. We know the climb will test us, but thats what we came here for. We’re ready to take the next chess move toward the summit.

RMI Guide Dominic Cifelli & Team

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