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Gokyo Trek: Hahn & Team Ascend to Thame

Saturday, October 5, 2024 - 2:56 am PT

It was another brilliant blue sky morning in Namche, and so it was easy to get up and get going… but leaving comfy Camp de Base is never all that easy.  We were excited to start up the Thame Valley.  There were many many nice people on the trail from Lukla to Namche and the vast majority of them were headed for Everest Basecamp.  We took some satisfaction this morning in going out of town the other way.  We walked in forest for roughly the first three miles and then began to break out of the trees to see perfectly manicured small farms along the way.  Of course we sat for tea in Thamo, comfortable outside even as some clouds began to gather.  Then it wasn’t too much further to Thame.  We began to see the destruction caused by the recent outburst flood (essentially, a month ago a natural dam failed up valley, sending a wall of water and rock down upon this beautiful village).  As usual with such things it is jarring to see some farms and tea houses completely untouched while neighboring properties are simply gone or in ruins.  We were welcomed at the Paradise Lodge in early afternoon, having gone just over six miles from Namche.  A big lunch put the team in the proper mood for resting through the afternoon and adjusting to the “new” altitude. 

Best Regards,
RMI Guide Dave Hahn

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