Kilimanjaro: Okita & Team Complete Climb, Descend to Mweka Gate
Posted by: Brent Okita
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Kilimanjaro

Monday, August 5, 2024 - 7:47 PM PT
After a slippery walk down from Mweka Camp we made it to the Mweka Gate in good shape. Legs were feeling the 13,000' descent of the past two days but smiles were broad as we knew we had done it.
A celebratory lunch and fun farewell festivities with our mountain crew closed out this wonderful climb. Riding back to the hotel thought of a shower was not the only thing on the team's mind as I know I wasn't the only one thinking back on our time on the mountain.
After we exhausted the hotel of all its hot water washing off layers of dust from our bodies, we enjoyed a dinner celebration to recognize our huge accomplishment. Yes, we climbed a big mountain but more, we had an incredible experience where we made new friends, shared time with folks from a very different culture and maybe even learned a little something about ourselves too.
Then we headed to the soft, cushy bed our tired bodies craved after a week of sleeping on a 1" pad. What luxury!
And now... another beginning: the safari!
RMI Guide Brent Okita