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Bolivia: Bond & Team Arrive in La Paz

For most of us, its been quite a journey to make it to Bolivia, as many of us had to deal with cancelled and delayed flights.  Most of us arrived early this morning into El Alto at 13,500' with the airport sitting on the plateau above the city of La Paz.  Due to the high elevation, (La Paz is the highest capital city in the world!) planes need to land at night with colder air temperatures in order to be able to take off. 

After a little bit of sleep and some breakfast at our hotel Mitru Sur, our group went for a ride on the teleferico (cable car) system that travels all over the city of La Paz and El Alto.  This allowed us to see some sights without having to put in too much effort as we start to acclimatize to the high altitude we start at here in Bolivia.  

We're beginning to pack as we head out tomorrow on Isla del Sol on Lake Titicaca (2nd highest freshwater lake in the world) where we will continue to acclimatize at the famous La Estancia Ecolodge before heading into the mountains.  

RMI Guides Andy Bond & Henry Coppolillo

PC: Andy Bond

Comments (2)

Thank you, Jessee!  Early squirrely is your jam now, (is it too soon?)thanks for covering for me!  I am very grateful to be able to breakaway to do those things I think about everyday.  I miss the crew but I will be back soon.  Keep us at the #1 spot while I’m gone.  Send It!!!!

Posted by: Katherine on

We miss you Katherine, I see the planes can only land at night/early morning. But I know bright and squirrely is your MO. Give that mountain hell and come back safely!! Enjoy the trek and some much deserved time off!

Posted by: Jessee Wyld on

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