Mt. Rainier: Luedtke & Emmons Seminar Team Reach Summit
Posted by: Ben Luedtke, Charlie Harrison, Joey Manship, Ben Thorneycroft
Elevation: 14,410'

At 7:44 am today, we received word from RMI Guide Ben Luedtke that the Expedition Skills Seminar - Emmons July 12 - 17 team had reached the summit of Mt. Raineir with 100% of their climbers. They will return to Camp Schurman and spend a second night there. Tomorrow they will descend to the trailhead and return to Rainier BaseCamp.
Yesterday, the Emmons Seminar moved up to Camp Schurman for the night! After waking up to a nice warm sun on their faces and enjoying some breakfast, they practiced some fixed line ascending. Then, donned heavy packs for the journey over the rock step to Camp Schurman. After a little rest, they practiced crevasse rescue before making an early dinner and laying down to get some sleep before their climb tonight.
Beautiful weather, light winds, enjoying every moment.
Congratulations team!
PC: Ben Luedtke from their ascent to Inter Glacier on the first day of their climb.
UPDATE: Summit Photos from the Emmons team. 7/16/2024