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Mt. Rainier: Four Day Climb Wedel and Bennett Reach Summit

RMI Guides Jess Wedel and Mike Bennett led their Four Day Climb June 27-30 to the summit of Mt. Rainier.  The teams reported winds on the crater rim 15-20 mph and an overall nice day. The teams reached the summit around 6 am and are on their descent to Camp Muir. Once back at Camp the teams will pack up their gear and continue the remaining 4,500' down to Paradise. Their program will conclude this afternoon at Rainier BaseCamp.

Congratulations to today's climbers!

Comments (3)

Wow what a great trip!  The guides are some of the coolest people on the planet!  They were funny, extremely knowledgeable, and humble. every aspect of the trip was fun, but challenging in some way. Be physically and mentally ready. It’s a full few days with no real sleep to get to the top. Loved every minute. Thanks Jess, Dillon, Mitch! 
Everyone, please remember to tip your guides.

Posted by: Karl Rummel on

It was a great day and thank you Jess and Mitch for leading our team to the summit. Was a great feeling to summit after trying and failing due to weather back in 2008 for me. However, just FYI, we all thought the winds were more like 30 mph based on how cold it was at the peak. ;-)

Posted by: Eric Dirst on

Congratulations Mike and the rest of the climbers, we’re so proud of you all!

Posted by: Mayra Rodriguez on

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