Mt. Rainier: Five Day Climb Turned by High Winds
Posted by: Hannah Smith, Josh Geiser, Sam Marjerison, Nick Sinapius
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 11,200'

Our team woke to winds high enough to hold you still and push you around. We pushed to first break at Ingraham Flats where we decided that would be our high point. A lot of steep terrain above would not have been fun to be on in any amount of wind. Everyone has been enjoying a bit more rest before making our way back down to Paradise later this morning.
On a bright side, a fox was spotted in camp. It appeared to be healthy and quite quick at running across glaciers.
RMI Guide Hannah Smith
Comments (1)
Huh. Didn’t even know foxes lived up there ...
Posted by: Some guy from Puyallup on