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Everest Base Camp Trek & Lobuche Climb: Team Reaches Gorekshep

We made it to Gorekshep — our last stop until Base Camp. Wahoo!!

We started the day with some affirmations sent from home (shout out to Heather! We are LOVING all the little surprises) and decided our motto for the day was “Be Happy. Shine bright. Dream big.”

After days on the trail and as our bodies are working hard to adapt to these altitudes, little reminders to keep a positive attitude and hold fast to our dreams is so important. We walked slow and steady today focusing on each breath. Deep breath in, out, pressure breath, pressure breath, deep breath and repeat. After all this time at high altitude we have learned how much this helps as we go into thinner air. This team is STRONG and after a few hours we made it to Gorekshep.

We warmed up with lemon ginger honey tea and RaRa soup before some of us ventured to the top of Kala Patthar, a climb just outside of Gorekshep, reaching over 18,500 feet. The rest of us stayed warm in the teahouse dining room while playing cards and telling stories. The daily afternoon clouds moved in but the Kala Patthar crew still got some epic Everest views.

We’re off to sleep and can’t wait for what tomorrow holds!

RMI Guides Jess, Sam and team

Comments (2)

We are thinking of you and hope you had a successful and inspiring trek to base camp
Ted and Patti

Posted by: Ted and Patti Reingold on

So excited and in awe of everyone. Cheering you all onward. I’m a friend of Jenell P. Followed her trekking in Tanzania to Kilimanjaro summit - now EBC.  Best wishes to all - Elena A ⭐️

Posted by: Elena on

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