Kilimanjaro: Grom & Team Reach Summit - 100% to the top!
100% on top
Team is doing well. Tired but in great spirits.
We’ve descended back to high camp where we’ll have lunch to refuel and then hit the trail and head to thicker air.
Tonight we’ll spend our last night on the mountain before heading out of the park tomorrow.
RMI Guides Casey Grom, Jess Wedel and the summit team!!!
Comments (3)
Ian & Erin, I’m so proud of you! Congratulations on reaching the top! Can’t wait k hear all about your adventures.
Posted by: Kim Clark on
Yay Crigler’s!!!! What an amazing accomplishment and can’t wait to hear all the wonderful stories.
Safe travels home!!
Posted by: Francine on
To: Ian & Erin
Great work accomplishing a goal. Quite fabulous.
Posted by: Rob Schrader on