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Aconcagua Expedition: Cifelli & Team Enjoy Rest Day At Base Camp

A day of rest, a lie in, coffee in bed, maybe a bagel, a nice long hot shower, a day at the spa for some, a day without kids, we all have our definition, our dream.  A day of rest at 13,800 ft is a little different.  Today is the day where you plan for the carry to Camp 1, gear is divided and camp essentials are split between us all.   It’s first come first served - do I want a frying pan, a grill, 3 bottles of fuel, or 2000 bags of dried spaghetti bolognese?   What will fit in my bag?  One person who has it all sorted is Ben, he’s called in Rob to carry his bag. 

The part of the body that doesn’t get a rest day is your brain - have I packed everything, have I included enough food, can I carry that monster a.k.a 100-liter rucksack, should I snag a porter?  And this is supposed to be a vacation.  

The wind at base camp was pretty raucous today - a couple of tents (not ours) were seen blowing across the camp being hastily pursued by wildly gesticulating would have been mountaineers. 

All in all, a good restful (?) day, only interrupted by a vigorous stroll up to the start of the glacier at 14,500ft - a new high for a member of the team. However, the altitude is having an impact.  Last night the team was playing cards, after about 1 hour of playing rummy Andy commented

“is this Rummy, I thought it was Euchre, it’s seem a lot like rummy”.  It was time for bed. 

Climber Myles O'Neill

Comments (4)

Simply Amaze me today!!!!

Posted by: Julie Couturier on

One more question for some of you, ‘should I have trained more?!’ But you are all experienced and will be awesome. What a marvelous experience. Ultreia!

Posted by: Mary McKinley on

Yes to a nice long hot shower, bagel, and nap. No on the frying pan and yes to the porter!  It sure seems like you all are taking a lot “vigorous strolls.”  I vote for a good day of relaxation but alas, my vote doesn’t count.  You all amaze me!  Take care of each other! Onward and upward!

Posted by: Michelle DeMers on

I can only imagine the unruly weight of those packs loaded up with food supplies.  I would gladly pass on the frying pans.  I think this section aptly qualifies as Type II fun. Per REI:  “miserable while it’s happening, but fun in retrospect. It usually begins with the best intentions, and then things get carried away.”  You all are true champions.  Enjoy the climb up.

Posted by: Ed DaPra on

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