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Kilimanjaro: Grom & Team Enjoy Final Day on Safari

Hello everyone,

We spent our final day yesterday touring Tarangire National Park, which is home to more elephants per square kilometer than any place on earth and it didn’t disappoint. There were plenty of other animals as usual, and we got pretty close which was amazing. There were also plenty of the other large African mammals, including a bunch of Giraffes and even a leopard napping in a tree.

We ended our day at a remote and off grid camp within the National Park and surrounded by wildlife. The camp has screened in rooms that allow the night sounds and smells of Africa in.

It's been a memorable experience for everyone with great friendships forged. But finally it's time to return home to our families and loved ones.

Thanks for following!

RMI Guide Casey Grom and the Safari crew!

Comments (3)

Great photos and I enjoyed the daily stories.  I’m looking forward to hearing about this epic adventure from Suzanne Rust when I see her again next summer in Talkeetna, AK.  I’ve been considering doing this trek as well so it will be nice to get a first hand impression from someone who has done it with RMI.

Posted by: Gregory Beckstrom on

What a lovely way to end your adventure.  I was hoping to see some gin and tonics around the fire.  Last night I was standing outside in Colorado, looking at the full moon and wondering if you were seeing the same thing in Tanzania.  Looking forward to seeing you soon, Natasha!

Posted by: CHERYL BUHLER on

Wow, such a great experience for everyone of them. Thanks for keeping us updated and easing our minds that they were all doing well. It was very much appreciated. Safe travels home to all!

Posted by: Lynda Sheets on

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