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Kilimanjaro: Grom and Crew Reach Karanga Camp

Hello again everyone! 

Right out of camp the team was faced with the only significant technical obstacle for this climb. This hurdle is the great Barranco Wall, which rises about 1000ft and looks as intimidating as it sounds. Thankfully there is a nice narrow trail that weaves its way up and through the wall and all the way to the top. Most of it feels more like steep hiking, but there are a few places that require the use of our hands to help us climb up. 

The team did an amazing job of moving steadily and allowing a few porters to pass with their loads precariously balanced on their heads. It was incredibly busy, but the team cruised through easily. Everyone said it was the highlight thus far!

After reaching the top we took a nice break and enjoyed the intermittent views of the ice ladened south face and valleys below between the passing clouds. The team continued our hike for a few more hours up and down through a few valleys before reaching today’s endpoint. 

All in all, it took only about 4 hours for us to reach our next camp called Karanga, named for the big and beautiful valley which it overlooks. 

RMI Guide Casey Grom and Crew!

Comments (3)

Ode to Dylan Part 2 (To the tune of “Beat It”)

Elliot Merrill said you better pay your dues
Or your house you’ll lose, you’re a weird mountaineer
Mount Kilimanjaro is where your adventure will start
So climb it, just climb it

Get your gear, show no fear and summit
Don’t wanna hear excuses, cuz you’re a Florida mountaineer
Seeking tanzanite, not at a cruise site
So climb it, and reach the mountain’s peak

Just climb it (climb it), climb it (climb it)
We all want you to achieve it
Prove you’re no flunky and climb with your might
It doesn’t matter about the weather
Just climb it (climb it)
Just climb it (climb it)
Just climb it (climb it)
Just climb it (climb it, uh)

The mountain’s expanse brings me no fear
I left the sandy shores of Florida to get here
Back at home, my wild little dog doesn’t even care
So Climb it, just climb it

My eyes on the peak, taking one step at a time
With the heat of Africa pulsing through my veins, I’m aflame
My air gets even thinner as I ascend
But I know I will contend
So Climb it, show how much fun it is

Just climb it (climb it), climb it (climb it),
We all want you to achieve it
Prove you’re no flunky and climb with your might
It doesn’t matter about the weather

Just climb it (climb it), climb it (climb it)
We all want you to achieve it
Prove you’re no flunky and climb with your might
It doesn’t matter about the weather
Just climb it (climb it, climb it, climb it)
Climb it (climb it, climb it)

Climb it (climb it, climb it)
Climb it (climb it, climb it)

Climb it (climb it, climb it)

Just climb it (climb it), climb it (climb it)
We all want you to achieve it
Prove you’re no flunky and climb with your might
It doesn’t matter about the weather

Just climb it (climb it), just climb it (climb it)

Posted by: Heather Reingold on

I don’t know if the climbers can see these comments (hopefully they can at some point/someone is reading these to them) but wanted to let my mom (Rebecca) know I’m proud of her and wishing her well! I’m in good spirits for my MCAT tomorrow — going to give it my all and make it to the end of that test just like you’re going to make it to the top of that mountain. You’re forever my biggest role model. Love you!!

Posted by: Sarah Torzone on

Is that Tom leading the pack?  Shocker!  Lol

Posted by: Diane Schuler on

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