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Kilimanjaro: Hahn & Team Enjoy their Last Day in Africa

There were elephants walking between our tents in the night. We went to sleep to the sound of them eating grass and shrubs. Breakfast at Lokisale was just before sunrise and so we got the maximum value from our final day on Safari. We hated to leave such a comfortable camp, but we were excited to see what we could see. Within a few minutes drive, we’d crossed back into Tarangire National Park, but a considerable distance from the main gate. Our drivers took us along a gigantic swamp which was teeming with wildlife. We had the place to ourselves for hours.  The team was still looking high and low for leopards when we found lions. Two big males, out for a mellow morning of hunting. They simply walked toward herds of hartebeest or Cape buffalo without much stealth, hoping to get lucky. 

Then we saw a lioness and her two cubs laying about and doing cat things. Before the morning was out we’d gotten glimpses of another leopard and a couple of Cheetahs.  Not close enough for photography but close enough that we felt very lucky to see them. We headed for the main gate eventually, after a hundred more eagles and giraffes, a dozen hippos, a million impala and wildebeest and zebra. There were hyenas and mongooses and darn near everything else… except bears and tigers.  And mile after mile of beautiful East African savanna and forest. 

By noon we were out of the park and driving east toward Arusha. We made a final stop at the cultural center on the city outskirts and stretched our legs while surveying the artwork. We reached our comfortable and familiar Rivertrees Hotel just after 3 PM. Then we started having to say goodbye to one another as our itineraries diverged. Some of us are flying today, some tomorrow, some are continuing the expedition to the shores of Zanzibar. It was a good team and so we are confident of seeing each other again on some future adventure. Even so, there is just a little sadness that it all has to end for now. 

It was pretty fun. Thanks for following along. 

Best Regards,

RMI Guide Dave Hahn & Team

Comments (4)

We sure have enjoyed your blog and making us feel like we were on the journey with our friends! Congratulations to all on the tour! Safe travels home to everyone! Can’t wait to hear more about your trip and pictures on IG Cindee! Much love!

Posted by: Allie Frankie & Tillie on

Thank you, Dave for your wonderful blog. I think you should write for a travel magazine.Your comments and insights are so descriptive - all of us on the other side of the world could imagine being part of your expedition. Thank you for taking good care of our daughter Melanie, and her close friends, Debi and Dan.  More travels in the future for these adventurers? You bet!! Wishing you all the best, Janice Smiley

Posted by: Janice Smiley on

I do not have the words to express how much I enjoyed following this group on their fabulous journey in Tanzania. Thank you very much for the daily emails and all of the wonderful pictures. This has been an experience of a lifetime for my daughter Sarah.

Posted by: Linda Ostapchuk on

What a great adventure! Summiting Kilimanjaro and spotting the big 5! Thanks for keeping all of us posted with these blog posts. Hope you all treasure these incredible memories.

Posted by: Pamela Herman on

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