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Kilimanjaro: Hahn & Team Descend Final 4,000 to complete their climb

At breakfast, there was overwhelming consensus that a whole night at 10,000 ft was better than half a night at 15,000 ft.  We were rested and we had appetites again and we were talking about showers.  But we still needed to get down the final 4000 ft of trail to the Mweka Gate.  Our staff pulled out all the stops for a good sendoff breakfast and then we got walking down through the forest.  At first the trail was dry and pleasant, but around 9000 ft that changed.  It got slick and muddy and treacherous.  The forest was beautiful, of course, but we couldn’t look around much because every step required care and concentration to avoid slipping.  Cheerful porters balancing great awkward loads came running down the slippery track but we had to tiptoe.  That technique worked well though, by 11:00 we were on drier and easier ground coming to the Mweka Gate at 6000 ft.  We signed out with the National Park and then rode a short distance to a local shop that hosted our team lunch and farewell ceremony with our staff.  It was a cheerful session of dancing and singing.  We tipped each and every one of the 44 Barking Zebra staff and tried to express our gratitude for their efforts.  After goodbyes and a little souvenir shopping the team boarded the bus for the two hour ride back to Rivertrees Inn in Usa River.  Showers at last!  After all of that we got together for a celebration dinner out in the garden.  The trip isn’t over, by any means, but we are entering a far more comfortable phase as we head toward Safari. 

Best regards,

RMI Guide Dave Hahn

Comments (2)

Wow! What a wonderful experience and incredible journey! Loving your adventure Cindee & Amanda! Can’t wait to see more!

Posted by: Allie Frankie & Tillie on

Congratulations on this awesome achievement! Can’t wait to see the safari! Woo-hoo!

Posted by: Kasey Oldham on

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